Databases (VT2014)

Assignment submission


Assignment submissions will be done through the Fire reporting system.

Registering in the system

  1. The first thing you have to do is to register yourself for the submission system. Everyone has to do this, it's not once per group.

    1. Go to the submission system and follow Click here to register as a student.

    2. Enter a valid email address, and a mail will be sent to that address with a link for further registration. This step is only to avoid dummy registrations with phony email addresses. The email address you give will be your username.

    3. Go to the link that you got in the mail. You will come to a page that will prompt you to enter your personal details.

    4. Enter your details, and choose a password, then press Register. You will now be successfully registered with the system.

  2. The second step is to create and join a group. Note: Everyone must join a group, even those of you who have gotten permission to do the assignment alone.

    1. Log in to the system (same link as above) and press the Join group button.

      1. If you are the first person in your group to do this, click Create new group. A new group will be created for you, and you will be given a password (it will also be sent to your mail). Give this password to your lab partner, he or she will need it to join your group.

      2. If your partner has created a group already, ask him or her for the group number and the password. Enter these in the fields under Join existing group and press Join group. You will be asked if you're sure, which you probably are.

    2. Now both of you will have joined the group, and can start using the system for real.

Note: It is possible to change your group later in the term if that turns out to be necessary. Groups are changed on basis of a task. First you have to leave the group by clicking the "Leave group =>" button for the group you want to leave. After this you may join another group for that assignment.

Submitting Oracle database account request

Use the Fire system under Request Oracle Account to request your group account for the Oracle database. Just submit without any attached files, we shall generate an account for you. This information will be sent manually, so there could a a delay of a day or two before you get the account information, so please request your Oracle account in good time.

Submitting tasks

To submit a task, you have to

We will accept submissions only in the format `.tar.gz`. A submission should consist of a single directory in which all files of the submission are located. Do not hand in generated files, e.g. Java class files or executables, these will only take up unnecessary room on the submission server. To create a proper `.tar.gz` file for submission, follow these steps:

You will now have a file called task2.tar.gz that you can upload to the submission system.

Keep a copy of your work

The files in the Fire system might be deleted sometime after the end of the course, so you should keep a copy of your solutions for your own reference.

Important dates

Notes on deadlines

Last Modified: 20 January 2014 by Niklas Broberg