# # Instructions # ------------ # # To compile the programs 'pdb_io', 'atom_array' and 'residue_array', type: # # make # or # make all # or # make pdb_io # make atom_array # make residue_array # # To remove those files that can be recompiled from the source code, type: # # make clean # # # # Description # ----------- # # This 'Makefile' contains instructions for creating the executable programs # 'pdb_io', 'atom_array' and 'residue_array' from the C source file 'pdb_io.c', # 'atom_array.c' and 'residue_array.c' using the GNU C compiler 'gcc'. # # When the user types 'make' at the UNIX prompt, the 'make' program looks # for the first target in the 'Makefile', and builds that target. # Targets are given at the start of a line, and are followed by a colon (':') # then a tab character(s), then a list of files on which the target depends # (the "dependencies"). The target will be built from the dependencies using # the command(s) on the following line(s). # If the target already exists, and is newer than all of the files on which # it depends, then the target will not be rebuilt. # For more information, see the UNIX manual page for 'make' (type 'man make'). # # In this case, target 'all' depends on the executable files 'pdb_io', # 'atom_array' and 'residue_array'. These in turn depend on the C source files. # # Compiler options used: # # -Wall report possible programming errors in the C source # -g produce debugging information # -o put the output (the executable file) in named file # CFLAGS= -Wall -g all: pdb_io atom_array residue_array pdb_io: pdb_io.c gcc $(CFLAGS) -o pdb_io pdb_io.c atom_array: atom_array.c gcc $(CFLAGS) -o atom_array atom_array.c residue_array: residue_array.c gcc $(CFLAGS) -o residue_array residue_array.c clean: rm -f pdb_io rm -f atom_array rm -f residue_array