-- Coinductive axiomatisation of subtyping

module RecursiveTypes.Subtyping.Axiomatic.Coinductive where

open import Data.Nat using (; zero; suc)
open import Coinduction

open import RecursiveTypes.Syntax
open import RecursiveTypes.Substitution
open import RecursiveTypes.Semantics
open import RecursiveTypes.Subtyping.Semantic.Coinductive as Sem
  using (_≤∞Prog_; _≤Coind_; ⟦_⟧≤∞;;; var; _⟶_; _∎; _≤⟨_⟩_)

-- Definition

-- This definition uses mixed induction and coinduction. Induction is
-- used for rules like transitivity, whereas coinduction is used for
-- structural rules. Benjamin Pierce observed in Types and Programming
-- Languages that coinductive inference systems cannot be
-- "declarative" (including rules like transitivity); they can be
-- "algorithmic" (syntax-directed), though. However, by mixing
-- induction and coinduction one can combine the benefits of
-- coinduction and declarative inference systems.

infixr 10 _⟶_
infix  4  _≤_
infixr 2  _≤⟨_⟩_
infix  2  _∎

data _≤_ {n} : Ty n  Ty n  Set where
  -- Structural rules. Note that the rule for _⟶_ is coinductive.
     :  {τ}    τ
     :  {σ}  σ  
  _⟶_ :  {σ₁ σ₂ τ₁ τ₂} (τ₁≤σ₁ :  (τ₁  σ₁)) (σ₂≤τ₂ :  (σ₂  τ₂)) 
        σ₁  σ₂  τ₁  τ₂

  -- Rules for folding and unfolding μ.
  unfold :  {τ₁ τ₂}  μ τ₁  τ₂  unfold[μ τ₁  τ₂ ]
  fold   :  {τ₁ τ₂}  unfold[μ τ₁  τ₂ ]  μ τ₁  τ₂

  -- Reflexivity.
  _∎ :  τ  τ  τ

  -- Transitivity.
  _≤⟨_⟩_ :  τ₁ {τ₂ τ₃} (τ₁≤τ₂ : τ₁  τ₂) (τ₂≤τ₃ : τ₂  τ₃)  τ₁  τ₃

-- Equivalence

-- The axiomatisation is equivalent to the semantic definitions of
-- subtyping.

sound′ :  {n} {σ τ : Ty n}  σ  τ   σ  ≤∞Prog  τ 
sound′                      = 
sound′                      = 
sound′ (τ₁≤σ₁  σ₂≤τ₂)       =  sound′ ( τ₁≤σ₁)   sound′ ( σ₂≤τ₂)
sound′ unfold                = Sem.prog Sem.unfold
sound′ fold                  = Sem.prog Sem.fold
sound′ (τ )                 = _ 
sound′ (τ₁ ≤⟨ τ₁≤τ₂  τ₂≤τ₃) = _ ≤⟨ sound′ τ₁≤τ₂  sound′ τ₂≤τ₃

sound :  {n} {σ τ : Ty n}  σ  τ  σ ≤Coind τ
sound σ≤τ =  sound′ σ≤τ ⟧≤∞

complete :  {n} (σ τ : Ty n)  σ ≤Coind τ  σ  τ
complete          _         _ = 
complete _                  _ = 
complete                   ()
complete          (var x)   ()
complete          (σ  τ)   ()
complete          (μ σ  τ) ()
complete (var x)            ()
complete (var x)   (var .x)  var = var x 
complete (var x)   (σ  τ)   ()
complete (var x)   (μ σ  τ) ()
complete (σ₁  σ₂)          ()
complete (σ₁  σ₂) (var x)   ()
complete (σ₁  σ₂) (τ₁  τ₂) (τ₁≤σ₁  σ₂≤τ₂) =
   complete τ₁ σ₁ ( τ₁≤σ₁)   complete σ₂ τ₂ ( σ₂≤τ₂)
complete (σ₁  σ₂) (μ τ₁  τ₂) (τ₁≤σ₁  σ₂≤τ₂) =
  σ₁  σ₂             ≤⟨  complete _ _ ( τ₁≤σ₁) 
                          complete _ _ ( σ₂≤τ₂) 
  unfold[μ τ₁  τ₂ ]  ≤⟨ fold 
  μ τ₁  τ₂           
complete (μ σ₁  σ₂)          ()
complete (μ σ₁  σ₂) (var x)   ()
complete (μ σ₁  σ₂) (τ₁  τ₂) (τ₁≤σ₁  σ₂≤τ₂) =
  μ σ₁  σ₂           ≤⟨ unfold 
  unfold[μ σ₁  σ₂ ]  ≤⟨  complete _ _ ( τ₁≤σ₁) 
                          complete _ _ ( σ₂≤τ₂) 
  (τ₁  τ₂)           
complete (μ σ₁  σ₂) (μ τ₁  τ₂) (τ₁≤σ₁  σ₂≤τ₂) =
  μ σ₁  σ₂           ≤⟨ unfold 
  unfold[μ σ₁  σ₂ ]  ≤⟨  complete _ _ ( τ₁≤σ₁) 
                          complete _ _ ( σ₂≤τ₂) 
  unfold[μ τ₁  τ₂ ]  ≤⟨ fold 
  μ τ₁  τ₂