Lab 3: Code Generator for C--

Programming Language Technology, 2020

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The objective of this assignment is to write a code generator from a fragment C-- of the C/C++ programming language to JVM, the Java Virtual Machine. The code generator should produce Java class files, which can be run in the Java bytecode interpreter so that they correctly perform all their input and output actions.

The code generator is partially characterized by compilation schemes in Chapter 6 of the PLT book. More JVM instructions are given in Appendix B of the book. These explanations follow Jasmin assembler; the code generator may emit Jasmin assembly code into text files, which are then processed further by Jasmin to create class files.

The recommended implementation is via a BNF grammar processed by the BNF Converter (BNFC) tool. The syntax tree created by the parser is first type checked by using the type checker created in Lab 2. The code generator should then make a pass over the type-annotated syntax produced by the type checker.

The approximate size of the grammar is 50 rules, and the code generator should be around 300-700 lines, depending on the programming language used. All BNFC supported languages can be used, but guidance is guaranteed only for Haskell and Java.

Before the work can be submitted, the program has to pass the test suite.


The recommended procedure for the compiler is two passes:

  1. build a symbol table that for every function gives its type in a form usable for JVM code generation;
  2. compile the program by generating a class file containing every source code function as a method.

You can start by copying your grammar and the TypeChecker module from Lab 2 to the same directory. Make sure that the type-annotated syntax indicates where a conversion from int to double occurs, such that the conversion instruction i2d can be placed by the code generator.

Language specification

The language is the same as in Lab 2, except the handling of uninitialized variables, and you can reuse the parser and type checker.

Programs using uninitialized variables fall under undefined behavior in this lab, meaning that any semantics for such programs is allowed.

There are four built-in functions:

    void   printInt(int x)        // print an integer and a newline in standard output
    void   printDouble(double x)  // print a double and a newline in standard output
    int    readInt()              // read an integer from standard input
    double readDouble()           // read a double from standard input

These functions can be defined in a separate runtime class, which can be obtained e.g. from writing these functions in Java and compiling to a class file. A ready-made Java file is here.

Bytecode verification

When running your compiled programs, the Java bytecode you have generated will be automatically sanity-checked by a Java bytecode verifier (which is part of the JVM you are using). The verifier will e.g. check that there are no operand stack overflows or underflows and that all local variable uses and stores are valid. If your code does not pass the verifier, a java.lang.VerifyError exception will be thrown (with an often useful error message).

Class structure

Boilerplate code, see the PLT book, Chapter 6, or the example below.


Methods in the class, main special, see Chapter 6, or example below.

Note that all returns must be explicit in Java bytecode, including returns from functions returning void. (The bytecode verifier will complain if it thinks that a function may end without returning.)

For non-void-returning functions you are allowed to assume that returns are always properly placed by the programmer who wrote the input source code. However, for void-returning functions you must consider the possibility that no explicit return statement was included in the program source code.

Statements and expressions

The semantics is the same as in Lab 2 (again, except for programs using uninitialized variables). In other words, running the generated classes in java produces the same behavior as running the source code in the lab2 interpreter.



  int main ()
    int arg = readInt() ;
    int ret = 1 ;
    int i = 1 ;
    while (i < arg + 1) {
      ret = i * ret ;
      ++i ;
    printInt(ret) ;
    return 0 ;

could compile to good03.j as follows:

  ;; Boilerplate: a wrapping class for cc code
  .class public good03
  .super java/lang/Object
  .method public <init>()V
    .limit locals 1
    .limit stack 1
    invokespecial java/lang/Object/<init>()V
  .end method
  ;; The java-style main method calls the cc main
  .method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
    .limit locals 1
    .limit stack 1
    invokestatic good03/main()I
  .end method
  ;; Program
  .method public static main()I
    .limit locals 3
    .limit stack 3
    ;; int arg = readInt();
    invokestatic Runtime/readInt()I
    ;; int ret = 1;
    ;; int i = 1;
    ;; while (i < arg + 1)
    L0:            ;; // beginning of loop, check condition
    iload_2        ;; i
    iadd           ;; arg + 1
    if_icmplt L2   ;; i < arg + 1 ?
    goto L3
    L2:            ;; i < arg + 1 is true
    L3:            ;; i < arg + 1 is false
    if_icmpeq L1   ;; if last comparison was false, exit while loop
    ;; ret = i * ret
    ;; ++i
    istore_2  ;; // i = i + 1
    ;; // continue loop
    goto L0
    ;; printInt(ret)
    invokestatic Runtime/printInt(I)V
    ;; return 0
  .end method

(The comments are only for seeing the connection between .cc and .j).

