-- A bunch of properties

module Data.Bool.Properties where

open import Data.Bool as Bool
open import Data.Fin
open import Data.Function
open import Algebra
open import Algebra.Structures
import Algebra.RingSolver.Simple as Solver
import Algebra.RingSolver.AlmostCommutativeRing as ACR
open import Relation.Nullary using (_⇔_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
import Algebra.FunctionProperties as P; open P _≡_
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Empty

import Relation.Binary.EqReasoning as EqR; open EqR Bool.setoid

-- Duality

-- Can we take advantage of duality in some (nice) way?

-- (Bool, ∨, ∧, false, true) forms a commutative semiring


  ∨-assoc : Associative _∨_
  ∨-assoc true  y z = refl
  ∨-assoc false y z = refl

  ∧-assoc : Associative _∧_
  ∧-assoc true  y z = refl
  ∧-assoc false y z = refl

  ∨-comm : Commutative _∨_
  ∨-comm true  true  = refl
  ∨-comm true  false = refl
  ∨-comm false true  = refl
  ∨-comm false false = refl

  ∧-comm : Commutative _∧_
  ∧-comm true  true  = refl
  ∧-comm true  false = refl
  ∧-comm false true  = refl
  ∧-comm false false = refl

  ∨-identity : Identity false _∨_
  ∨-identity =  _  refl) ,  x  ∨-comm x false)

  ∧-identity : Identity true _∧_
  ∧-identity =  _  refl) ,  x  ∧-comm x true)

  zero-∧ : Zero false _∧_
  zero-∧ =  _  refl) ,  x  ∧-comm x false)

  distrib-∧-∨ : _∧_ DistributesOver _∨_
  distrib-∧-∨ = distˡ , distʳ
    distˡ : _∧_ DistributesOverˡ _∨_
    distˡ true  y z = refl
    distˡ false y z = refl

    distʳ : _∧_ DistributesOverʳ _∨_
    distʳ x y z =
       (y  z)  x
                      ≈⟨ ∧-comm (y  z) x 
       x  (y  z)
                      ≈⟨ distˡ x y z 
       x  y  x  z
                      ≈⟨ cong₂ _∨_ (∧-comm x y) (∧-comm x z) 
       y  x  z  x

  : IsCommutativeSemiring _≡_ _∨_ _∧_ false true
isCommutativeSemiring-∨-∧ = record
  { isSemiring = record
    { isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero = record
      { +-isCommutativeMonoid = record
        { isMonoid = record
          { isSemigroup = record
            { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
            ; assoc         = ∨-assoc
            ; ∙-pres-≈      = cong₂ _∨_
          ; identity = ∨-identity
        ; comm = ∨-comm
      ; *-isMonoid = record
        { isSemigroup = record
          { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
          ; assoc         = ∧-assoc
          ; ∙-pres-≈      = cong₂ _∧_
        ; identity = ∧-identity
      ; distrib = distrib-∧-∨
    ; zero = zero-∧
  ; *-comm = ∧-comm

commutativeSemiring-∨-∧ : CommutativeSemiring
commutativeSemiring-∨-∧ = record
  { _+_                   = _∨_
  ; _*_                   = _∧_
  ; 0#                    = false
  ; 1#                    = true
  ; isCommutativeSemiring = isCommutativeSemiring-∨-∧

module RingSolver =
  Solver (ACR.fromCommutativeSemiring commutativeSemiring-∨-∧)

-- (Bool, ∧, ∨, true, false) forms a commutative semiring


  zero-∨ : Zero true _∨_
  zero-∨ =  _  refl) ,  x  ∨-comm x true)

  distrib-∨-∧ : _∨_ DistributesOver _∧_
  distrib-∨-∧ = distˡ , distʳ
    distˡ : _∨_ DistributesOverˡ _∧_
    distˡ true  y z = refl
    distˡ false y z = refl

    distʳ : _∨_ DistributesOverʳ _∧_
    distʳ x y z =
       (y  z)  x
                          ≈⟨ ∨-comm (y  z) x 
       x  (y  z)
                          ≈⟨ distˡ x y z 
       (x  y)  (x  z)
                          ≈⟨ cong₂ _∧_ (∨-comm x y) (∨-comm x z) 
       (y  x)  (z  x)

  : IsCommutativeSemiring _≡_ _∧_ _∨_ true false
isCommutativeSemiring-∧-∨ = record
  { isSemiring = record
    { isSemiringWithoutAnnihilatingZero = record
      { +-isCommutativeMonoid = record
        { isMonoid = record
          { isSemigroup = record
            { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
            ; assoc         = ∧-assoc
            ; ∙-pres-≈      = cong₂ _∧_
          ; identity = ∧-identity
        ; comm = ∧-comm
      ; *-isMonoid = record
        { isSemigroup = record
          { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
          ; assoc         = ∨-assoc
          ; ∙-pres-≈      = cong₂ _∨_
        ; identity = ∨-identity
      ; distrib = distrib-∨-∧
    ; zero = zero-∨
  ; *-comm = ∨-comm

commutativeSemiring-∧-∨ : CommutativeSemiring
commutativeSemiring-∧-∨ = record
  { _+_                   = _∧_
  ; _*_                   = _∨_
  ; 0#                    = true
  ; 1#                    = false
  ; isCommutativeSemiring = isCommutativeSemiring-∧-∨

