Introduction to Functional Programming – Lab 3 “Tetris”TDA555 / DIT440, LP1 2017
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Introduction to Functional Programming – Lab 3 “Tetris”TDA555 / DIT440, LP1 2017
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Lab Assignment 3: Tetris

This version of Tetris is implemented in Haskell as outlined in this Lab PM. It is compiled to JavaScript with Haste, using WebFudgets to create the user interface.

In this lab assignment you will implement a simple variant of Tetris, a popular computer game that was created in the 1980s. In Tetris, a sequence of random puzzle pieces, made up of four connected squares, fall towards the bottom of a well. The player can rotate the pieces and control where they end up by moving them left and right as they fall. If the pieces fit together and fill a complete row when they reach the bottom of the well, the row disappears and the player gets some points. If there are gaps in the rows, the pieces can start to pile up, and if the well gets so full of piled up pieces that there is no room for new pieces, the game ends.

You can read more about tetris on Wikipedia.

The assignment

You will not need to write all the Haskell code needed to implement the game yourself: we provide some modules that help with the user interface, and you write the following to parts:


Please read the submission instructions before you start. There is a lot to do so don’t wait to get started.

Preparations 1

Some assignments have hints. Often, these involve particular standard Haskell functions that you could use. Some of these functions are defined in modules that you have to import yourself explicitly. You can use the following resources to find more information about those functions:

We encourage you to actually go and find information about the functions that are mentioned in the hints!

The lab builds on the material from weeks 1-4. Material from week 5 can also be useful but not essential. You should also be familiar with the Maybe type, and working with lists-of-lists in particular.

Preparations 2

Before you start working:

Part A: Shapes

In this part you will add definitions in the file Shapes.hs that you downloaded as part of the preparations.

It might be a good idea to read through all of the assignment for Part A below before you start working, so you get an idea of what the overall goals are.


We will need some types to represent shapes. A shape can be seen as a matrix of squares, where the squares are either empty or filled with a colour. We will use the following types to represent the squares:

type Square = Maybe Colour

data Colour = Black | Red | Green | Yellow
            | Blue | Purple | Cyan | Grey
              deriving (Eq,Bounded,Enum,Show)

These types and others mentioned below are pre-defined for you in Shapes.hs.

A natural way to represent a matrix of squares in Haskell is as a list of rows, where a row is a list of squares. So essentially, a matrix of squares is a list of lists of squares. But not all lists of lists are matrixes: the rows should all have the same length. So we will define a separate type to keep matrixes apart from just any old lists of lists:

data Shape = S [Row] deriving (Eq)
type Row   = [Square]

rows :: Shape -> [Row]
rows (S rs) = rs

Showing shapes

We have given you a function

showShape :: Shape -> String

and an instance

instance Show Shape where
  show = showShape

which tells GHCi to use showShape when it shows values of type Shape in the Terminal window. We will see examples of this in the following exercises.

The shapes used in the Tetris game

We have given you a list containing the 7 shapes used for the falling pieces in Tetris (the 7 tetrominoes):

allShapes :: [Shape]

You can see how they are presented by the show function defined above.

*Shapes> allShapes







Some simple functions


Define a function that returns an empty shape of a given size,

emptyShape :: (Int,Int) -> Shape

Hint: define a helper function that returns an empty row of a given length. The standard library function replicate can be useful.

*Shapes> emptyShape (4,2)

You can use the rows function if you want to see the internal representation of a shape:

*Shapes> rows (emptyShape (4,2))

Write a function that returns the size of a shape, i.e. the number of columns and rows.

shapeSize :: Shape -> (Int,Int)

Write a function that counts how many non-empty squares a shape contains:

blockCount :: Shape -> Int
Hint: it might be easier if you use concat to join all the rows together into one big list.

The Shape invariant


The Shape invariant. Define the property that all values of type Shape are expected to have: shapes should have at least one row, at least one column, and be rectangular (i.e. all rows should have the same length)

prop_Shape :: Shape -> Bool
In the remaining questions you may always assume that the shape invariant holds whenever you have an argument of type Shape.

