/* This is the driving engine of the program. It parses the command-line * arguments and calls the appropriate methods in the other classes. * * You should edit this file in two ways: * 1) Insert your database username and password in the proper places. * 2) Implement the three functions getInformation, registerStudent * and unregisterStudent. */ import java.sql.*; // JDBC stuff. import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.*; // Reading user input. public class StudentPortal { /* TODO Here you should put your database name, username and password */ static final String USERNAME = ""; static final String PASSWORD = ""; /* Print command usage. * /!\ you don't need to change this function! */ public static void usage () { System.out.println("Usage:"); System.out.println(" i[nformation]"); System.out.println(" r[egister] "); System.out.println(" u[nregister] "); System.out.println(" q[uit]"); } /* main: parses the input commands. * /!\ You don't need to change this function! */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try { Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); String url = "jdbc:postgresql://ate.ita.chalmers.se/"; Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("user",USERNAME); props.setProperty("password",PASSWORD); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, props); String student = args[0]; // This is the identifier for the student. Console console = System.console(); usage(); System.out.println("Welcome!"); while(true) { String mode = console.readLine("? > "); String[] cmd = mode.split(" +"); cmd[0] = cmd[0].toLowerCase(); if ("information".startsWith(cmd[0]) && cmd.length == 1) { /* Information mode */ getInformation(conn, student); } else if ("register".startsWith(cmd[0]) && cmd.length == 2) { /* Register student mode */ registerStudent(conn, student, cmd[1]); } else if ("unregister".startsWith(cmd[0]) && cmd.length == 2) { /* Unregister student mode */ unregisterStudent(conn, student, cmd[1]); } else if ("quit".startsWith(cmd[0])) { break; } else usage(); } System.out.println("Goodbye!"); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println(e); System.exit(2); } } /* Given a student identification number, ths function should print * - the name of the student, the students national identification number * and their issued login name (something similar to a CID) * - the programme and branch (if any) that the student is following. * - the courses that the student has read, along with the grade. * - the courses that the student is registered to. (queue position if the student is waiting for the course) * - the number of mandatory courses that the student has yet to read. * - whether or not the student fulfills the requirements for graduation */ static void getInformation(Connection conn, String student) throws SQLException { // TODO: Your implementation here } /* Register: Given a student id number and a course code, this function * should try to register the student for that course. */ static void registerStudent(Connection conn, String student, String course) throws SQLException { // TODO: Your implementation here } /* Unregister: Given a student id number and a course code, this function * should unregister the student from that course. */ static void unregisterStudent(Connection conn, String student, String course) throws SQLException { // TODO: Your implementation here } }