-- (Bool, ∨, ∧, not, true, false) is a boolean algebra


  absorptive : Absorptive _∨_ _∧_
  absorptive = abs-∨-∧ , abs-∧-∨
    abs-∨-∧ : _∨_ Absorbs _∧_
    abs-∨-∧ true  y = refl
    abs-∨-∧ false y = refl

    abs-∧-∨ : _∧_ Absorbs _∨_
    abs-∧-∨ true  y = refl
    abs-∧-∨ false y = refl

  not-∧-inverse : Inverse false not _∧_
  not-∧-inverse =
    ¬x∧x≡⊥ ,  x  ∧-comm x (not x)  trans  ¬x∧x≡⊥ x)
    ¬x∧x≡⊥ : LeftInverse false not _∧_
    ¬x∧x≡⊥ false = refl
    ¬x∧x≡⊥ true  = refl

  not-∨-inverse : Inverse true not _∨_
  not-∨-inverse =
    ¬x∨x≡⊤ ,  x  ∨-comm x (not x)  trans  ¬x∨x≡⊤ x)
    ¬x∨x≡⊤ : LeftInverse true not _∨_
    ¬x∨x≡⊤ false = refl
    ¬x∨x≡⊤ true  = refl

isBooleanAlgebra : IsBooleanAlgebra _≡_ _∨_ _∧_ not true false
isBooleanAlgebra = record
  { isDistributiveLattice = record
      { isLattice = record
          { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
          ; ∨-comm        = ∨-comm
          ; ∨-assoc       = ∨-assoc
          ; ∨-pres-≈      = cong₂ _∨_
          ; ∧-comm        = ∧-comm
          ; ∧-assoc       = ∧-assoc
          ; ∧-pres-≈      = cong₂ _∧_
          ; absorptive    = absorptive
      ; ∨-∧-distribʳ = proj₂ distrib-∨-∧
  ; ∨-complementʳ = proj₂ not-∨-inverse
  ; ∧-complementʳ = proj₂ not-∧-inverse
  ; ¬-pres-≈      = cong not

booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra
booleanAlgebra = record
  { _∨_              = _∨_
  ; _∧_              = _∧_
  ; ¬_               = not
  ;                 = true
  ;                 = false
  ; isBooleanAlgebra = isBooleanAlgebra

-- (Bool, xor, ∧, id, false, true) forms a commutative ring


  xor-is-ok :  x y  x xor y  (x  y)  not (x  y)
  xor-is-ok true  y = refl
  xor-is-ok false y = sym $ proj₂ ∧-identity _

commutativeRing-xor-∧ : CommutativeRing
commutativeRing-xor-∧ = commutativeRing
  import Algebra.Props.BooleanAlgebra as BA
  open BA booleanAlgebra
  open XorRing _xor_ xor-is-ok

module XorRingSolver =
  Solver (ACR.fromCommutativeRing commutativeRing-xor-∧)

-- Miscellaneous other properties

not-involutive : Involutive not
not-involutive true  = refl
not-involutive false = refl

not-¬ :  {x y}  x  y  x  not y
not-¬ {true}  refl ()
not-¬ {false} refl ()

¬-not :  {x y}  x  y  x  not y
¬-not {true}  {true}  x≢y = ⊥-elim (x≢y refl)
¬-not {true}  {false} _   = refl
¬-not {false} {true}  _   = refl
¬-not {false} {false} x≢y = ⊥-elim (x≢y refl)

⇔→≡ : {b₁ b₂ b : Bool}  b₁  b  b₂  b  b₁  b₂
⇔→≡ {true } {true }         hyp = refl
⇔→≡ {true } {false} {true } hyp = sym (proj₁ hyp refl)
⇔→≡ {true } {false} {false} hyp = proj₂ hyp refl
⇔→≡ {false} {true } {true } hyp = proj₂ hyp refl
⇔→≡ {false} {true } {false} hyp = sym (proj₁ hyp refl)
⇔→≡ {false} {false}         hyp = refl

T-≡ :  {b}  T b  b  true
T-≡ {false} = ((λ ())     , λ ())
T-≡ {true}  = (const refl , const _)

T-∧ :  {b₁ b₂}  T (b₁  b₂)  (T b₁ × T b₂)
T-∧ {true}  {true}  = (const (_ , _) , const _)
T-∧ {true}  {false} = ((λ ()) , proj₂)
T-∧ {false} {_}     = ((λ ()) , proj₁)

T-∨ :  {b₁ b₂}  T (b₁  b₂)  (T b₁  T b₂)
T-∨ {true}  {b₂}    = (inj₁ , const _)
T-∨ {false} {true}  = (inj₂ , const _)
T-∨ {false} {false} = (inj₁ , [ id , id ])

proof-irrelevance :  {b} (p q : T b)  p  q
proof-irrelevance {true}  _  _  = refl
proof-irrelevance {false} () ()