Logic in Computer Science — LP1 2014/2015


Goals of the Course

The goal of the course is to present the fundamental basic notions of logic that are important in computer science. One presents propositional and predicate logic in natural deductions the way it is done in most interactive theorem provers, with a suggestive box notation for proofs. One presents also the basis of model checking and temporal logic (LTL and CTL). One does not cover a detailed proof of completeness theorem for predicate logic (and one gives a sketch of completeness for propositional logic) but what is important is that the students understand well the -meaning- of the various completeness theorems. (On the other hand one gives a proof of undecidability of predicate logic via Post systems.) In the same spirit, one does not present complete proofs of decidability for LTL and CTL but one presents in detail the fixed-point semantics of CTL.

The content of the course is roughly the 3 first chapters of Huth and Ryan "Logic in Computer Science".

There are some slides motivating the course.

Text Book

This course uses Logic in Computer Science by Michael Huth and Mark Ryan.


Tuesday 10:00 - 11:45 in HB3 and Friday 8:00 - 9:45 in HC2.
No lecture on Tuesday, 23rd of September.
Exercise Sessions
Friday 10:00-11:45 in HC2.

For GU-Students

This semester GU-students have to register online in LPW at the Student Portal. The registration is obligatory in order to attend the course. Note that you need to register yourself on the course the same day as the first lecture, otherwise you will lose your place. For further information about the registration and how to activate your student account see here.

Plan for the Lectures

Week Chapters Topics Exercises Assignments
1 1.1, 1.2 Propositional logic, natural deduction Week 1 pdf
2 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 Formal language, proof by induction, semantics, normal form Week 2 pdf
3 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Predicate logic, natural deduction Week 3 pdf
4 2.4 Semantics of predicate logic Week 4 pdf
5 2.5, 2.6 Undecidability, expressivity of predicate logic Week 5 pdf
6 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 LTL, CTL Week 6 pdf
7 3.6, 3.7 Algorithms, fixed-point characterization, repetition Week 7 -


The exam has 60 points in total. No books or written help during the exam.

On the exam you are only allowed the use the deduction rules on page 27 of the course book, the introduction and elimination rules for equality and quantifiers, and the copy rule. So in particular De Morgan's rules are not allowed (unless they are proved as separate lemmas).


There will be six non-obligatory assignments which should be handed in individually. Each assignment gives ten points and 10% of those points count as bonus points in the exam. The bonus points are only valid for the exams held before September 2015.

Your solutions must be handed in before the weekly exercise session. The first deadline is in study week two, i.e. September 12th, 10.00. You can hand them in the return box on the 6th floor, in the lectures, in the beginning of the exercise session, or in office 6103A. Please do not hand them in by email.

Graded submissions will be handed back on the exercise sesssion the week after; alternatively you can pick them up in room 6103A.

All submissions must include your name, email address, and be stapled together. Your solutions must be clear and readable; everything must be carefully motivated!

As always in life, you should not cheat! Cheating will be taken seriously and will be reported to the Disciplinary Commitee for further investigation.


Here is a list of exercises from a previous year, some with comments. Exercises marked with a * in the text book have solutions.

Interesting Links

Contact Information


Jan Smith, mail: jan(dot)smith(at)chalmers(dot)se

Thierry Coquand, mail: thierry.coquand(at)cse(dot)gu(dot)se

Thierry is also the examiner of the course.


Simon Huber, mail: simon.huber(at)cse(dot)gu(dot)se

Andrea Vezzosi, mail: vezzosi(at)chalmers(dot)se