Test data generators


Write a random generator for colours:

rColour :: Gen Colour
and make Colour an instance of the Arbitrary class.

Write a random generator for shapes

rShape :: Gen Shape

and make Shape an instance of the Arbitrary class.

We recommend that you simply pick a shape at random from allShapes.

Another (optional, but much more challenging) solution is to generate more random shapes, by first generating a random colour and two random numbers between 1 and 4 for the number of rows and columns of the shape. Then generate that many rows with that many columns. The QuickCheck function vectorOf can be useful here.

Run sample rShape in GHCi to see what the random shapes look like.

Run quickCheck prop_Shape to check that the randomly generated shapes satisfies the Shape invariant.

Transforming shapes


Define a function that rotates a shape by 90 degrees (clockwise or counterclockwise):

rotateShape :: Shape -> Shape
Hints: the function transpose from the standard library module Data.List can be helpful. Extra exercise: try to define transpose using recursion.

To verify that your rotateShape function works properly, test it on one of the asymmetric tetris pieces, rotate it, see that you get four different shapes, but after four rotations you get back the original shape:

*Shapes> allShapes !! 1

*Shapes> rotateShape it

*Shapes> rotateShape it

*Shapes> rotateShape it

*Shapes> rotateShape it

Define a function that shifts a shape right and down, i.e. adds empty squares by the top and left edges:

shiftShape :: (Int,Int) -> Shape -> Shape
Hints: define two helper functions, one that shifts horizontally by some number, and one that shifts a shape vertically.
*Shapes> shiftShape (1,2) (allShapes!!1)

Define a function that pads a shape, i.e. adds empty squares by the bottom and right edges:

padShape :: (Int,Int) -> Shape -> Shape
Hint: shiftShape and padShape are similar. You can take advantage of this and use one of them to implement the other.
*Shapes> padShape (1,2) (allShapes!!1)

To simplify the definition of combine below, it is useful to have one more variant of the padding function:


Define a function that pads a shape to a desired size.

padShapeTo :: (Int,Int) -> Shape -> Shape
Hint: use shapeSize to find out how big the shape is, then call padShape to add enough padding to return a shape of the desired size. The function does not need to shrink the shape if it is too big.

Comparing and Combining shapes

You are probably already familiar with the following standard list functions:

zip     :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
or      :: [Bool] -> Bool

They might be useful in the following exercises.


Write a function overlaps that tests if two shapes overlap (i.e. if they have non-empty squares in the same positions)

overlaps :: Shape -> Shape -> Bool

Hint: define a helper function to test if two rows overlap:

rowsOverlap :: Row -> Row -> Bool

Define the function zipShapeWith

zipShapeWith :: (Square->Square->Square) -> Shape -> Shape -> Shape
that uses zipWith twice to combine two shapes in the same way that zipWith combines two lists.

Write a function combine that combines (takes the union of) two shapes. The functions is intended to be used on shapes that don’t overlap. The resulting shape should be big enough to fit both shapes.

combine :: Shape -> Shape -> Shape
Hint: use shapeSize to find out the sizes of the two shapes and compute the size of the combined shape. Then use padShapeTo and zipShapeWith to compute the combined shape.

Part B: The game

In this part you will work on the module Tetris.hs that you downloaded as part of the preparations.

Like in Part A, it might be a good idea to read through all of the assignment for Part B below before you start working, so you get a better picture of what needs to be done and how everything fits together.

The State of the game

There are a number of things we need to keep track of while the game is running, so we will define a type that contains all the pieces of information that we need.

The Tetris.hs included in that you downloaded already contains a type for this:

data Tetris = Tetris (Vector,Shape) Shape [Shape]

where the Vector type is used for the position of the currently falling piece.

type Vector = (Int,Int)

There are a few more definitions that might be useful later, so take a look at them: wellSize, startPosition, vAdd and place.

The main functions of the game

The following are the key functions we will define for the Tetris type:

drawTetris  :: Tetris -> Shape
startTetris :: [Double] -> Tetris
stepTeris   :: Action -> Tetris -> Maybe (Int,Tetris)

The latter is of course the most complex of these functions, and we will need to define a few helper functions to get the job done.

