Require Export Arith. Require Export ArithRing. Require Export Omega. Require Export Wf_nat. Definition div8_spec: forall n, ({q : nat & {r : nat | n = 8 * q + r /\ r < 8}}). refine (fix div8 (n : nat) : {q : nat & {r : nat | n = 8 * q + r /\ r < 8}} := match n return {q : nat & {r : nat | n = 8 * q + r /\ r < 8}} with S (S (S (S (S (S (S (S x))))))) => match div8 x with existS q' (exist r (conj Heq Hlt)) => _ end | _ => _ end). exists 0; exists 0; omega. exists 0; exists 1; omega. exists 0; exists 2; omega. exists 0; exists 3; omega. exists 0; exists 4; omega. exists 0; exists 5; omega. exists 0; exists 6; omega. exists 0; exists 7; omega. exists (S q'); exists r; omega. Qed. (* We use a different inequality to express that the cubic root we provide is not an underestimation, but we will produce a more intuitive specification in the final function. The specication we use here should make the proofs by omega easier. *) Definition cubic_F: forall n, (forall y, y < n -> ({s : nat & {r : nat | y = (s * s) * s + r /\ r <= 3 * (s * s) + 3 * s}})) -> ({s : nat & {r : nat | n = (s * s) * s + r /\ r <= 3 * (s * s) + 3 * s}}). refine (fun n cubic => match div8_spec n with existS (S q) (exist r8 (conj Heq Hltr8)) => match cubic (S q) _ with existS c' (exist r (conj Heqc Hltr)) => match le_lt_dec ((12 * (c' * c') + 6 * c') + 1) (8 * r + r8) with left Hle => _ | right Hlt => _ end end | existS 0 (exist 0 (conj Heq _)) => _ | existS 0 (exist (S n') (conj Heq Hlt)) => _ end). exists 0; exists 0; rewrite Heq; omega. exists 1; exists n'; rewrite Heq; omega. omega. exists (2 * c' + 1); exists ((8 * r + r8) - ((12 * (c' * c') + 6 * c') + 1)). rewrite Heq. replace (((2 * c' + 1) * (2 * c' + 1)) * (2 * c' + 1) + ((8 * r + r8) - ((12 * (c' * c') + 6 * c') + 1))) with (((8 * c') * c') * c' + (((12 * (c' * c') + 6 * c') + 1) + ((8 * r + r8) - ((12 * (c' * c') + 6 * c') + 1)))). rewrite le_plus_minus_r. rewrite Heqc. split. ring. apply plus_le_reg_l with ((12 * (c' * c') + 6 * c') + 1). rewrite le_plus_minus_r. replace ((2 * c' + 1) * (2 * c' + 1)) with ((4 * (c' * c') + 4 * c') + 1). omega. ring_nat. exact Hle. exact Hle. ring_nat. exists (2 * c'); exists (8 * r + r8); split. rewrite Heq; rewrite Heqc; ring_nat. replace ((2 * c') * (2 * c')) with (4 * (c' * c')). omega. ring_nat. Qed. Definition cubic: forall n, ({c : nat & {r : nat | n = (c * c) * c + r /\ n < ((c + 1) * (c + 1)) * (c + 1)}}). intros n; elim (well_founded_induction lt_wf (fun n => {c : nat & {r : nat | n = (c * c) * c + r /\ r <= 3 * (c * c) + 3 * c}}) cubic_F n). intros c [r [Heq Hle]]. exists c; exists r; split; trivial. replace (((c + 1) * (c + 1)) * (c + 1)) with ((((c * c) * c + 3 * (c * c)) + 3 * c) + 1). omega. ring_nat. Qed.