-- Total recognisers which can handle left recursion

-- The recognisers are parametrised on the alphabet.

module TotalRecognisers.LeftRecursion (Tok : Set) where

open import Algebra
open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Data.Bool as Bool hiding (_∧_; _≤_)
import Data.Bool.Properties as Bool
  module BoolCS = CommutativeSemiring Bool.∧-∨-commutativeSemiring
open import Function.Base
open import Function.Bundles
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_)
import Function.Equivalence as Eq
import Function.Properties.Equivalence as Eq
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; _++_; [_])
import Data.List.Properties
  module ListMonoid {A : Set} =
    Monoid (Data.List.Properties.++-monoid A)
open import Data.Product as Prod
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ([_])
open import Relation.Binary.Structures
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable as Decidable


  -- Some lemmas used below.

  infixr 9 _⟨∘⟩_

  _⟨∘⟩_ :
     {a ℓ₁} 
    TransFlip (Equivalence {a = a} {ℓ₁ = ℓ₁}) Equivalence Equivalence
  _⟨∘⟩_ = flip (IsEquivalence.trans Eq.isEquivalence)

  sym′ :  {a ℓ₁}  Symmetric (Equivalence {a = a} {ℓ₁ = ℓ₁})
  sym′ = IsEquivalence.sym Eq.isEquivalence

  ⇔→⇔ :  {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b}  A  B  A Eq.⇔ B
  ⇔→⇔ A⇔B = record
    { to   = record { _⟨$⟩_ = to;   cong = to-cong   }
    ; from = record { _⟨$⟩_ = from; cong = from-cong }
    open Equivalence A⇔B

-- A "right-strict" variant of _∧_

-- If the left-strict variant of _∧_ were used to type _·_ below, then
-- the inferred definition of D-nullable would not be total; it would
-- contain expressions of the form "D-nullable t (♭ p₁) ∧ false". With
-- the right-strict definition of _∧_ such expressions reduce to
-- "false".

infixr 6 _∧_

_∧_ : Bool  Bool  Bool
b  true  = b
b  false = false

-- A lemma.

left-zero :  b  false  b  false
left-zero true  = refl
left-zero false = refl

-- Recogniser combinators

infixl 10 _·_
infixl  5 _∣_


  -- The index is true if the corresponding language contains the empty
  -- string (is nullable).

  data P : Bool  Set where
    fail     : P false
    empty    : P true
    sat      : (Tok  Bool)  P false
    _∣_      :  {n₁ n₂}         P n₁         P n₂  P (n₁  n₂)
    _·_      :  {n₁ n₂}  ∞⟨ n₂ ⟩P n₁  ∞⟨ n₁ ⟩P n₂  P (n₁  n₂)
    nonempty :  {n}  P n  P false
    cast     :  {n₁ n₂}  n₁  n₂  P n₁  P n₂

  -- Delayed if the index is /false/.

  ∞⟨_⟩P : Bool  Bool  Set
  ∞⟨ false ⟩P n =  (P n)
  ∞⟨ true  ⟩P n =    P n

-- Note that fail, nonempty and cast could be defined as derived
-- combinators. (For cast this is obvious, fail could be defined
-- either using sat or the combinator leftRight below, and nonempty is
-- defined in the module AlternativeNonempty. Note also that the proof
-- in TotalRecognisers.LeftRecursion.ExpressiveStrength does not rely
-- on these constructors.) However, Agda uses /guarded/ corecursion,
-- so the fact that nonempty and cast are constructors can be very
-- convenient when constructing other recognisers.

-- For an example of the use of nonempty, see the Kleene star example
-- in TotalRecognisers.LeftRecursion.Lib. For examples of the use of
-- cast, see TotalRecognisers.LeftRecursion.ExpressiveStrength and
-- TotalRecognisers.LeftRecursion.NotOnlyContextFree.