The Tetris.hs module included in the download contains definitions of these functions. They are incomplete, but it is still possible to load the Tetris.hs module in GHCi and test them:

Prelude> :l Tetris.hs
[1 of 4] Compiling Shapes           ( Shapes.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 4] Compiling GameInterface    ( GameInterface.hs, interpreted )
[3 of 4] Compiling ConsoleGUI       ( ConsoleGUI.hs, interpreted )
[4 of 4] Compiling Main             ( Tetris.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: ConsoleGUI, GameInterface, Main, Shapes.
*Main> main

When you run the main function, the game keeps running until you quit by pressing Q. You should see something like this:

                     0 points
                     0 rows
                     ===TOP 10=== 
                      1:       0
                      2:       0
                      3:       0
                      4:       0
                      5:       0
                      6:       0
                      7:       0
                      8:       0
                      9:       0
                     10:       0
                     K = Left
                     J = Rotate
                     L = Right
                     P = Pause
                     sp = Down
Game over!

As you can see, there is an empty space where the Tetris game should appear. The idea is to work in small steps towards a complete solution, and run the main function in GHCi after each step, to test that what you have done so far works as expected.

An invariant

We have previously used random testing with quickCheck to find bugs in the functions we define. We could do that here too, by defining a test data generator for the Tetris type. However it is rather difficult to generate sensible random values of this type, so we won’t do that.

We will still define an invariant, i.e. a property that should hold at all times, for the Tetris type, and then test it while the game is running. This is known as run-time verification. This might not be as effective as random testing, but it can still help make some subtle bugs more obvious.


Define a property that checks the following things:

  • that the falling shape in the well satisfies the Shape Invariant (prop_Shape),
  • that the size of the well is correct, i.e. equal to wellSize.
prop_Tetris :: Tetris -> Bool

Displaying the game


Write a function that adds black walls around a given shape.

addWalls :: Shape -> Shape
This will be used to draw the walls around the well using the colour Black, which is shown as the # character, but you can test it on any shape:
*Main> addWalls (allShapes!!1)

Define the drawTetris function.

drawTetris  :: Tetris -> Shape

Hints: since the visual representation of the game is a Shape, the job of this function is fairly simple: it just needs to insert the currently falling piece at the right position in the well and add walls around it. This should be a fairly simple use of the functions shiftShape, combine and addWalls. Make sure that you add the walls after you have done everything else.

Run main to test that your definitions work as expected. You should see someting like this:

[The tetris game after completing B03]


The next thing that would be nice to see is the falling piece move. To make that happen, we need to start working on the stepTetris function. We have provided an incomplete version doesn’t do much.

stepTetris :: Action -> Tetris -> Maybe (Int,Tetris)
stepTetris _ t = Just (0,t) -- incomplete !!!

The function is called whenever something has happened that the game needs to react to. The first argument (of type Action) indicates what has happened, and the second argument (of type Tetris) is the current state of the game.

The return value indicates how the game should continue: Nothing means the game should end, and Just (n,t) means the game should continue in a new state t. The n indicates how many rows were cleared in this step. In most cases n will be 0.

The Action type is defined in GameInterface) like this:

data Action = Tick | MoveLeft | MoveRight | MoveDown | Rotate
              deriving ...

The Tick means that some time has passed and that the currently falling piece should move one step closer to the bottom. Let’s handle this case first. Let’s start by defining a more general helper function to move the falling piece.


Define a function to move the falling piece:

move :: Vector -> Tetris -> Tetris

The first argument determines how far the piece will be moved. The only values we will actually need in the game are:

left  = (-1,0)
right = (1,0)
down  = (0,1)

The move function should just update the position of the falling piece, without checking if it has collided with something. We will worry about that later. Recall that we defined a simple function vAdd which you will find useful here.


Define a function tick that can be called from stepTetris to handle the Tick action.

tick :: Tetris -> Maybe (Int,Tetris)

Use the move function to calculate a new position for the falling piece and return Just (0,t) where t is the new state with the updated position and the other parts of the state unchanged. For the time being, we let the piece continue falling forever (through the bottom of the well and out of sight). We will add checks later to make it stop when it reaches the bottom of the well.

