Feldspar: Functional Embedded Language for DSP and Parallelism

Emil Axelsson

AFP guest lecture, March 2013


Feldspar was initiated by Ericsson and Chalmers with the aim to improve development of signal processing software



Performance and portability essential



Hand-optimized loop (from AMR codec)

ANSI-C specification:

for (j = 0; j < L_frame; j++, p++, p1++)
   t0 = L_mac (t0, *p, *p1);
corr[­i] = t0;

Equivalent loop optimized for specific processor:

#pragma MUST_ITERATE(80,160,80);
for (j = 0; j < L_frame; j++)
  pj_pj = _pack2 (p[j], p[j]);
  p0_p1 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+0]);
  prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p0_p1);
  t0 = _sadd (t0, _hi (prod0_prod1));
  t1 = _sadd (t1, _lo (prod0_prod1));
  p2_p3 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+2]);
  prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p2_p3);
  t2 = _sadd (t2, _hi (prod0_prod1));
  t3 = _sadd (t3, _lo (prod0_prod1));
  p4_p5 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+4]);
  prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p4_p5);
  t4 = _sadd (t4, _hi (prod0_prod1));
  t5 = _sadd (t5, _lo (prod0_prod1));
  p6_p7 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+6]);
  prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p6_p7);
  t6 = _sadd (t6, _hi (prod0_prod1));
  t7 = _sadd (t7, _lo (prod0_prod1));
corr[­i] = t0; corr[­i+1] = t1;
corr[­i+2] = t2; corr[­i+3] = t3;
corr[­i+4] = t4; corr[­i+5] = t5;
corr[­i+6] = t6; corr[­i+7] = t7;
  • Pragmas
  • Intrinsic instructions
  • Loop unrolling
  • Etc.

Hand-optimized loop (from AMR codec)

Hand-optimized version probably not suited for a different processor; non-portable!

#pragma MUST_ITERATE(80,160,80);
for (j = 0; j < L_frame; j++)
  pj_pj = _pack2 (p[j], p[j]);
  p0_p1 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+0]);
  prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p0_p1);
  t0 = _sadd (t0, _hi (prod0_prod1));
  t1 = _sadd (t1, _lo (prod0_prod1));
  p2_p3 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+2]);
  prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p2_p3);
  t2 = _sadd (t2, _hi (prod0_prod1));
  t3 = _sadd (t3, _lo (prod0_prod1));
  p4_p5 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+4]);
  prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p4_p5);
  t4 = _sadd (t4, _hi (prod0_prod1));
  t5 = _sadd (t5, _lo (prod0_prod1));
  p6_p7 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+6]);
  prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p6_p7);
  t6 = _sadd (t6, _hi (prod0_prod1));
  t7 = _sadd (t7, _lo (prod0_prod1));
corr[­i] = t0; corr[­i+1] = t1;
corr[­i+2] = t2; corr[­i+3] = t3;
corr[­i+4] = t4; corr[­i+5] = t5;
corr[­i+6] = t6; corr[­i+7] = t7;

Code generation

(Old) Idea: Separate algorithm from optimizations

Fast and portable code!

  • Should (ideally) be able to generate the same code as hand-optimized
  • Only annotations need to be changed when porting to new hardware

Feldspar – Functional Embedded Language for DSP and PARallelism

High-level DSL for numeric processing

Embedded in Haskell

More info on embedding: [Hudak1998, Elliott2003]

Feldspar – Functional Embedded Language for DSP and PARallelism

Language front-end:


  • C code (can run on most targets)
  • Future: LLVM, CUDA, FPGA
  • Etc.

Example: distance between two points

File header:

import qualified Prelude as P
import Feldspar                -- Core language
import Feldspar.Vector         -- List-like data structure
import Feldspar.Compiler       -- C code generator
type Point = (Data Float, Data Float)

dist :: Point -> Point -> Data Float
dist (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = sqrt (square (x1-x2) + square (y1-y2))
    square x = x*x
  • Removing the word Data gives the same definition in ordinary Haskell

(Data is the AST of Feldspar expressions.)

