-- An investigation of nested fixpoints of the form μX.νY.… in Agda

module MuNu where

open import Coinduction
import Data.Colist as Colist
open import Data.Digit
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.List using (List; _∷_; [])
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Stream
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary

-- Christophe Raffalli discusses (essentially) the type μO. νZ. Z + O
-- in his thesis. If Z is read as zero and O as one, then this type
-- contains bit sequences of the form (0^⋆1)^⋆0^ω.

-- It is interesting to note that currently it is not possible to
-- encode this type directly in Agda. One might believe that the
-- following definition should work. First we define the inner
-- greatest fixpoint:

data Z (O : Set) : Set where
  [0] :  (Z O)  Z O
  [1] :    O     Z O

-- Then we define the outer least fixpoint:

data O : Set where
   : Z O  O

-- However, it is still possible to define values of the form (01)^ω:

01^ω : O
01^ω =  ([0] ( [1] 01^ω))

-- The reason is the way the termination/productivity checker works:
-- it accepts definitions by guarded corecursion as long as the guard
-- contains at least one occurrence of ♯_, no matter how the types
-- involved are defined. In effect ∞ has global reach. The mistake
-- done above was believing that O is defined to be a least fixpoint.
-- The type O really corresponds to νZ. μO. Z + O, i.e. (1^⋆0)^ω:

data O′ : Set where
  [0] :  O′  O′
  [1] :   O′  O′


  O→O′ : O  O′
  O→O′ ( z) = ZO→O′ z

  ZO→O′ : Z O  O′
  ZO→O′ ([0] z) = [0] ( ZO→O′ ( z))
  ZO→O′ ([1] o) = [1] (O→O′ o)


  O′→O : O′  O
  O′→O o =  (O′→ZO o)

  O′→ZO : O′  Z O
  O′→ZO ([0] o) = [0] ( O′→ZO ( o))
  O′→ZO ([1] o) = [1] (O′→O o)

-- If O had actually encoded the type μO. νZ. Z + O, then we could
-- have proved the following theorem:


  ⟦_⟧O : O  Stream Bit
    z ⟧O =  z ⟧Z

  ⟦_⟧Z : Z O  Stream Bit
   [0] z ⟧Z = 0b     z ⟧Z
   [1] o ⟧Z = 1b      o ⟧O

Theorem : Set
Theorem =  o  ¬ (head  o ⟧O  0b × head (tail  o ⟧O)  1b ×
                                      tail (tail  o ⟧O)   o ⟧O)

-- This would have been unfortunate, though:

inconsistency : Theorem  
inconsistency theorem = theorem 01^ω (refl , refl , proof)
  proof : tail (tail  01^ω ⟧O)   01^ω ⟧O
  proof = 0b   (1b   proof)

-- Using the following elimination principle we can prove the theorem:

data  {O} (P : O  Set) : Z O  Set where
  [0] :  {z}   ( P ( z))   P ([0] z)
  [1] :  {o}  P o             P ([1] o)

O-Elim : Set₁
O-Elim = (P : O  Set)  (∀ {z}   P z  P ( z))  (o : O)  P o

theorem : O-Elim  Theorem
theorem O-elim = O-elim P helper
  P : O  Set
  P o = ¬ (head  o ⟧O  0b × head (tail  o ⟧O)  1b ×
                              tail (tail  o ⟧O)   o ⟧O)

  head-cong :  {A} {xs ys : Stream A}  xs  ys  head xs  head ys
  head-cong (x  xs≈) = refl

  tail-cong :  {A} {xs ys : Stream A}  xs  ys  tail xs  tail ys
  tail-cong (x  xs≈) =  xs≈

  helper :  {z}   P z  P ( z)
  helper ([1] p) (()   , eq₂ , eq₃)
  helper ([0] p) (refl , eq₂ , eq₃) =
    hlp _ eq₂ (head-cong eq₃) (tail-cong eq₃) ( p)
    hlp :  z  head  z ⟧Z  1b 
                head (tail  z ⟧Z)  0b 
                tail (tail  z ⟧Z)   z ⟧Z 
                 P z  
    hlp .([0] _) ()  eq₂ eq₃ ([0] p)
    hlp .([1] _) eq₁ eq₂ eq₃ ([1] p) =
      p (eq₂ , head-cong eq₃ , tail-cong eq₃)

-- Fortunately it appears as if we cannot prove this elimination
-- principle. The following code is not accepted by the termination
-- checker:


  O-elim : O-Elim
  O-elim P hyp (↓ z) = hyp (Z-elim P hyp z)

  Z-elim : (P : O → Set) →
           (∀ {z} → ⇑ P z → P (↓ z)) →
           (z : Z O) → ⇑ P z
  Z-elim P hyp ([0] z) = [0] (♯ Z-elim P hyp (♭ z))
  Z-elim P hyp ([1] o) = [1] (O-elim P hyp o)

-- If hyp were known to be contractive, then the code above would be
-- correct (if not accepted by the termination checker). This is not
-- the case in theorem above.