-- An example

module Mixfix.Acyclic.Example where

open import Coinduction
open import Data.Vec using ([]; _∷_; [_])
open import Data.List as List
  using (List; []; _∷_) renaming ([_] to L[_])
open import Data.List.Any as Any using (here; there)
open Any.Membership-≡ using (_∈_)
import Data.Colist as Colist
open import Data.Product using (∃₂; ,_)
open import Data.Unit using ()
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Nat using (zero; suc)
open import Data.Fin using (#_)
import Data.String as String
open String using (String; _++_)
open import Relation.Binary
import Relation.Binary.List.Pointwise as ListEq
open DecSetoid (ListEq.decSetoid String.decSetoid) using (_≟_)
open import Data.Function using (_∘_; _$_)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; if_then_else_)
import Data.Bool.Show as Bool
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (decToBool)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import IO

open import Mixfix.Fixity hiding (_≟_)
open import Mixfix.Operator
open import Mixfix.Expr
open import Mixfix.Acyclic.PrecedenceGraph
import Mixfix.Acyclic.Grammar as Grammar
import Mixfix.Acyclic.Show as Show
import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Simplified as Simplified
open Simplified using (Parser)
import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Backend.DepthFirst
  as DepthFirst
import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Backend.BreadthFirst
  as BreadthFirst

-- Operators

atom : Operator closed 0
atom = record { nameParts = "•"  [] }

plus : Operator (infx left) 0
plus = record { nameParts = "+"  [] }

ifThen : Operator prefx 1
ifThen = record { nameParts = "i"  "t"  [] }

ifThenElse : Operator prefx 2
ifThenElse = record { nameParts = "i"  "t"  "e"  [] }

comma : Operator (infx left) 0
comma = record { nameParts = ","  [] }

wellTyped : Operator postfx 1
wellTyped = record { nameParts = "⊢"  "∶"  [] }

-- Precedence graph

abstract  -- To speed up type-checking.

  prec : List (∃₂ Operator)  List Precedence  Precedence
  prec ops = precedence  fix  List.gfilter (hasFixity fix) ops)


    a  = prec ((, , atom)  [])                       []
    pl = prec ((, , plus)  [])                       (a  [])
    ii = prec ((, , ifThen)  (, , ifThenElse)  [])  (pl  a  [])
    c  = prec ((, , comma)  [])                      (ii  pl  a  [])
    wt = prec ((, , wellTyped)  [])                  (c  a  [])

  g : PrecedenceGraph
  g = wt  c  ii  pl  a  []

-- Expressions

  open PrecedenceCorrect acyclic g

   : ExprIn a non
   =  here refl  [] 

  _+_ : Outer pl left  Expr (a  [])  ExprIn pl left
  e₁ + e₂ = e₁  here refl  [] ⟩ˡ e₂

  i_t_ : Expr g  Outer ii right  ExprIn ii right
  i e₁ t e₂ =  here refl  e₁  []  e₂

  i_t_e_ : Expr g  Expr g  Outer ii right  ExprIn ii right
  i e₁ t e₂ e e₃ =  there (here refl)  e₁  e₂  []  e₃

  _,_ : Outer c left  Expr (ii  pl  a  [])  ExprIn c left
  e₁ , e₂ = e₁  here refl  [] ⟩ˡ e₂

  _⊢_∶ : Outer wt left  Expr g  Expr g
  e₁  e₂  = here refl  (e₁  here refl  [ e₂ ] )

-- Some tests

open Show g

fromNameParts : List NamePart  String
fromNameParts = List.foldr _++_ ""

toNameParts : String  List NamePart
toNameParts = List.map (String.fromList  L[_])  String.toList

data Backend : Set where
  depthFirst   : Backend
  breadthFirst : Backend

parse :  {Tok e R}  Backend  Parser Tok e R  List Tok  List R
parse depthFirst   p = DepthFirst.parseComplete p
parse breadthFirst p = BreadthFirst.parseComplete (Simplified.⟦_⟧ p)

parseExpr : Backend  String  List String
parseExpr backend = List.map (fromNameParts  show) 
                    parse backend (Grammar.expression g) 

-- The breadth-first backend is considerably slower than the
-- depth-first one on these examples.
backend = depthFirst

runTest : String  List String  IO 
runTest s₁ s₂ = ♯₁
  putStrLn ("Testing: " ++ s₁)           >> ♯₁ (♯₁
  mapM′ putStrLn (Colist.fromList p₁)    >> ♯₁
  putStrLn (if decToBool (p₁  s₂)
            then "Passed" else "Failed") )
  where p₁ = parseExpr backend s₁

main = run (♯₁
  runTest "•+•⊢•∶"      []                               >> ♯₁ (♯₁
  runTest "•,•⊢∶"       []                               >> ♯₁ (♯₁
  runTest "•⊢•∶"        L[ "•⊢•∶" ]                      >> ♯₁ (♯₁
  runTest "•,i•t•+•⊢•∶" L[ "•,i•t•+•⊢•∶" ]               >> ♯₁
  runTest "i•ti•t•e•"   ("i•ti•t•e•"  "i•ti•t•e•"  []) ))))