//jag har mixtrat med denna kolla att det fungerar // This is TestRseEH // Your class must be named "Rse" and be public // The signature of allRowSumsEqual needs to be // public static boolean allRowSumsEqual(int[][] m) // Put this program in the same folder as your Rse class // and compile this program. // to run the test call: ([] mean that it is something voluntary) // java TestRseEH [-vx] // x=0 => guru mode => print only errors (they are always written) // x=1,2 => normal printout (default) // this is experimental code, not for you too read :-) // it is also generic i.e. not everything is actually used to something (yet) // Version 2012-11-12 public class TestRseEH { // both false = only errors private static boolean verbose = true; //default values private static boolean verbose2 = true; private static boolean debug = false; static void print(int[][] m) { if ( m==null ) { System.out.print("[ null ]"); } else if ( m.length == 0 ) { System.out.print("[ - ]"); } else { System.out.print("[ "); for ( int row=0; row