{-| Module : WebFudgets Description : Fudgets for Web Programming Maintainer : Thomas Hallgren Web Fudgets is a prototype library for writing web application in a functional style in Haskell. Web Fudgets is based on (a Graphical User Interface Libary for Haskell developed in the early 1990s) but has a completely separate implementation on top of . -} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} module WebFudgets(-- * The Fudget type F, -- ** Running a fudget runF, -- * User interface elements buttonF,ButtonClick(..),buttonGroupF, toggleButtonF,checkboxF,selectF, stringDisplayF,showF, readShowF,numberF,stringF,passwordF,canvasF, imgF,imgF', -- * Static content textF,htmlF,ahrefF, -- * Layout h1F,h2F,h3F,pF,tableF,divF,boxF,ulF,liF,preF, withF, -- * Fudget combinators -- | <

> -- ** Parallel composition (>+<),(>+),(+<),listF, -- ** Serial composition (=<=),(=>=), -- ** Loops loopLeftF,loopThroughRightF, -- * Adding application specific functionality -- ** Stateless mapF,filterF,mapMaybeF,concatMapF, -- ** Stateful stateF, -- ** Stream processors idF,putF,nullF,concatF, -- * Timing timerF,Tick(..), -- * Haste extras addStyleLink,documentHead,devicePixelRatio, -- ** Re-exported from Haste URL,Attribute,(=:),attr,style,prop,AttrValue, MouseEvent(..),MouseData(..),MouseButton(..),Interval(..) ) where import Haste import Haste.DOM import Haste.Events import Haste.Concurrent import Haste.Graphics.Canvas import Haste.Foreign(constant) import Haste.Prim(toJSStr) import Data.List(findIndex) import Control.Monad(when,zipWithM) -- | The type of an event handler type H a = a -> CIO () -- | @F hi ho@ is the type of a fudget that -- consumes an high-level input stream of values of type @hi@ and -- produces an high-level output stream of values of type @ho@. -- It can also generate a number of user interface elements, -- and can read input from and send output to those user interface elements. -- <