Also add an equation in stepTetris to call tick to handle the the Tick action.

Load the updated definitions in GHCi and run main to test that it works. You should see the falling piece moving towards the bottom of the well. Press Q to stop.

We could now continue by defining functions that allow the user to control the falling piece, but before we do that, let’s define a helper function that will be useful in all functions that move the falling piece.



In this part you should write a function, and use it to improve the tick function.

Write a function to test if the falling piece has collided with the walls or something in the well:

collision :: Tetris -> Bool

There are four possibilities:

  • The piece has moved too far to the left (the horizontal position of the piece is negative).
  • The piece has moved too far to the right (the horizontal position of the piece plus the width of the piece is greater than the width of the well).
  • The piece has moved too far down (the vertical position of the piece plus the height of the piece is greater than the height of the well).
  • The piece overlaps with something in the well.

Hints: The functions shapeSize and overlaps from Part A will be useful here. Note that you should use the helper function place that we provided to shift the piece to the right position before you check whether it overlaps.

Now you should make a small improvement in the tick function: compute the new state and give it a name using a where clause, and use guards to check if there is a collision in the new state. If so return the old state to prevent the piece from falling further, otherwise return the new state.

(Optional) We can also use collision to improve the invariant: include a test in prop_Tetris to ensure that there is no collision if the currently falling piece is added to the well.

Load the updated definitions in GHCi and run main to test that falling piece now stops when it reaches the bottom of the well.

In this test you might have thought that it is boring to wait for the falling piece to reach the bottom of the well. Let’s fix this:

Add an equation in stepTetris to handle the MoveDown action. It can be handled simply by calling the tick function. (In some versions of Tetris the player gets extra points for moving the falling piece down faster. To keep things simple, we refrain from that here.)

Reload the definition in GHCi and test again. You could now be able to use the space bar to move the falling piece down faster.

Functions for moving and rotating the falling piece


Define a function that can be called from stepTetris to handle the MoveLeft and MoveRight actions:

movePiece :: Int -> Tetris -> Tetris

The first argument is -1 to move left and 1 to move right.

Hints: use move and then check with collision to see if the move was OK. If so, return the new state, otherwise return the old state.

Also add equations for MoveLeft and MoveRight in stepTetris to call movePiece.

Load the updated definitions in GHCi and run main to test that you can move the falling piece left and right by pressing J and L. Also check that the falling piece doesn’t move any further when it has already reached one of the walls.


Define a function that rotates the falling piece:

rotate :: Tetris -> Tetris
Like with the move function, rotate should just rotate the falling piece without checking if it has collided with something. Don’t forget that you already defined rotateShape in part A.

(Optional: only try this if you have time) Write a function

adjust :: Tetris -> Tetris
When a tall and narrow piece is rotated, it becomes wider. If it located close to a wall, it might then collide with the wall. The function adjust should adjust the horizontal position of the piece in these cases so that rotation isn’t prevented. (The game will work without this function, but it is more user friendly to have it.)

Define a function that can be called from stepTetris to handle the Rotate action:

rotatePiece :: Tetris -> Tetris

Hints: use rotate and then check with collision if the rotation was OK. If so return the new state, otherwise return the old state. Optionally also call adjust (after rotate but before collision).

Also add an equation in stepTetris to call rotatePiece to handle the Rotate action.

Load the updated definitions in GHCi again, and run main to test that you can now rotate the falling piece by pressing K. If you implemented adjust, test that you can rotate the falling piece even when it is next to an edge.

Piling up

The game is still not very interesting, because the tick function is still missing some key functionality. The falling piece should not just stop falling when it can’t move further down. Instead, it should be added to the pile of pieces already in the well, and a new piece should start falling.


Define a function that handles the case when the falling piece can’t move any further down.

dropNewPiece :: Tetris -> Maybe (Int,Tetris)

The following things need to be taken care of in this function (for now, we will improve it below):

  • The falling piece is added to the combined shape of the other pieces in the well.
  • A piece is removed from the supply and used as the new falling piece.
  • We have to check if the new piece overlaps with the pieces in the well. If so the game should end, otherwise it continues in the new state.