-- Helpers

♭? :  {b n}  ∞⟨ b ⟩P n  P n
♭? {b = false} x =  x
♭? {b = true}  x =   x

♯? :  {b n}  P n  ∞⟨ b ⟩P n
♯? {b = false} x =  x
♯? {b = true}  x =   x

forced? :  {b n}  ∞⟨ b ⟩P n  Bool
forced? {b = b} _ = b

-- A lemma.

♭?♯? :  b {n} {p : P n}  ♭? {b} (♯? p)  p
♭?♯? false = refl
♭?♯? true  = refl

-- Semantics

-- The semantics is defined inductively: s ∈ p iff the string s is
-- contained in the language defined by p.

infix 4 _∈_

data _∈_ :  {n}  List Tok  P n  Set where
  empty    : []  empty
  sat      :  {f t}  T (f t)  [ t ]  sat f
  ∣-left   :  {s n₁ n₂} {p₁ : P n₁} {p₂ : P n₂} 
             s  p₁  s  p₁  p₂
  ∣-right  :  {s n₁ n₂} {p₁ : P n₁} {p₂ : P n₂} 
             s  p₂  s  p₁  p₂
  _·_      :  {s₁ s₂ n₁ n₂}
               {p₁ : ∞⟨ n₂ ⟩P n₁} {p₂ : ∞⟨ n₁ ⟩P n₂} 
             s₁  ♭? p₁  s₂  ♭? p₂  s₁ ++ s₂  p₁ · p₂
  nonempty :  {n t s} {p : P n} 
             t  s  p  t  s  nonempty p
  cast     :  {n₁ n₂ s} {p : P n₁} {eq : n₁  n₂} 
             s  p  s  cast eq p

infix 4 _≤_ _≈_

-- p₁ ≤ p₂ iff the language (defined by) p₂ contains all the strings
-- in the language p₁.

_≤_ :  {n₁ n₂}  P n₁  P n₂  Set
p₁  p₂ =  {s}  s  p₁  s  p₂

-- p₁ ≈ p₂ iff the languages p₁ and p₂ contain the same strings.

_≈_ :  {n₁ n₂}  P n₁  P n₂  Set
p₁  p₂ =  {s}  s  p₁  s  p₂

-- p₁ ≈ p₂ iff both p₁ ≤ p₂ and p₂ ≤ p₁.

≈⇔≤≥ :  {n₁ n₂} {p₁ : P n₁} {p₂ : P n₂} 
       p₁  p₂  (p₁  p₂ × p₂  p₁)
≈⇔≤≥ = mk⇔
   p₁≈p₂       (  {s}  Equivalence.to   (p₁≈p₂ {s = s}))
                  ,  {s}  Equivalence.from (p₁≈p₂ {s = s}))
   p₁≤≥p₂ {s}  mk⇔ (proj₁ p₁≤≥p₂ {s = s})
                      (proj₂ p₁≤≥p₂ {s = s}))

-- Some lemmas.

cast∈ :  {n} {p p′ : P n} {s s′}  s  s′  p  p′  s  p  s′  p′
cast∈ refl refl s∈ = s∈

drop-♭♯ :  n {n′} {p : P n′}  ♭? (♯? {n} p)  p
drop-♭♯ n = cast∈ refl (♭?♯? n)

add-♭♯ :  n {n′} {p : P n′}  p  ♭? (♯? {n} p)
add-♭♯ n = cast∈ refl (sym $ ♭?♯? n)

-- Example: A definition which is left and right recursive

leftRight : P false
leftRight =  leftRight ·  leftRight

-- Note that leftRight is equivalent to fail, so fail does not need to
-- be a primitive combinator.

leftRight≈fail : leftRight  fail
leftRight≈fail = mk⇔ ≤fail  ())
  ≤fail :  {s A}  s  leftRight  A
  ≤fail (∈₁ · ∈₂) = ≤fail ∈₁

-- For more examples, see TotalRecognisers.LeftRecursion.Lib.