> newtype F hi ho = F (H ho->CIO (H hi,[Elem])) -- | 'runF' is typically used only once in the @main@ function of a program. -- It runs the fudget and adds any user interface elements it generates -- to the 'documentBody' of the web page. runF (F fud) = concurrent $ do (_,es) <- fud ignore viewport <- newElem "meta" `with` [attr "name" =: "viewport", attr "content" =: "width = device-width"] appendChild documentHead viewport --setStyle documentBody "background" "#eee" liftIO $ mapM_ (appendChild documentBody) es instance Monoid (F hi ho) where mempty = nullF mappend (F f1) (F f2) = F $ \ oh -> do (_,es1) <- f1 oh (_,es2) <- f2 oh return (ignore,es1++es2) instance Functor (F hi) where fmap f (F fud) = F $ \ oh -> fud (oh . f) absF f = F $ \ oh -> return (f oh,[]) -- | @putF x fud@ outputs @x@, then behaves like fud putF x (F fud) = F $ \ oh -> do oh x; fud oh nullF = absF (const ignore) -- ^ Ignores all input. Doesn't produce any output. idF = absF id -- ^ @mapF id@, propagates all input directly to the output mapF f = absF (. f) -- ^ Like 'map' for lists. @mapF f@ outputs @f x@ for every @x@ in the input stream mapMaybeF f = absF (\oh->maybe (return ()) oh . f) -- ^ Like 'mapMaybe' for lists. A combination of 'mapF' and 'filterF'. filterF p = mapMaybeF (\x->if p x then Just x else Nothing) -- ^ Like 'filter' for lists. Propagates values from the input stream to -- the output stream if they pass a test. stateF f init = F $ \ oh -> do state <- newMVar init let ih i = do old <- takeMVar state let (new,out) = f old i putMVar state new oh out return (ih,[]) -- ^ @stateF@ is used to maintain an internal state. -- Given a state transition function @f@ and an initial state @s@, -- @stateF f s@ responds to input by applying @f@ to it to update the -- internal state and generate an output. -- | Like 'concat' for lists, flattens a stream of lists. concatF :: F [i] i concatF = absF mapM_ -- | Like 'concatMap' for lists. A combination of 'concatF' and 'mapF'. concatMapF :: (i->[o]) -> F i o concatMapF f = absF (\oh -> mapM_ oh . f) infixr 3 =<=,=>= -- | Right-to-left serial composition. The output stream of the right fudget -- is connected to the input stream of the left fudget. This was -- originally called '>==<' in Fudgets. F f1 =<= F f2 = F $ \ oh -> do (ih1,es1) <- f1 oh (ih2,es2) <- f2 ih1 return (ih2,es1++es2) -- | Left-to-right serial composition. The output stream of the left fudget -- is connected to the input stream of the right fudget. (This was not -- included in the original implementation of Fudgets. Using both '=>=' -- and '=<=' in the same expression might lead to confusion...) F f1 =>= F f2 = F $ \ oh -> do (ih2,es2) <- f2 oh (ih1,es1) <- f1 ih2 return (ih1,es1++es2) infixl 5 >+<,+<,>+ -- | Tagged parallel composition. Messages to/from the left fudget are -- tagged 'Left'. Messages to/from the right fudget are tagged 'Right'. F f1 >+< F f2 = F $ \ oh -> do (ih1,es1) <- f1 (oh . Left) (ih2,es2) <- f2 (oh . Right) return (either ih1 ih2,es1++es2) -- | Parallel composition where only the right fudget is connected. -- The left fudget is typically static content. F f1 +< F f2 = F $ \ oh -> do (ih1,es1) <- f1 ignore (ih2,es2) <- f2 oh return (ih2,es1++es2) -- | Parallel composition where only the left fudget is connected. -- The right fudget is typically static content. F f1 >+ F f2 = F $ \ oh -> do (ih1,es1) <- f1 oh (ih2,es2) <- f2 ignore return (ih1,es1++es2) -- | Tagged parallel composition of a list of fudgets listF tfs = F $ \ oh -> do (ihs,ess) <- unzip <$> sequence [f (oh . (,) t) | (t,F f)<-tfs] let tihs = zip (map fst tfs) ihs ih (t,i) = maybe (return ()) ($ i) (lookup t tihs) return (ih,concat ess) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Creates a feedback loop. @loopLeftF fud@ behaves as follows: -- output from @fud@ tagged @Left@ will be sent back to -- the input of @fud@. Output from @fud@ tagged @Right@ will be sent to the -- output of @loopLeftF fud@. Input to @loopLeftF fud@ will be tagged -- @Right@ and delivered to @fud@. loopLeftF (F fud) = F $ \ oh -> do loop <- newEmptyMVar (ih,es) <- fud (either (forkIO . putMVar loop . Left) oh) forkIO $ let feed = do ih =<< takeMVar loop feed in feed return (putMVar loop . Right,es) -- | @loopThroughRightF master slave@ is similar to loopLeftF master, but -- the loop goes through the @slave@ fudget. (A better name might be -- @encapsulateF@ since all communication with the @slave@ has to go via -- the @master@, so the @slave@ is encapsulated in this sense.) loopThroughRightF lfud rfud = loopCompThroughRightF (lfud>+ F b d loopCompThroughRightF w = let post (Left (Left x)) = Left (Right x) post (Left (Right x)) = Right x post (Right x) = Left (Left (Left x)) pre (Left x) = x pre (Right x) = Left (Right x) in loopLeftF (prepostMapHigh pre post w) prepostMapHigh pre post fud = post <$> fud =<= mapF pre -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- divF = wrapF "div" -- ^ A div element @\

