Task 3: Write down your reflections after the 15-minute presentations, plus video of a talk

(submit using the Fire system)

This task consists of two parts.

1. After giving your 15-minute presentations, having discussed them in the group, and having watched the video of your own presentation, please write down a short summary of what you have learnt.

Make sure to at least answer the following questions. Try to be as specific as possible in your answers (use specific examples of what happened during presentations if possible).

More than one answer per question is encouraged!

  • Which of the decisions you made when you prepared the presentation turned out to be good decisions?

  • Which of the decisions you made when you prepared the presentation did not turn out as well as you hoped?

  • What aspects of other people's presentations did you think worked well?

  • What aspects of other people's presentations did you think were less successful?

  • When watching yourself present (in the video), did anything you did struck you as surprising?

  • After today's group meeting, in what way would you prepare and give presentations differently than before?

  • Why did you choose the topic you chose?

    Please also add any other reflection about the group meeting that you think was useful to you, and/or useful to the rest of the group.

    2. Choose a video of a technical talk (related to Computer Science) online, for example on YouTube. Choose one that is about 15-25 minutes long.

    There are many talks available, on all kinds of topics within CS. Many of them have very bad sound quality though! So pick one with good sound quality.

    If you need inspiration, take a look at tips for finding presentations.

    Discuss the presentation technique used in the video. Answer at least the following questions:

  • How does the speaker start the presentation? How does the speaker end the presentation? Answer these questions concretely (what happens), but also in general (what principle was used).

  • What aspects of the presentation did you think worked well?

  • What aspects of the presentation did you think were less successful?

  • How are examples used in the presentation?

  • In what way does the presentation follow (and does not follow) the advice we have seen and discussed in the group meetings and lectures? Discuss.

    Submit your reflections using the Fire system. Deadline: Wednesday May 2 at 23:59.