During the exam, you can only have with you the following material:
Saturday, October 27, afternoon in the H building.
The exam can be downloaded here, with solution sketches here. A detailed answer to question 4a is here.
Some previous exams are available below for reference.
Solutions to some of the following exams are available on this page
Exams by Carlo A. Furia
Exams by K.V.S. Prasad
Exams by Alejandro Russo
The list above will give you a pretty good idea what to expect from an exam. Of course, the course has been run by different teachers and each of them has its own style. If you still want more exams, you can get a copy of them from the Studieexpedition. The structure of the exam and the type of questions is not drastically changing throughout the years. It is true that the used programming languages can be different but the problems the past exams asked to solve are likely still relevant.