@ pF = wrapF "p" -- ^ Paragraph @\


@ h1F = wrapF "h1" -- ^ Level 1 header @\


@ h2F = wrapF "h2" -- ^ Level 2 header @\


@ h3F = wrapF "h3" -- ^ Level 3 header @\


@ ulF = wrapF "ul" -- ^ Unordered list @\@ liF = wrapF "li" -- ^ List item @\
  • ...\
  • @ -- | A div element with a black border and some padding boxF = wrapF' "div" [style "border" =: "1px solid black", style "padding" =: "1ex", style "margin" =: "1ex"] preF = wrapF "pre" -- ^ A pre element @\
    @ wrapF = layoutF . wrap wrapF' tagname as = layoutF (wrap' tagname as) layoutF layout = modifyF (fmap (:[]) . layout) modifyF modify (F fud) = F $ \ oh -> do (ih,es) <- fud oh es' <- modify es return (ih,es') -- | Apply attributes to the elements generated by a fudget withF fud as = modifyF (\es->mapM_ (`set` as) es>>return es) fud -- | A table with @n@ columns tableF = layoutF . tableL tableL n es = do tds <- mapM (wrap1 "td") es rows <- mapM (wrap "tr") (chop n tds) wrap "table" rows -- | Plain text textF = staticF . newTextElem -- | Text with HTML markup htmlF s = staticF (newElem "span" `with` [prop "innerHTML"=:(s::String)]) staticF haste = F $ const ((,) ignore . (:[]) <$> haste) -- | A hyperlink @\...\@ ahrefF :: URL -> F i o -> F i o ahrefF url = layoutF (wrap' "a" [attr "href" =: url]) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | An image, @\@ -- You can change the image dynamically by sending in the URL of another -- image. imgF :: URL -> F URL o imgF = imgF' [attr "alt" =: ""] -- | An image with extra attributes, @\@. -- You can change the image dynamically by sending in the URL of another -- image. imgF' :: [Attribute] -> URL -> F URL o imgF' as url = F $ \ oh -> do el <- newElem "img" `with` (attr "src" =: url:as) let ih url = setAttr el "src" url return (ih,[el]) -- | 'stringDisplayF' combined with 'show' showF :: Show i => F i o showF = nullF =<= stringF `withF` as =<= mapF show where as = [attr "readonly" =: "readonly"] -- | An output-only element displaying text, @\...\@ stringDisplayF = F $ \ oh -> do el <- newElem "span" let ih s = do clearChildren el appendChild el =<< newTextElem s return (ih,[el]) -- | 'stringF' combined with 'show' and 'read' readShowF :: (Show a,Read a) => F a a readShowF = mapMaybeF readM =<= stringF =<= mapF show -- | 'readShowF' restricted to numbers, @\@ numberF :: (Show a,Read a,Num a) => F a a numberF = mapMaybeF readM =<= inputF "number" =<= mapF show -- | A string input/output field, @\@ stringF = inputF "text" -- | A string input/output field that shows @****@ instead of the actual -- input, @\@ passwordF = inputF "password" inputF ty = inputF' [prop "type"=:ty] inputF' ps = F $ \ oh -> do inp <- newElem "input" `with` ps onEvent inp Change $ \_ -> do oh =<< getProp inp "value" let ih s = do old <- getProp inp "value" when (s/=old) $ do setProp inp "value" s oh s return (ih,[inp]) data ButtonClick = BtnClick deriving (Eq,Show,Read) -- | Creates a button, like @\@. -- It outputs 'BtnClick' when pressed. ('BtnClick' received on the input -- is propagated directly to the output, allowing button clicks to -- be simulated programmatically.) buttonF lbl = F $ \ oh -> do btn <- newElem "input" `with` [prop "type"=:"button"] setProp btn "value" lbl onEvent btn Click $ \_ -> oh BtnClick return (oh,[btn]) -- | Creates a button with another fudget inside (which -- should be something simple, e.g. an 'imgF' or a 'stringDisplayF'...), -- @\