-- Nullability

-- The nullability index is correct.

 :  {n} {p : P n}  []  p  n  true
 pr = ⇒′ pr refl
  ⇒′ :  {n s} {p : P n}  s  p  s  []  n  true
  ⇒′ empty                   refl = refl
  ⇒′ (sat _)                 ()
  ⇒′ (∣-left            pr₁) refl with  pr₁
  ⇒′ (∣-left            pr₁) refl | refl = refl
  ⇒′ (∣-right           pr₂) refl with  pr₂
  ⇒′ (∣-right {n₁ = n₁} pr₂) refl | refl = proj₂ BoolCS.zero n₁
  ⇒′ (nonempty p)            ()
  ⇒′ (cast {eq = refl} p)    refl = ⇒′ p refl
  ⇒′ (_·_ {[]}    pr₁ pr₂)   refl = cong₂ _∧_ ( pr₁) ( pr₂)
  ⇒′ (_·_ {_  _} pr₁ pr₂)   ()

 :  {n} (p : P n)  n  true  []  p
 fail                        ()
 empty                       refl = empty
 (sat f)                     ()
 (_∣_ {true}          p₁ p₂) refl = ∣-left            ( p₁ refl)
 (_∣_ {false} {true}  p₁ p₂) refl = ∣-right {p₁ = p₁} ( p₂ refl)
 (_∣_ {false} {false} p₁ p₂) ()
 (nonempty p)                ()
 (cast refl p)               refl = cast ( p refl)
 (_·_ {.true} {true}  p₁ p₂) refl =  p₁ refl ·  p₂ refl
 (_·_ {_}     {false} p₁ p₂) ()

index-correct :  {n} {p : P n}  []  p  n  true
index-correct = mk⇔  ( _)

-- We can decide if the empty string belongs to a given language.

nullable? :  {n} (p : P n)  Dec ([]  p)
nullable? {n = n} p =
  Decidable.map (sym′ index-correct) (Bool._≟_ n true)

-- Derivative

-- The index of the derivative.

D-nullable :  {n}  Tok  P n  Bool
D-nullable t fail         = false
D-nullable t empty        = false
D-nullable t (sat f)      = f t
D-nullable t (p₁  p₂)    = D-nullable t p₁  D-nullable t p₂
D-nullable t (nonempty p) = D-nullable t p
D-nullable t (cast _ p)   = D-nullable t p
D-nullable t (p₁ · p₂)    with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
... | true  | false = D-nullable t p₁
... | false | false = false
... | true  | true  = D-nullable t p₁  D-nullable t p₂
... | false | true  = D-nullable t p₂

-- D t p is the "derivative" of p with respect to t. It is specified
-- by the equivalence s ∈ D t p ⇔ t ∷ s ∈ p (proved below).

D :  {n} (t : Tok) (p : P n)  P (D-nullable t p)
D t fail         = fail
D t empty        = fail
D t (sat f)      with f t
...              | true  = empty
...              | false = fail
D t (p₁  p₂)    = D t p₁  D t p₂
D t (nonempty p) = D t p
D t (cast _ p)   = D t p
D t (p₁ · p₂)    with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
... | true  | false =   D t    p₁  · ♯? ( p₂)
... | false | false =  D t ( p₁) · ♯? ( p₂)
... | true  | true  =   D t    p₁  · ♯?    p₂  D t p₂
... | false | true  =  D t ( p₁) · ♯?    p₂  D t p₂

-- D is correct.