Example: distance between two points

Interactive evaluation:

*Main> eval dist (5,10) (8,6)


*Main> icompile dist
void test(struct s_float_float_ * v0, struct s_float_float_ * v1, float * out)
    float v2;
    float v3;

    v2 = ((* v0).member1 - (* v1).member1);
    v3 = ((* v0).member2 - (* v1).member2);
    (* out) = sqrtf(((v2 * v2) + (v3 * v3)));

Functional DSP

Typical DSP operations

Exercise: Express as Haskell functions

elemMult  :: [Float] -> [Float] -> [Float]
movingAvg :: [Float] -> [Float]
sProd     :: [Float] -> [Float] -> Float

Functional DSP in
Haskell and Feldspar


elemMult  :: [Float] -> [Float] -> [Float]
movingAvg :: [Float] -> [Float]
sProd     :: [Float] -> [Float] -> Float

elemMult as bs =
movingAvg as   =
sProd as bs    =

Functional DSP in
Haskell and Feldspar


elemMult  :: [Float] -> [Float] -> [Float]
movingAvg :: [Float] -> [Float]
sProd     :: [Float] -> [Float] -> Float

elemMult as bs = zipWith (*) as bs
movingAvg as   =
sProd as bs    =

Functional DSP in
Haskell and Feldspar


elemMult  :: [Float] -> [Float] -> [Float]
movingAvg :: [Float] -> [Float]
sProd     :: [Float] -> [Float] -> Float

elemMult as bs = zipWith (*) as bs
movingAvg as   = zipWith (\a a' -> (a+a')/2) (tail as) as
sProd as bs    =

Functional DSP in
Haskell and Feldspar


elemMult  :: [Float] -> [Float] -> [Float]
movingAvg :: [Float] -> [Float]
sProd     :: [Float] -> [Float] -> Float

elemMult as bs = zipWith (*) as bs
movingAvg as   = zipWith (\a a' -> (a+a')/2) (tail as) as
sProd as bs    = sum $ zipWith (*) as bs


elemMult  :: Vector1 Float -> Vector1 Float -> Vector1 Float
movingAvg :: Vector1 Float -> Vector1 Float
sProd     :: Vector1 Float -> Vector1 Float -> Data Float

elemMult as bs = zipWith (*) as bs
movingAvg as   = zipWith (\a a' -> (a+a')/2) (tail as) as
sProd as bs    = sum $ zipWith (*) as bs

Vector library

Inspired by Haskell’s list library:

type Vector1 a = Vector (Data a)

length  :: Vector a -> Data Length
sum     :: Numeric a => Vector (Data a) -> Data a
map     :: (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b
tail    :: Vector a -> Vector a
(...)   :: Data Index -> Data Index -> Vector (Data Index)
zipWith :: (Syntax b, Syntax a) =>
             (a -> b -> c) -> Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c


*Main> eval (sum $ map (*2) (1...10)) :: Int32


Which one is most readable?

movingAvg :: Vector1 Float -> Vector1 Float
movingAvg as = zipWith (\a a' -> (a+a')/2) (tail as) as
movingAvg2 :: Vector1 Float -> Vector1 Float
movingAvg2 as = map (/2) $ zipWith (+) (tail as) as

movingAvg is perhaps closer to the specification: $x_i = \frac{a_{i+1} + a_i}{2}$

movingAvg2 is more modular!

  • Computing result by transforming data in small steps
    (“data-centric programming”)
  • Reusing existing higher-order functions as much as possible

Loop fusion

Which one is most efficient?

movingAvg :: Vector1 Float -> Vector1 Float
movingAvg as = zipWith (\a a' -> (a+a')/2) (tail as) as
movingAvg2 :: Vector1 Float -> Vector1 Float
movingAvg2 as = map (/2) $ zipWith (+) (tail as) as

Loop fusion

*Main> icompile movingAvg
void test(struct array * v0, struct array * out)
    uint32_t v2;
    uint32_t len0;

    v2 = getLength(v0);
    len0 = min((v2 - min(v2, 1)), v2);
    initArray(out, sizeof(float), len0);
    for(uint32_t v1 = 0; v1 < len0; v1 += 1)
        at(float,out,v1) = ((at(float,v0,(v1 + 1))
                           + at(float,v0,v1)) / 2.0f);

Loop fusion

*Main> icompile movingAvg2
void test(struct array * v0, struct array * out)
    uint32_t v2;
    uint32_t len0;

    v2 = getLength(v0);
    len0 = min((v2 - min(v2, 1)), v2);
    initArray(out, sizeof(float), len0);
    for(uint32_t v1 = 0; v1 < len0; v1 += 1)
        at(float,out,v1) = ((at(float,v0,(v1 + 1))
                           + at(float,v0,v1)) / 2.0f);
  • Both definitions result in the same C code!
  • Vector operations fused into a single loop
  • No intermediate data structures

Loop fusion

Feldspar’s vector library guarantees fusion!

