Course for D3 Project

The C++ Language


The last exercise must be handed in before the 31/01/2001.

We meet Mondays 15.15 in S4. For credit you have to solve every week one exercise which has to be handed in before the next lecture. For more information please check the slides:

Lecture 1: Introduction to object oriented programming

Exercise 1

Lecture 2: Constructor, Destructor and more on Operators

Exercise 2

Lecture 3: Type Conversion, Friends and Inheritance

Exercise 3

Lecture 4: Templates, Streams and LEDA (see book of Stroustrup and LEDA manual)

Exercise 4

C Language

We will have 5 lectures in this part of course. The aim of this part is helpping you with learning of C Language. You need to study C a lot by yourself. I will mainly talk about some  special staff related to C and some common problems faced by beginners and some useful programming tools, methods and library related to C. When you work on your D3 project, if there is any questions related to C please send me a email. I will try to help you with them.

Meeting time and place

Monday, 15:15-17:00 at G8


Lecture 1 (24/10 13:15-14:00 at G8): Program Enviroment and Basic staffs

Lecture 2 (30/10 15:15-17:00 at S4): Basic staffs about C and Pointer

Lecture 3 (6/11 15:15 - 17:00 at S4): Data Storage in C

Lecture 4 (13/11 15:15 - 17:00 at S4): Libraries for C

Last updated at 16/01/2001 by Boris Koldehofe