{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Typed where

import qualified Expr as E
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Expr.Gen ()
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Monad

infixl 6 :+
infix  4 :==
infix  0 :::

-- | The type of well-typed expressions. There is no way to
-- construct an ill-typed expression in this datatype.
data Expr t where
  LitI  :: Int                           -> Expr Int
  LitB  :: Bool                          -> Expr Bool
  (:+)  ::         Expr Int -> Expr Int  -> Expr Int
  (:==) :: Eq t => Expr t   -> Expr t    -> Expr Bool
  If    :: Expr Bool -> Expr t -> Expr t -> Expr t

-- | A type-safe evaluator. Much nicer now that we now that
-- expressions are well-typed. No Value datatype needed, no
-- extra constructors VInt, VBool.
eval :: Expr t -> t
eval (LitI n)     =  n
eval (LitB b)     =  b
eval (e1 :+ e2)   =  eval e1 +  eval e2
eval (e1 :== e2)  =  eval e1 == eval e2
eval (If b t e)   =  if eval b then eval t else eval e

eOK :: Expr Int
eOK  = If (LitB False) (LitI 1) (LitI 2 :+ LitI 1736)
-- eBad = If (LitB False) (LitI 1) (LitI 2 :+ LitB True)

-- | We can forget that an expression is typed. For instance, to
-- be able to reuse the pretty printer we already have.
forget :: Expr t -> E.Expr
forget e = case e of
  LitI n      -> E.LitI n
  LitB b      -> E.LitB b
  e1 :+ e2    -> forget e1  E.:+   forget e2
  e1 :== e2   -> forget e1  E.:==  forget e2
  If e1 e2 e3 -> E.If (forget e1) (forget e2) (forget e3)

instance Show (Expr t) where
  showsPrec p e = showsPrec p (forget e)

-- How to go the other way, turning an untyped expression into a
-- typed expression?

-- Answer: we have to do type checking! Moreover, our type
-- checker will have to convince the Haskell type checker to
-- allow us to construct an element of Expr t from an untyped
-- expression passing our type checker. In other words we are
-- not writing a type checker for our own benefit, but to
-- explain to GHC's type checker why a particular untyped term
-- is really well-typed.

-- | The types that an expression can have. Indexed by the
-- corresponding Haskell type.
data Type t where
  TInt  :: Type Int
  TBool :: Type Bool

instance Show (Type t) where
  show TInt  = "Int"
  show TBool = "Bool"

-- | Well-typed expressions of some type are just pairs of
-- expressions and types which agree on the Haskell type. The
-- /forall/ builds an existential type (exercise: think about
-- whether this makes sense).
data TypedExpr = forall t. Eq t =>   Expr t ::: Type t

-- evalT :: TypedExpr -> ?
-- evalT (e ::: t) = eval e

instance Show TypedExpr where
  show (e ::: t) = show e ++ " :: " ++ show t

-- | When comparing two types it's not enough to just return a
-- boolean.  Remember that we're trying to convince GHC's type
-- checker that two types are equal, and just evaluating some
-- arbitrary function to True isn't going to impress it.
--   Instead we define a type of proofs that two types @a@ and
--   @b@ are equal.  The only way to prove two types equal is if
--   they are in fact the same, and then the proof is
--   Refl. Evaluating one of these proofs to 'Refl' will
--   convince GHC's type checker that the two type arguments are
--   indeed equal (how else could the proof be Refl?).
data Equal a b where
  Refl :: Equal a a

-- | The type comparison function returns a proof that the types
-- we compare are equal in the cases that they are.
(=?=) :: Type s -> Type t -> Maybe (Equal s t)
TInt  =?= TInt  = Just Refl
TBool =?= TBool = Just Refl
_     =?= _     = Nothing

-- | Finally the type inference algorithm. We're making heavy
-- use of the fact that pattern matching on a @Type t@ or an
-- @Equal s t@ will tell GHC's type checker interesting things
-- about @s@ and @t@.
infer :: E.Expr -> Maybe TypedExpr
infer e = case e of
  E.LitI n -> return (LitI n ::: TInt)

  E.LitB b -> return (LitB b ::: TBool)

  r1 E.:+ r2 -> do
    e1 ::: TInt  <-  infer r1
    e2 ::: TInt  <-  infer r2
    return (e1 :+ e2 ::: TInt)

  r1 E.:== r2 -> do
    e1 ::: t1    <-  infer r1
    e2 ::: t2    <-  infer r2
    Refl         <-  t1 =?= t2
    return (e1 :== e2 ::: TBool)

  E.If r1 r2 r3 -> do
    e1 ::: TBool <-  infer r1
    e2 ::: t2    <-  infer r2
    e3 ::: t3    <-  infer r3
    Refl         <-  t2 =?= t3
    return (If e1 e2 e3 ::: t2)

-- | We can do type checking by inferring a type and comparing
-- it to the type we expect.
check :: E.Expr -> Type t -> Maybe (Expr t)
check r t = do
  e ::: t' <- infer r
  Refl     <- t' =?= t
  return e

test1R = read "1+2 == 3"
test1  = fromJust (infer test1R)

evalTB :: E.Expr -> Maybe E.Value
evalTB e = do
  b <- check e TBool
  return (E.VBool $ eval b)

evalTI :: E.Expr -> Maybe E.Value
evalTI e = do
  i <- check e TInt
  return (E.VInt $ eval i)

evalT :: E.Expr -> Maybe E.Value
evalT e = evalTB e  `mplus`  evalTI e

--prop_eval :: E.Expr -> Property
prop_eval e = let  mv         = evalT e
                   wellTyped  = isJust   mv
                   v          = fromJust mv
              in wellTyped ==>  
                 label (E.showTypeOfVal v) $
                 E.eval e == v

-- | Check that the evals agree for well-typed terms
main = quickCheck prop_eval