A smarter compiler might generate the following better code for the while loop:

  	;; while (i < arg + 1)
  	goto	L1
  	;; ret = i * ret;
  	;; ++ i;
  	iinc	2 1
  	if_icmplt	L0

This code has only 11 instructions instead of the 23 above.

Solution format

Solution templates

For Haskell and Java there are stubs that can be extended to the full solution. You may download one of the following tar archives, unpack, write the code, test, pack the archive again, and submit to fire.

These packages contain the grammar, stubs for type checker and compiler, code to invoke Jasmin, `jasmin.jar` and suitable makefiles. The stubs match the requirements for the solution format as detailed in the following:

Input and output

The code generator must be a program called lab3, which is executed by the command

    lab3 <SourceFile>

and produces a class (.class) file. It may do this by first generating Jasmin assembly code (a .j file) and then calling Jasmin on this code. For help with building the Jasmin file, refer to the Jasmin instructions and Java bytecode instruction listings. Jasmin can be called by

    java -jar jasmin.jar <File>.j


    jasmin <File>.j

if you have installed Jasmin as a stand-alone program.

The generated class file should have the same name and be in the same directory as the original source file:

    lab3 ../a/b/

This should produce a class file ../a/b/c.class. To instruct Jasmin to place the file c.class in the correct directory, use Jasmin's option -d, for instance, jasmin -d ../a/b ../a/b/c.j. (Note: to run a class file in a subdirectory, that directory needs to be in the CLASSPATH, e.g., java -cp ../a/b:path/to/runtime c can be used to run ../a/b/c.class without changing to its directory, assuming that Runtime.class is located in path/to/runtime.)

The output at failure is a code generator error, or TYPE ERROR or SYNTAX ERROR as in Assignment 2.

The input can be read not only from user typing on the terminal, but also from standard input redirected from a file or by echo. For instance,

    echo 20 | java good03
    java good03 <<< 20
    java good03 < input.txt

(where input.txt might contain 20).

Example of success

Source file:

  // file
  int main ()
    int i = readInt() ; // e.g. 5
    printInt(i) ;       // e.g. 5
    printInt(i++) ;     // e.g. 5
    printInt(i) ;       // e.g. 6
    printInt(++i) ;     // e.g. 7
    printInt(i) ;       // e.g. 7
    return 0 ;

Running the compiler:

  $ tree
  ├── Runtime.class
  └── test
  $ lab3 test/
  $ tree
  ├── Runtime.class
  └── test
      └── good.class
  $ echo 5 | java -cp test:. good

Compiling the code generator

The compiler is submitted as source files that can be compiled by typing make.

Test programs

We also provide a test suite for Lab 3 (with the same test cases as for Lab 2). Passing all these tests is required for passing this lab.

Run your compiler and the generated code with the test suite before submitting the assignment.

Download the entire test suite folder or the tarball and compile it using make. The test script can then be run as follows:

    ./progs-test-lab3 ../path/to/solution/

Jasmin tips

Jasmin is available on Sourceforge. Note that version 2.4 is included in the stubs and that there are also versions on e.g. Ubuntu (apt install jasmin-sable) and macOS (brew install jasmin).

Make sure your class names in Jasmin have simple names without slashes or dots. If the first line of your Jasmin file is

  .class public x/y/

then Jasmin will compile it to a file


regardless of what the name of the .j file is. The easiest option, and also what the test suite expects, is that your class name is just a string without any slashes or dots (in this example, just "z").

Also note that it seems that each statement in your Jasmin file needs to be terminated by a newline, in particular the last .end method directive.

Important: Make sure that your compiler waits for the Jasmin conversion to finish before exiting. In other words, it shouldn't exit before the .class file has been written. For example when using Haskell, you can do the following:

  p <- runCommand <call jasmin here>
  waitForProcess p

or with at least version (December 2013) of library process installed, simply:

  callCommand <call jasmin here>

Success criteria

Your program must be compatible with the test suite and meet the specification in this document in all respects.

The code you generate must pass the Java bytecode verification. Note: Passing the verifier check means no additional work beyond generating correct code (such as not popping empty stacks etc.).

The solution must be written in an easily readable and maintainable way. In particular, tailoring it for the programs in the test suite is not maintainable!
