Fomega 0.10 Copyright (C) Andreas Abel, 2003 Installation Instructions for Linux =================================== 1. Unpack files Change to the directory where Fomega should be installed to and unpack. This will create the directory "fomega-0.10/" cd tar xzf /fomega-0.10.tar.gz 2. Compile Fomega Fomega requires the OCaml native compiler "ocamlopt" in a recent version (it has been testet with 3.06). You might have to edit the file "fomega-0.10/src/Makefile" and specify the correct path to the OCaml compiler. cd fomega-0.10 which ocamlopt If you do not get a positive answer, put the correct location of ocamlopt into the Makefile. Then continue: make 3. Test Fomega If compilation was successful, you can run Fomega for the first time with make test This runs the type checker on the files in "examples/mitomega". 4. Install binary I recommend creating a link to the current Fomega version. cd .. ln -s fomega-0.10 fomega Now you either add "fomega/bin" to your path or copy the binary "fomega" into a directory where the system can find it. For example: cp -p fomega/bin/fomega ~/bin/ This can also be done by setting the variable "bindir" in "Makefile" an executing make install Have fun!