-- The Agda standard library
-- Substitutions

-- Uses a variant of Conor McBride's technique from "Type-Preserving
-- Renaming and Substitution".

-- See Data.Fin.Substitution.Example for an example of how this module
-- can be used: a definition of substitution for the untyped
-- λ-calculus.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Data.Fin.Substitution where

open import Data.Nat.Base hiding (_⊔_; _/_)
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.Vec.Base
open import Function.Base as Fun using (flip)
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive
  as Star using (Star; ε; _◅_)
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_; 0ℓ)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred)

-- General functionality

-- A Sub T m n is a substitution which, when applied to something with
-- at most m variables, yields something with at most n variables.

Sub :  {}  Pred        Set 
Sub T m n = Vec (T n) m

-- A /reversed/ sequence of matching substitutions.

Subs :  {}  Pred        Set 
Subs T = flip (Star (flip (Sub T)))

-- Some simple substitutions.

record Simple { : Level} (T : Pred  ) : Set  where
  infix  10 _↑
  infixl 10 _↑⋆_ _↑✶_

    var    :  {n}  Fin n  T n      -- Takes variables to Ts.
    weaken :  {n}  T n  T (suc n)  -- Weakens Ts.

  -- Lifting.

  _↑ :  {m n}  Sub T m n  Sub T (suc m) (suc n)
  ρ  = var zero  map weaken ρ

  _↑⋆_ :  {m n}  Sub T m n   k  Sub T (k + m) (k + n)
  ρ ↑⋆ zero  = ρ
  ρ ↑⋆ suc k = (ρ ↑⋆ k) 

  _↑✶_ :  {m n}  Subs T m n   k  Subs T (k + m) (k + n)
  ρs ↑✶ k = Star.gmap (_+_ k)  ρ  ρ ↑⋆ k) ρs

  -- The identity substitution.

  id :  {n}  Sub T n n
  id {zero}  = []
  id {suc n} = id 

  -- Weakening.

  wk⋆ :  k {n}  Sub T n (k + n)
  wk⋆ zero    = id
  wk⋆ (suc k) = map weaken (wk⋆ k)

  wk :  {n}  Sub T n (suc n)
  wk = wk⋆ 1

  -- A substitution which only replaces the first variable.

  sub :  {n}  T n  Sub T (suc n) n
  sub t = t  id

-- Application of substitutions.

record Application {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} (T₁ : Pred  ℓ₁) (T₂ : Pred  ℓ₂) :
    Set (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) where
  infixl 8 _/_ _/✶_
  infixl 9 _⊙_

  -- Post-application of substitutions to things.

  field _/_ :  {m n}  T₁ m  Sub T₂ m n  T₁ n

  -- Reverse composition. (Fits well with post-application.)

  _⊙_ :  {m n k}  Sub T₁ m n  Sub T₂ n k  Sub T₁ m k
  ρ₁  ρ₂ = map  t  t / ρ₂) ρ₁

  -- Application of multiple substitutions.

  _/✶_ :  {m n}  T₁ m  Subs T₂ m n  T₁ n
  _/✶_ = Star.gfold Fun.id _ (flip _/_) {k = zero}

-- A combination of the two records above.

record Subst { : Level} (T : Pred  ) : Set  where
    simple      : Simple      T
    application : Application T T

  open Simple      simple      public
  open Application application public

  -- Composition of multiple substitutions.

   :  {m n}  Subs T m n  Sub T m n
   ε        = id
   (ρ  ε)  = ρ  -- Convenient optimisation; simplifies some proofs.
   (ρ  ρs) =  ρs  ρ

-- Instantiations and code for facilitating instantiations

-- Liftings from T₁ to T₂.

record Lift {ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level} (T₁ : Pred  ℓ₁) (T₂ : Pred  ℓ₂) :
    Set (ℓ₁  ℓ₂) where
    simple : Simple T₁
    lift   :  {n}  T₁ n  T₂ n

  open Simple simple public

-- Variable substitutions (renamings).

module VarSubst where

  subst : Subst Fin
  subst = record
    { simple      = record { var = Fun.id; weaken = suc }
    ; application = record { _/_ = flip lookup }

  open Subst subst public

-- "Term" substitutions.

record TermSubst (T : Pred  0ℓ) : Set₁ where
    var :  {n}  Fin n  T n
    app :  {T′ : Pred  0ℓ}  Lift T′ T   {m n}  T m  Sub T′ m n  T n

  module Lifted {T′ : Pred  0ℓ} (lift : Lift T′ T) where
    application : Application T T′
    application = record { _/_ = app lift }

    open Lift lift public
    open Application application public

  varLift : Lift Fin T
  varLift = record { simple = VarSubst.simple; lift = var }

  infix 8 _/Var_

  _/Var_ :  {m n}  T m  Sub Fin m n  T n
  _/Var_ = app varLift

  simple : Simple T
  simple = record
    { var    = var
    ; weaken = λ t  t /Var VarSubst.wk

  termLift : Lift T T
  termLift = record { simple = simple; lift = Fun.id }

  subst : Subst T
  subst = record
    { simple      = simple
    ; application = Lifted.application termLift

  open Subst subst public hiding (var; simple)