Emacs Cheat Sheet ================= C-x means "Control-x" (deutsch: Steuerung-x Strg-x) M-x means "Alt-x" File commands C-x C-f find-file C-x C-s save C-x C-c exit Undo and abort C-_ undo C-g "quit" Cut&paste commands C-space begin selection C-k kill line C-y "yank" (paste) M-y cycle kill-ring C-w cut M-w copy ("Alt-w") Window commands C-x 2 split window C-x 0 delete window C-x 1 keep only this window C-x 3 split horizontally Frame commands (like window commands, but prefix C-x 5 instead of C-x) C-x 5 2 ... frame C-x 5 0 PVS Cheat Sheet =============== M-x new-theory (Example:) A,B,C,D : boolean notAnd : PROPOSITION NOT (A AND B) IFF NOT A OR NOT B Proving proposition under cursor: M-x typecheck == C-c t M-x prove == C-c p == C-c C-p C-p (skolem!) ;; auto-introduce names (skolem 1 ("A" "B")) ;; provide names (skolem 1 (A B)) ;; introduces "a" "b" (flatten) ;; apply one-premise sequent rules (split) ;; apply two-premise sequent rules M-x x-show-proof ;; brings-up funny window M-x x-show-current-proof ;; when proof is not completed M-x latex-proof-view ;; full proof (quit) ;; abort proof (fail) ;; retract proof (prop) ;; propositional simplification (grind) ;; holzhammer (expand "def") (expand* "def1" "def2") M-x change-context ;; change directory