D-sound :  {n s t} {p : P n}  s  D t p  t  s  p
D-sound s∈ = D-sound′ _ _ s∈
  sat-lemma :  {s} f t  s  D t (sat f)  T (f t) × s  []
  sat-lemma f t  with f t
  sat-lemma f t empty | true  = (_ , refl)
  sat-lemma f t ()    | false

  D-sound′ :  {s n} (p : P n) t  s  D t p  t  s  p
  D-sound′ fail         t ()
  D-sound′ empty        t ()
  D-sound′ (sat f)      t s∈                  with sat-lemma f t s∈
  ...                                         | (ok , refl) = sat ok
  D-sound′ (p₁  p₂)    t (∣-left  ∈₁)        = ∣-left (D-sound′ p₁ t ∈₁)
  D-sound′ (p₁  p₂)    t (∣-right ∈₂)        = ∣-right {p₁ = p₁} (D-sound′ p₂ t ∈₂)
  D-sound′ (nonempty p) t                    = nonempty (D-sound )
  D-sound′ (cast _ p)   t                    = cast (D-sound )
  D-sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    t s∈                  with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
  D-sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    t (∣-left  (∈₁ · ∈₂)) | true  | true  = D-sound ∈₁ · drop-♭♯ (D-nullable t p₁) ∈₂
  D-sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    t (∣-right ∈₂)        | true  | true  =  p₁ refl · D-sound′ p₂ t ∈₂
  D-sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    t (∣-left  (∈₁ · ∈₂)) | false | true  = D-sound ∈₁ · drop-♭♯ (D-nullable t ( p₁)) ∈₂
  D-sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    t (∣-right ∈₂)        | false | true  =  ( p₁) refl · D-sound′ p₂ t ∈₂
  D-sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    t (∈₁ · ∈₂)           | true  | false = D-sound ∈₁ · drop-♭♯ (D-nullable t    p₁ ) ∈₂
  D-sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    t (∈₁ · ∈₂)           | false | false = D-sound ∈₁ · drop-♭♯ (D-nullable t ( p₁)) ∈₂

D-complete :  {n s t} {p : P n}  t  s  p  s  D t p
D-complete {t = t} t∷s∈ = D-complete′ _ t∷s∈ refl
  D-complete′ :  {s s′ n} (p : P n)  s′  p  s′  t  s  s  D t p
  D-complete′ fail         ()                   refl
  D-complete′ empty        ()                   refl
  D-complete′ (sat f)      (sat ok)             refl with f t
  D-complete′ (sat f)      (sat ok)             refl | true  = empty
  D-complete′ (sat f)      (sat ())             refl | false
  D-complete′ (p₁  p₂)    (∣-left  ∈₁)         refl = ∣-left                (D-complete ∈₁)
  D-complete′ (p₁  p₂)    (∣-right ∈₂)         refl = ∣-right {p₁ = D t p₁} (D-complete ∈₂)
  D-complete′ (nonempty p) (nonempty )         refl = D-complete 
  D-complete′ (cast _ p)   (cast )             refl = D-complete 
  D-complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    _                    _    with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
  D-complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    (_·_ {[]}     ∈₁ ∈₂) refl | true  | true  = ∣-right {p₁ = D t p₁ · _} (D-complete ∈₂)
  D-complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    (_·_ {._  _} ∈₁ ∈₂) refl | true  | true  = ∣-left (D-complete ∈₁ · add-♭♯ (D-nullable t p₁) ∈₂)
  D-complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    (_·_ {[]}     ∈₁ ∈₂) refl | true  | false with  ∈₁
  D-complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    (_·_ {[]}     ∈₁ ∈₂) refl | true  | false | ()
  D-complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    (_·_ {._  _} ∈₁ ∈₂) refl | true  | false = D-complete ∈₁ · add-♭♯ (D-nullable t p₁) ∈₂
  D-complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    (_·_ {[]}     ∈₁ ∈₂) refl | false | true  = ∣-right {p₁ = _·_ {n₂ = false} _ _} (D-complete ∈₂)
  D-complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    (_·_ {._  _} ∈₁ ∈₂) refl | false | true  = ∣-left (D-complete ∈₁ · add-♭♯ (D-nullable t ( p₁)) ∈₂)
  D-complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    (_·_ {[]}     ∈₁ ∈₂) refl | false | false with  ∈₁
  D-complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    (_·_ {[]}     ∈₁ ∈₂) refl | false | false | ()
  D-complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    (_·_ {._  _} ∈₁ ∈₂) refl | false | false = D-complete ∈₁ · add-♭♯ (D-nullable t ( p₁)) ∈₂

