Module      : Parsing
Description : Simple Monadic Parsing Library
Maintainer  : Thomas Hallgren

A Simple Monadic Parsing Library

Used in the course Functional Programming GU/Chalmers.

Original author: David Sands.

module Parsing 
 ( -- * The Parser type
   Parser -- exports the type name but not the constructors
  -- * Basic parsers
  ,readsP -- behaves as reads :: Read a => [(a,String)]
  , char, failure
  -- * Combining parsers
  -- * More general operators useful in parser construction
  -- ** Try two alternatives
  -- ** Apply a function to the result of a parser
  -- ** Parse two things, return only the first
  -- ** Parse two things, return only the second
  -- ** Return a result without consuming any input
  , return


Aim: reusable Parser combinators including 
 a new type for the Parser, 
 but no export of the constructor

Changes (v3 2016) Thomas Hallgren
Export <* and *> from class Applicative instead of the combinators <-< and >->
Export <|> from class Alternative instead of +++

Changes (v2 2015)
For compatibility with GHC>=7.10 Parser 
is now also instance Applicative

Removal: Class Functor, Applicative and Monad provide a number of 
functions that were previously exported explicitly, in particular
(>*>) is available as the bind operation (>>=),
success is return, pmap is fmap.

Additional function:
readsP :: Read a => Parser a  
-- satisfies 
-- parse readsP s == listToMaybe (reads s)


import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe(listToMaybe)
-- boilerplate for GHC 10.7 compatibility:
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..),Alternative(..))
import Control.Monad       (liftM, ap)

-- | The abstract data type representing a Parser
newtype Parser a = P (String -> Maybe (a,String))

-- | Runs the parser on the given string 
--  to return maybe a thing and a string
parse :: Parser a -> String -> Maybe(a,String)
parse (P f ) s = f s

-- | A parser for anything in the Read class,
-- satisfying
-- prop> parse readsP s == listToMaybe (reads s)

readsP :: Read a => Parser a
readsP = P $ listToMaybe . reads 
-- | Parser than can never succeed
failure :: Parser a -- always fails
failure    = P $ \s -> 
-- | Parser that succeeds without looking at the String
success :: a -> Parser a 
success a  = P $ \s ->
             Just (a,s)

-- | Parse any single character
item  = P $ \s ->
         case s of 
              (c:s') -> Just (c,s')
              ""     -> Nothing

infixr 3 +++
-- | Try the first parser and if it fails try the second
(+++) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
p +++ q  = P $ \s ->
             case parse p s of
                  Nothing -> parse q s
                  r       -> r

-- (p >*> f) parse using p to produce a. 
-- Then parse using f a 

infixl 1 >*>

(>*>) :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
p >*> f  = P $ \s -> 
            case parse p s of 
                 Just (a,s') -> parse (f a) s'
                 Nothing     -> Nothing
-- Parsers below do not depend on the internal 
-- representation of Parser

-- | parse a single character satisfying property p
sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
sat p  = item >*> \a -> if p a then success a else failure

-- | parse a digit character
digit :: Parser Char
digit = sat isDigit

-- | Parse a specific character
char c = sat (==c)

-- example: parse any lowercase letter 
-- followed by its uppercase equivalent aA or bB etc.
ex1 = sat isAsciiLower >*> char . toUpper

-- pmap modifies the result of a parser

-- | Parse a thing, then parse a list of things, and 
-- return the first thing followed by the list of things
(<:>):: Parser a -> Parser [a] -> Parser [a]
p <:> q = p >*> \a -> fmap (a:) q 

-- | Parse zero or more things 
zeroOrMore :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
zeroOrMore p = oneOrMore p +++ success []

-- | Parse one or more things 
oneOrMore :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
oneOrMore  p = p <:> zeroOrMore p

-- | Parse a list of as, separated by bs
chain :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a]
chain p q = p <:> zeroOrMore (q *> p)

-- example: comma separated digits "1,2,3"

-- Standard definition for Functor and Applicative for 
-- GHC>=7.10 compatibility 
instance Functor Parser where
    fmap = liftM

instance Applicative Parser where
    pure  = success
    (<*>) = ap

instance Monad Parser where
    (>>=)  = (>*>)
    return = pure 

instance Alternative Parser where
  empty = failure
  (<|>) = (+++)