Aikaterini (or Katerina) is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. Formerly, she held positions as a senior researcher (Marie Curie fellow) at the Lasec group headed by Prof. Vaudenay in EPFL, as a Professor position in the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HES-SO), as a postdoctoral researcher in TU Delft and as a visitor assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Free University (Vrije Universiteit) in Amsterdam. In 2007, she received a Ph.D in Computer Science from the University of Piraeus in Greece under the supervion of Prof. Douligeris. She has been active both in European and National research projects while she has been awarded the Rubicon Research Grant by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and a Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship. Currently, among others she serves as associate editor for the IEEE Communications Letters and the Computers & Security Journal (Elservier).

My name: Katerina is the short version of Aikaterini (official first name, used in my publications). Αικατερίνη Μητροκώτσα is how my name is written in Greek.

More Info
- You can find my publications here.
- More about my research interests.
- ... and my academic activities.
- You can find my CV here.

- Available positions: 1 PhD position in Information Security and 1 Post-doc position in privacy-preserving biometrics for more info contact me.
- I have joined Chalmers University of Technology and the Department of Computer Science and Engineering as assistant professor.
- The PPIDR project!
- I have joined the ENISA Permanent's Stakeholders Group (PSG).
- The BEAT project has started!
- New paper in INFOCOM 2012!
- My Google Scholar Profile.
- I gave a short interview on TSR for mobile security.