Removing dynamic length checks

Assume input vector of length 100:

*Main> icompile (movingAvg -:: newLen 100 >-> id)
void test(struct array * v0, struct array * out)
    initArray(out, sizeof(float), 99);
    for(uint32_t v1 = 0; v1 < 99; v1 += 1)
        at(float,out,v1) = ((at(float,v0,(v1 + 1))
                           + at(float,v0,v1)) / 2.0f);

More fusion

Two movingAvg filters in sequence:

*Main> icompile (movingAvg . movingAvg -:: newLen 100 >-> id)
void test(struct array * v0, struct array * out)
    initArray(out, sizeof(float), 98);
    for(uint32_t v1 = 0; v1 < 98; v1 += 1)
        at(float,out,v1) = ((((at(float,v0,(v1 + 2))
                             + at(float,v0,(v1 + 1))) / 2.0f)
                           + ((at(float,v0,(v1 + 1))
                             + at(float,v0,v1)) / 2.0f)) / 2.0f);

The force

Fusion can be prevented using “the force”:

force :: Syntax a => Vector a -> Vector a

The force

*Main> icompile (movingAvg . force . movingAvg -:: newLen 100 >-> id)
    struct array v8 = {0};
    for(uint32_t v6 = 0; v6 < 99; v6 += 1)
        at(float,&v8,v6) = ((at(float,v0,(v6 + 1))
                           + at(float,v0,v6)) / 2.0f);
    for(uint32_t v5 = 0; v5 < 98; v5 += 1)
        at(float,out,v5) = ((at(float,&v8,(v5 + 1))
                           + at(float,&v8,v5)) / 2.0f);

Code generation

Recall: Separate algorithm from optimizations


  • High-level DSL
  • Predictable compilation
  • Functions like newLen and force act as annotations

Integration with Haskell infrastructure


prop_movingAvg :: [Float] -> Property
prop_movingAvg a = P.not (P.null a) ==>
    eval movingAvg a P.== eval movingAvg2 a
*Main> quickCheck prop_movingAvg2
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.


Part II: Implementation



  1. Abstract syntax tree data type (Data a)
  2. User interface to the core AST
  3. High-level Haskell libraries

Core expressions

Feldspar uses a special representation of the AST (see part III)

However, the representation is isomorphic to a recursive data type:

data Data a
    Literal  :: (...)        => a -> Data a
    Add      :: (Num a, ...) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a
    Sub      :: (Num a, ...) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a
    Parallel :: (...)        => Data Length
                             -> (Data Index -> Data a) -> Data [a]

Core language

A large number of primitive functions, e.g:

not  :: Data Bool -> Data Bool
(&&) :: Data Bool -> Data Bool -> Data Bool
(||) :: Data Bool -> Data Bool -> Data Bool

div :: Integral a => Data a -> Data a -> Data a
mod :: Integral a => Data a -> Data a -> Data a

instance Numeric a => Num (Data a)

Core language

Complex constructs:

parallel :: Type a
    => Data Length                         -- Length of result
    -> (Data Index -> Data a)              -- Index projection
    -> Data [a]                            -- Core language array

forLoop :: Type st
    => Data Length                         -- Number of steps
    -> Data st                             -- Initial state
    -> (Data Index -> Data st -> Data st)  -- "Body" (single step)
    -> Data st                             -- Final state

And much more…

Core language: Examples

Core language version of movingAvg:

movingAvg3 :: Data [Float] -> Data [Float]
movingAvg3 a = parallel (getLength a - 1) $ \i -> (a!(i+1) + a!i) / 2

Same C code as before

*Main> icompile (movingAvg3 -:: Feldspar.setLength 100 >-> id)
void test(struct array * v0, struct array * out)
    initArray(out, sizeof(float), 99);
    for(uint32_t v1 = 0; v1 < 99; v1 += 1)
        at(float,out,v1) = ((at(float,v0,(v1 + 1))
                           + at(float,v0,v1)) / 2.0f);

High-level libraries

The Syntax class abstracts over Data:

class Syntax a
    type Internal a
    desugar :: a -> Data (Internal a)
    sugar   :: Data (Internal a) -> a

instance Type a => Syntax (Data a)
    type Internal (Data a) = a
    desugar = id
    sugar   = id

High-level libraries

Vectors are syntactic sugar:

instance Syntax a => Syntax (Vector a)
    type Internal (Vector a) = [Internal a]

Tuples are also sugar, etc.

