-- An example

module Mixfix.Acyclic.Example where

open import Codata.Musical.Notation
open import Data.Vec using ([]; _∷_; [_])
open import Data.List as List
  using (List; []; _∷_) renaming ([_] to L[_])
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional using (_∈_)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (here; there)
import Codata.Musical.Colist as Colist
open import Data.Product using (∃₂; -,_)
open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic using ()
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Nat using (zero; suc)
open import Data.Fin using (#_)
import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise as ListEq
import Data.String as String
open String using (String; _++_)
import Data.String.Properties as String
open import Relation.Binary
open DecSetoid (ListEq.decSetoid String.≡-decSetoid) using (_≟_)
open import Function using (_∘_; _$_)
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; if_then_else_)
import Data.Bool.Show as Bool
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (⌊_⌋)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
open import IO
import Level

open import Mixfix.Fixity hiding (_≟_)
open import Mixfix.Operator
open import Mixfix.Expr
open import Mixfix.Acyclic.PrecedenceGraph
import Mixfix.Acyclic.Grammar as Grammar
import Mixfix.Acyclic.Show as Show
import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.Simplified as Simplified
open Simplified using (Parser)
import StructurallyRecursiveDescentParsing.DepthFirst as DepthFirst
import TotalParserCombinators.BreadthFirst as BreadthFirst

-- Operators

atom : Operator closed 0
atom = record { nameParts = "•"  [] }

plus : Operator (infx left) 0
plus = record { nameParts = "+"  [] }

ifThen : Operator prefx 1
ifThen = record { nameParts = "i"  "t"  [] }

ifThenElse : Operator prefx 2
ifThenElse = record { nameParts = "i"  "t"  "e"  [] }

comma : Operator (infx left) 0
comma = record { nameParts = ","  [] }

wellTyped : Operator postfx 1
wellTyped = record { nameParts = "⊢"  "∶"  [] }

-- Precedence graph

prec : List (∃₂ Operator)  List Precedence  Precedence
prec ops = precedence  fix  List.mapMaybe (hasFixity fix) ops)


  a  = prec ((-, -, atom)  [])                        []
  pl = prec ((-, -, plus)  [])                        (a  [])
  ii = prec ((-, -, ifThen)  (-, -, ifThenElse)  []) (pl  a  [])
  c  = prec ((-, -, comma)  [])                       (ii  pl  a  [])
  wt = prec ((-, -, wellTyped)  [])                   (c  a  [])

g : PrecedenceGraph
g = wt  c  ii  pl  a  []

-- Expressions

open PrecedenceCorrect acyclic g

 : ExprIn a non
 =  here P.refl  [] 

_+_ : Outer pl left  Expr (a  [])  ExprIn pl left
e₁ + e₂ = e₁  here P.refl  [] ⟩ˡ e₂

i_t_ : Expr g  Outer ii right  ExprIn ii right
i e₁ t e₂ =  here P.refl  e₁  []  e₂

i_t_e_ : Expr g  Expr g  Outer ii right  ExprIn ii right
i e₁ t e₂ e e₃ =  there (here P.refl)  e₁  e₂  []  e₃

_,_ : Outer c left  Expr (ii  pl  a  [])  ExprIn c left
e₁ , e₂ = e₁  here P.refl  [] ⟩ˡ e₂

_⊢_∶ : Outer wt left  Expr g  Expr g
e₁  e₂  = here P.refl  (e₁  here P.refl  [ e₂ ] )

-- Some tests

open Show g

fromNameParts : List NamePart  String
fromNameParts = List.foldr _++_ ""

toNameParts : String  List NamePart
toNameParts = List.map (String.fromList  L[_])  String.toList

data Backend : Set where
  depthFirst   : Backend
  breadthFirst : Backend

parse :  {Tok e R}  Backend  Parser Tok e R  List Tok  List R
parse depthFirst   p = DepthFirst.parseComplete p
parse breadthFirst p = BreadthFirst.parse (Simplified.⟦_⟧ p)

parseExpr : Backend  String  List String
parseExpr backend = List.map (fromNameParts  show) 
                    parse backend (Grammar.expression g) 

-- The breadth-first backend is considerably slower than the
-- depth-first one on these examples.
backend = depthFirst

runTest : String  List String  IO ( { = Level.zero})
runTest s₁ s₂ = do
  putStrLn ("Testing: " ++ s₁)
  Colist.mapM′ putStrLn (Colist.fromList p₁)
  putStrLn (if  p₁  s₂  then "Passed" else "Failed")
  where p₁ = parseExpr backend s₁

main = run do
  runTest "•+•⊢•∶"      []
  runTest "•,•⊢∶"       []
  runTest "•⊢•∶"        L[ "•⊢•∶" ]
  runTest "•,i•t•+•⊢•∶" L[ "•,i•t•+•⊢•∶" ]
  runTest "i•ti•t•e•"   ("i•ti•t•e•"  "i•ti•t•e•"  [])