D-correct :  {n s t} {p : P n}  s  D t p  t  s  p
D-correct = mk⇔ D-sound D-complete

-- _∈_ is decidable

-- _∈?_ runs a recogniser. Note that the result is yes or no plus a
-- /proof/ verifying that the answer is correct.

infix 4 _∈?_

_∈?_ :  {n} (s : List Tok) (p : P n)  Dec (s  p)
[]    ∈? p = nullable? p
t  s ∈? p with s ∈? D t p
t  s ∈? p | yes s∈Dtp = yes (D-sound s∈Dtp)
t  s ∈? p | no  s∉Dtp = no  (s∉Dtp  D-complete)

-- The last three lines could be replaced by the following one:
-- t ∷ s ∈? p = Decidable.map D-correct (s ∈? D t p)

-- Alternative characterisation of equality

infix 5 _∷_
infix 4 _≈′_

-- Two recognisers/languages are equal if their nullability indices
-- are equal and all their derivatives are equal (coinductively). Note
-- that the elements of this type are bisimulations.

data _≈′_ {n₁ n₂} (p₁ : P n₁) (p₂ : P n₂) : Set where
  _∷_ : n₁  n₂  (∀ t   (D t p₁ ≈′ D t p₂))  p₁ ≈′ p₂

-- This definition is equivalent to the one above.

≈′-sound :  {n₁ n₂} {p₁ : P n₁} {p₂ : P n₂}  p₁ ≈′ p₂  p₁  p₂
≈′-sound (refl  rest) {s = []} =
  sym′ index-correct ⟨∘⟩ index-correct
≈′-sound (refl  rest) {s = t  s} =
  D-correct ⟨∘⟩ ≈′-sound ( (rest t)) ⟨∘⟩ sym′ D-correct

same-nullability :  {n₁ n₂} {p₁ : P n₁} {p₂ : P n₂} 
                   p₁  p₂  n₁  n₂
same-nullability p₁≈p₂ =
  Bool.⇔→≡ $ ⇔→⇔ (index-correct ⟨∘⟩ p₁≈p₂ ⟨∘⟩ sym′ index-correct)

D-cong :  {n₁ n₂} {p₁ : P n₁} {p₂ : P n₂} {t} 
         p₁  p₂  D t p₁  D t p₂
D-cong p₁≈p₂ = sym′ D-correct ⟨∘⟩ p₁≈p₂ ⟨∘⟩ D-correct

≈′-complete :  {n₁ n₂} {p₁ : P n₁} {p₂ : P n₂}  p₁  p₂  p₁ ≈′ p₂
≈′-complete p₁≈p₂ =
  same-nullability p₁≈p₂  λ _   ≈′-complete (D-cong p₁≈p₂)

≈′-correct :  {n₁ n₂} {p₁ : P n₁} {p₂ : P n₂}  p₁ ≈′ p₂  p₁  p₂
≈′-correct = mk⇔ ≈′-sound ≈′-complete

-- The combinator nonempty does not need to be primitive

-- The variant of nonempty which is defined below (nonempty′) makes
-- many recognisers larger, though.

