module Product where -- The Cartesian product of two types (the type of pairs, cf Pierce, figure 11-5 p 126) is a data type -- one constructor: data _×_ (A B : Set) : Set where <_,_> : A -> B -> A × B -- Exercise: write out the full types of _×_ and <_,_>. Hint: look at the definition of the data type List. -- Pierce uses {_,_} -- We can now define the first and the second projection: fst : {A B : Set} -> A × B -> A fst < a , b > = a -- Pierce uses t.1 for fst t, the "first projection" snd : {A B : Set} -> A × B -> B snd < a , b > = b -- Pierce uses t.2 for snd t, the "second projection" -- Pierce's evaluation rules are for "strict" pairs, evaluating the first component to a value, then the second component. When projections are computed we first compute both components of the pair, then throw one away -- In general we can have tuples (pairs, triples, quadruples, ...)