-- Various parser combinator laws

-- Note that terms like "monad" and "Kleene algebra" are interpreted
-- liberally in the modules listed below.

module TotalParserCombinators.Laws where

open import Algebra hiding (module KleeneAlgebra)
open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Data.List as List
import Data.List.Effectful
open import Data.List.Properties
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.BagAndSetEquality as Eq
  using (bag) renaming (_∼[_]_ to _List-∼[_]_)
open import Data.Maybe hiding (_>>=_)
open import Effect.Monad
open import Function
import Level
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_)

  module BagMonoid {k} {A : Set} =
    CommutativeMonoid (Eq.commutativeMonoid k A)
  open module ListMonad =
    RawMonad {f = Level.zero} Data.List.Effectful.monad
    using () renaming (_⊛_ to _⊛′_)

open import TotalParserCombinators.Derivative using (D)
open import TotalParserCombinators.Congruence
  hiding (return; fail; token)
open import TotalParserCombinators.Lib hiding (module Return⋆)
open import TotalParserCombinators.Parser

-- Reexported modules

-- Laws related to _∣_.

import TotalParserCombinators.Laws.AdditiveMonoid
module AdditiveMonoid = TotalParserCombinators.Laws.AdditiveMonoid

-- Laws related to D.

import TotalParserCombinators.Laws.Derivative
module D = TotalParserCombinators.Laws.Derivative
  hiding (left-zero-⊛; right-zero-⊛;
          left-zero->>=; right-zero->>=)

-- Laws related to return⋆.

import TotalParserCombinators.Laws.ReturnStar
module Return⋆ = TotalParserCombinators.Laws.ReturnStar

-- Laws related to _⊛_.

import TotalParserCombinators.Laws.ApplicativeFunctor as AF
  hiding (module <$>)
module ApplicativeFunctor = AF

-- Laws related to _<$>_.

import TotalParserCombinators.Laws.ApplicativeFunctor
module <$> =

-- Laws related to _>>=_.

import TotalParserCombinators.Laws.Monad
module Monad = TotalParserCombinators.Laws.Monad

-- Do the parser combinators form a Kleene algebra?

import TotalParserCombinators.Laws.KleeneAlgebra
module KleeneAlgebra = TotalParserCombinators.Laws.KleeneAlgebra

-- A law for nonempty

module Nonempty where

  -- fail is a zero for nonempty.

  zero :  {Tok R}  nonempty {Tok = Tok} {R = R} fail ≅P fail
  zero = BagMonoid.refl  λ t   (fail )

  -- nonempty (return x) is parser equivalent to fail.

  nonempty-return :
     {Tok R} {x : R}  nonempty {Tok = Tok} (return x) ≅P fail
  nonempty-return = BagMonoid.refl  λ t   (fail )

  -- nonempty can be defined in terms of token, _>>=_ and D.


    nonempty′ :  {Tok R xs} (p : Parser Tok R xs)  Parser Tok R []
    nonempty′ p = token >>= λ t  D t p

  nonempty-definable :  {Tok R xs} (p : Parser Tok R xs) 
                       nonempty p ≅P nonempty′ p
  nonempty-definable p = BagMonoid.refl  λ t   (
    D t p              ≅⟨ sym $ Monad.left-identity t  t′  D t′ p) 
    ret-D t            ≅⟨ sym $ AdditiveMonoid.right-identity (ret-D t) 
    ret-D t  fail     ≅⟨ (ret-D t )  sym (Monad.left-zero _) 
    D t (nonempty′ p)  )
    where ret-D = λ (t : _)  return t >>=  t′  D t′ p)

-- A law for cast

module Cast where

  -- Casts can be erased.

  correct :  {Tok R xs₁ xs₂}
              {xs₁≈xs₂ : xs₁ List-∼[ bag ] xs₂}
              {p : Parser Tok R xs₁} 
            cast xs₁≈xs₂ p ≅P p
  correct {xs₁≈xs₂ = xs₁≈xs₂} {p} =
    BagMonoid.sym xs₁≈xs₂  λ t   (D t p )

-- A law for subst

module Subst where

  -- Uses of subst can be erased.

  correct :  {Tok R xs₁ xs₂}
              (xs₁≡xs₂ : xs₁  xs₂)
              {p : Parser Tok R xs₁} 
            P.subst (Parser Tok R) xs₁≡xs₂ p ≅P p
  correct P.refl {p} = p 

  correct∞ :  {Tok R xs₁ xs₂ A} {m : Maybe A}
              (xs₁≡xs₂ : xs₁  xs₂)
              (p : ∞⟨ m ⟩Parser Tok R xs₁) 
             ♭? (P.subst (∞⟨ m ⟩Parser Tok R) xs₁≡xs₂ p) ≅P ♭? p
  correct∞ P.refl p = ♭? p