module AlternativeNonempty where

  nonempty′ :  {n}  P n  P false
  nonempty′ fail         = fail
  nonempty′ empty        = fail
  nonempty′ (sat f)      = sat f
  nonempty′ (p₁  p₂)    = nonempty′ p₁  nonempty′ p₂
  nonempty′ (nonempty p) = nonempty′ p
  nonempty′ (cast eq p)  = nonempty′ p
  nonempty′ (p₁ · p₂)    with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
  ... | false | _     = p₁ · p₂
  ... | true  | false = p₁ · p₂
  ... | true  | true  = nonempty′ p₁  nonempty′ p₂
                        nonempty′ p₁ ·  nonempty′ p₂

  sound :  {n} {p : P n}  nonempty′ p  nonempty p
  sound {s = []}    pr with  pr
  ... | ()
  sound {s = _  _} pr = nonempty (sound′ _ pr refl)
    sound′ :  {n t s s′} (p : P n) 
             s′  nonempty′ p  s′  t  s  t  s  p
    sound′ fail         ()                              refl
    sound′ empty        ()                              refl
    sound′ (sat f)      (sat ok)                        refl = sat ok
    sound′ (p₁  p₂)    (∣-left  pr)                    refl = ∣-left            (sound′ p₁ pr refl)
    sound′ (p₁  p₂)    (∣-right pr)                    refl = ∣-right {p₁ = p₁} (sound′ p₂ pr refl)
    sound′ (nonempty p) pr                              refl = nonempty (sound′ p pr refl)
    sound′ (cast _ p)   pr                              refl = cast (sound′ p pr refl)
    sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    pr                              _    with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
    sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    pr                              refl | false | _     = pr
    sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    pr                              refl | true  | false = pr
    sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    (∣-left (∣-left  pr))           refl | true  | true  = cast∈ (proj₂ ListMonoid.identity _) refl $
                                                                                 sound′ p₁ pr refl ·  p₂ refl
    sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    (∣-left (∣-right pr))           refl | true  | true  =  p₁ refl · sound′ p₂ pr refl
    sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    (∣-right (_·_ {[]}    pr₁ pr₂)) refl | true  | true  with  pr₁
    ... | ()
    sound′ (p₁ · p₂)    (∣-right (_·_ {_  _} pr₁ pr₂)) refl | true  | true  with sound {p = p₂} pr₂
    ... | nonempty pr₂′ = sound′ p₁ pr₁ refl · pr₂′

  complete :  {n} {p : P n}  nonempty p  nonempty′ p
  complete (nonempty pr) = complete′ _ pr refl
    complete′ :  {n t s s′} (p : P n) 
                s  p  s  t  s′  t  s′  nonempty′ p
    complete′ fail         ()                            refl
    complete′ empty        ()                            refl
    complete′ (sat f)      (sat ok)                      refl = sat ok
    complete′ (p₁  p₂)    (∣-left pr)                   refl = ∣-left               (complete′ p₁ pr refl)
    complete′ (p₁  p₂)    (∣-right pr)                  refl = ∣-right {n₁ = false} (complete′ p₂ pr refl)
    complete′ (nonempty p) (nonempty pr)                 refl = complete′ p pr refl
    complete′ (cast _ p)   (cast pr)                     refl = complete′ p pr refl
    complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    pr                            _    with forced? p₁ | forced? p₂
    complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    pr                            refl | false | _     = pr
    complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    pr                            refl | true  | false = pr
    complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    (_·_ {[]}            pr₁ pr₂) refl | true  | true  = ∣-left (∣-right {n₁ = false} (complete′ p₂ pr₂ refl))
    complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    (_·_ {_  _} {[]}    pr₁ pr₂) refl | true  | true  = cast∈ (sym $ proj₂ ListMonoid.identity _) refl $
                                                                                  ∣-left (∣-left {n₂ = false} (complete′ p₁ pr₁ refl))
    complete′ (p₁ · p₂)    (_·_ {_  _} {_  _} pr₁ pr₂) refl | true  | true  = ∣-right {n₁ = false} (complete′ p₁ pr₁ refl ·
                                                                                   complete′ p₂ pr₂ refl)

  correct :  {n} {p : P n}  nonempty′ p  nonempty p
  correct = mk⇔ sound complete