-module(barrier). -export([example/1]). reach_wait(Server) -> Ref = make_ref(), Server ! {reach, self(), Ref}, receive {ack, Ref} -> true end. start(N) -> Pid = spawn(fun() -> coordinator(N,N,[]) end), register(coordinator, Pid). coordinator(N,0,Ps) -> [ From ! {ack, Ref} || {From, Ref} <- Ps ], coordinator(N,N,[]) ; coordinator(N,M,Ps) -> receive {reach, From, Ref} -> coordinator(N,M-1, [ {From,Ref} | Ps]) end. %% Example p(I) -> timer:sleep(random:uniform(1000)), io:format("Process ~w has reached the barrier!~n",[I]), reach_wait(coordinator), io:format("Process ~w leaves the barrier~n",[I]). example(N) -> start(N), [ spawn (fun () -> p(X), p(X) end) || X <- lists:seq(1,N) ].