-- A variant of StreamProg which allows the use of tail and similar
-- functions, but is more awkward to use and less efficient

module IndexedStreamProg where

open import Coinduction
import Stream as S
open S using (Stream; _≺_)
open import Data.Nat
import Data.Vec as V
open V using (Vec; []; _∷_)
import IO

-- Stream programs

data Ord : Set where
  lt : Ord
  eq : Ord
  gt : Ord

infixr 5 _≺_ _≺≺_

-- Prog A m n encodes programs generating streams in chunks of (at
-- least) m, with (at least) n elements in the first chunk. A more
-- general variant is also possible (drop the first index of Prog and
-- let _≺≺_ have type (xs′ : Vec A (suc m)) (xs″ : Prog A 0) →
-- Prog A m), but the current indexing scheme may be slightly easier
-- to understand.

data Prog (A : Set) :     Set1 where
  _≺≺_    :  {m} (xs′ : Vec A m) (xs″ : ∞₁ (Prog A m m))  Prog A m m
  forget  :  {m n} (xs : Prog A m (suc n))  Prog A m n
  _≺_     :  {m n} (x : A) (xs : Prog A m n)  Prog A m (suc n)
  tail    :  {m n} (xs : Prog A m (suc n))  Prog A m n
  zipWith :  {m n B C} (f : B  C  A)
            (xs : Prog B m n) (ys : Prog C m n)  Prog A m n
  map     :  {m n B} (f : B  A) (xs : Prog B m n)  Prog A m n
  -- The implementation of merge becomes messy if the indices are
  -- more general.
  merge   : (cmp : A  A  Ord)
            (xs : Prog A 1 1) (ys : Prog A 1 1)  Prog A 1 1

data WHNF A m n : Set1 where
  _≺≺_ : (xs′ : Vec A n) (xs″ : Prog A m m)  WHNF A m n

whnf :  {A m n}  Prog A m n  WHNF A m n
whnf (xs′ ≺≺ xs″)      = xs′ ≺≺ ♭₁ xs″
whnf (forget xs)       with whnf xs
whnf (forget xs)       | xs′ ≺≺ xs″ = V.init xs′ ≺≺ forget (V.last xs′  xs″)
whnf (x  xs)          with whnf xs
whnf (x  xs)          | xs′ ≺≺ xs″ = (x  xs′) ≺≺ xs″
whnf (tail xs)         with whnf xs
whnf (tail xs)         | xs′ ≺≺ xs″ = V.tail xs′ ≺≺ xs″
whnf (zipWith f xs ys) with whnf xs | whnf ys
whnf (zipWith f xs ys) | xs′ ≺≺ xs″ | ys′ ≺≺ ys″ =
  V.zipWith f xs′ ys′ ≺≺ zipWith f xs″ ys″
whnf (map f xs)        with whnf xs
whnf (map f xs)        | xs′ ≺≺ xs″ = V.map f xs′ ≺≺ map f xs″
whnf (merge cmp xs ys) with whnf xs | whnf ys
whnf (merge cmp xs ys) | (x  []) ≺≺ xs″ | (y  []) ≺≺ ys″ with cmp x y
... | lt = (x  []) ≺≺ merge cmp xs″ (forget (y  ys″))
... | eq = (x  []) ≺≺ merge cmp xs″ ys″
... | gt = (y  []) ≺≺ merge cmp (forget (x  xs″)) ys″


  value :  {A m n}  WHNF A (suc m) (suc n)  Stream A
  value ((x  [])        ≺≺ ys) = x    ys 
  value ((x  (x'  xs)) ≺≺ ys) = x   value ((x'  xs) ≺≺ ys)

  ⟦_⟧ :  {A m n}  Prog A (suc m) (suc n)  Stream A
   xs  = value (whnf xs)

-- Examples

-- Note that for every cycle another instance of forget is applied, so
-- after a while there will be a large number of forgets in the
-- unevaluated thunk. However, there will also be a large number of
-- _+_'s, so the forgets shouldn't change the asymptotic complexity of
-- the code. On the other hand, the asymptotic performance of merge
-- (defined above) is likely to be affected by the presence of the
-- forgets.

fib : Prog  1 1
fib = (0  []) ≺≺ ♯₁ (1  zipWith _+_ (forget fib) (tail fib))

hamming : Prog  1 1
hamming = (1  []) ≺≺ ♯₁ merge cmp (map (_*_ 2) hamming)
                                   (map (_*_ 3) hamming)
    toOrd :  {m n}  Ordering m n  Ord
    toOrd (less _ _)    = lt
    toOrd (equal _)     = eq
    toOrd (greater _ _) = gt

    cmp :     Ord
    cmp m n = toOrd (compare m n)

main = IO.run (S.putStream (S._⋎_  fib   hamming ))