Also update the tick function: instead of returning the old state when there is a collision, it should call dropNewPiece. We provided a function startPosition to give the position of every new piece.

Load the updated definitions in GHCi again, and run main to test that a new piece starts falling when the currently falling piece reaches the bottom of the well. Also test that falling pieces pile up on top of each other as expected and that the game ends when the pile reaches the top of the well.

In this test you probably noticed that the supply of pieces isn’t random, it’s just repeating the same piece.

The definition of startTetris is incomplete. But it has an argument that is an infinte list of random numbers x such that 0.0≤x<1.0 (just like the shuffle function in Lab 2). Modify the startTetris function so that it uses this parameter to create a list of random shapes for the supply.

Clearing rows

One more thing that can happen when a new piece is added to the well is that one or more rows can become completely filled. These rows should be cleared and the rows above should move down to fill the gap.


Define a function that removes completed lines from the well.

clearLines :: Shape -> (Int,Shape)

This function needs to work with the rows in the shape, to remove the rows that are completely filled and add new empty rows at the top of shape so that the size of the well stays the same. The function returns how many rows were cleared and the new shape.

Hints: filter, length, null, shapeSize, shiftShape and list comprehensions could be useful. Defining a helper function isComplete for testing rows is probably a good idea.

Insert a call to the clearLines function in dropNewPiece. Instead of returning Just (0,t) where t is the new state, dropNewPiece should now return Just (n,t) where n is the number returned by clearLines. (The player will now get points for clearing rows.)

Load the updated definitions in GHCi again and run main. Verify that complete rows are cleared and that the score increases.

If you have gone through all the steps above, your implementation of Tetris is now complete! Congratulations!

Running the game

As you have seen while working on Part B, you can run the game inside GHCi by calling the main function:

*Main> main

Alternatively, since GHC is an optimising compiler that can create executable files containing native machine code, you can run the game without GHCi (even on computers where GHC isn’t installed):

$ ghc --make -O -threaded Tetris.hs
[1 of 4] Compiling Shapes           ( Shapes.hs, Shapes.o )
[2 of 4] Compiling GameInterface    ( GameInterface.hs, GameInterface.o )
[3 of 4] Compiling ConsoleGUI       ( ConsoleGUI.hs, ConsoleGUI.o )
[4 of 4] Compiling Main             ( Tetris.hs, Main.o )
Linking Tetris ...

The executable file will be called Tetris (or Tetris.exe on Windows) and you can run it directly:

$ ./Tetris

Alternative user interfaces

In the there is also a user interface based on CodeWorld. You can run this by installing the CodeWorld libraries:

$ cabal install codeworld-api

This might take a while (5-10 minutes, maybe more). Then change the import in the beginning of your Tetris module:

--import ConsoleGUI
import CodeWorldGUI

Recompile your program and run it.

$ ghc --make -O -threaded Tetris.hs
$ ./Tetris
Open me on

Open the link in your web browser.

Here is what the game looks like with this user interface: CodeWorld Tetris.

Submission Instructions

As for lab 2, you must submit using the Fire system in groups of 3, and arrange to present your solutions as a group at the allotted times.

You should only submit: your version of Shapes.hs for part I and both Shapes.hs and Tetris.hs for part II. Do not upload any other files.

Before you submit your code, Clean It Up! Remember, submitting clean code is Really Important, and simply the polite thing to do. After you feel you are done, spend some time on cleaning your code; make it simpler, remove unneccessary things, etc. We will reject your solution if it is not clean. Clean code:

  • Does not have long lines (< 78 characters) or tab characters

  • Has a consistent layout

  • Has type signatures for all top-level functions

  • Has good comments where needed

  • Has no junk (junk is unused code, commented code, unneccessary comments)

  • Has no overly complicated function definitions

  • Does not contain any repetitive code (copy-and-paste programming)
  • For Part II of the lab we expect you to run the hlint command on your program and follow the advice given. If you do not understand the advice you should include your original code in comments in your submission. (You are welcome to use it for part I, but unless you have read about higher-order functions you probably won’t understand the advice.)

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