Vector library

Type of vectors:

data Vector a
    Indexed :: Data Length -> (Data Index -> a) -> Vector a

indexed :: Data Length -> (Data Index -> a) -> Vector a
indexed = Indexed

type Vector1 a = Vector (Data a)
type Vector2 a = Vector (Vector (Data a))

(The Vector type provided by Feldspar is slightly more complicated.)

  • Implemented using the core language API
  • Not part of the core expression data type
  • Guaranteed to be reduced at compile-time

Vector library

A vector is not a core expression, but it can be turned into one:

length :: Vector a -> Data Length
length (Indexed l _) = l

index :: Vector a -> Data Index -> a
index (Indexed _ ixf) i = ixf i

freeze :: Type a => Vector (Data a) -> Data [a]
freeze (Indexed len ixf) = parallel len ixf

fold :: Syntax a => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector b -> a
fold f init b = forLoop (length b) init $
                  \i st -> f st (index b i)



tail :: Vector a -> Vector a
tail f (Indexed l ixf) = Indexed ...

map :: (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b
map f (Indexed l ixf) = Indexed ...

take :: Data Length -> Vector a -> Vector a
take n (Indexed l ixf) = Indexed ...

zip :: Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector (a,b)
zip (Indexed l1 ixf1) (Indexed l2 ixf2) = Indexed ..

Vector fusion revisited

map (*2) . map (+3)
\(Indexed l ixf) -> map (*2) (map (+3) (Indexed l ixf))
\(Indexed l ixf) -> map (*2) (Indexed l ((+3) . ixf))
\(Indexed l ixf) -> Indexed l ((*2) . ((+3) . ixf))
\(Indexed l ixf) -> Indexed l (((*2) . (+3)) . ixf)
map ((*2) . (+3))
  • Fusion happens in the vector library before any core expression is generated
  • This is how fusion can be guaranteed!

Part III: Syntactic library

Slides from presentation of A generic abstract syntax model for embedded languages, ICFP 2012.

Back to Feldspar:
Implementation of parallel

Implementation of parallel

Abstract syntax symbol:

data Array a
    Parallel :: Type a => Array
      (   Length                 -- Number of elements
      :-> (Index -> a)           -- Index projection
      :-> Full [a]               -- Result

    -- Other array constructs omitted

User interface (using type-class magic from Syntactic):

parallel :: Type a =>
    Data Length -> (Data Index -> Data a) -> Data [a]
parallel = sugarSym Parallel

Implementation of parallel


instance Semantic Array
    semantics Parallel = Sem "parallel"
        (\len ixf -> genericTake len $ map ixf [0..])

Additionally: optimization, code generation: ≈ 30 LOC

Implementation of parallel

Summary: declarative implementation of parallel in ≈ 40 LOC

What do we get?

  • Strongly typed abstract and concrete syntax
  • Interpretations:
    • Evaluation
    • Syntax tree rendering, etc.
  • Transformations
    • Constant folding
    • Common sub-expression elimination
    • Invariant code hoisting, etc.

Assembling the DSL

Feldspar expression type:

newtype Data a = Data { unData :: ASTF FeldDomain a }

The symbol domain:

newtype FeldDomain a =
          FeldDomain (HODomain FeldSymbols Typeable Type a)

type FeldSymbols
    =   (Condition  :|| Type)
    :+: (Literal    :|| Type)
    :+: (Tuple      :|| Type)
    :+: (Array      :|| Type)
    :+: (Loop       :|| Type)
    :+: (NUM        :|| Type)
    :+: (BITS       :|| Type)
    :+: (Complex    :|| Type)

Assembling the DSL

type FeldSymbols
    =   (Condition  :|| Type)
    :+: (Literal    :|| Type)
    :+: (Tuple      :|| Type)
    :+: (Array      :|| Type)
    :+: (Loop       :|| Type)
    :+: (NUM        :|| Type)
    :+: (BITS       :|| Type)
    :+: (Complex    :|| Type)

The different “features” (e.g. Array) are developed independently and assembled “in the last minute”


Hudak. Modular Domain Specific Languages and Tools.
In ICSR ’98: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Reuse. 1998. IEEE Computer Society.

Elliott, Finne, de Moor. Compiling Embedded Languages.
Journal of Functional Programming. 2003. Cambridge University Press.