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Artificial Intelligence, LP4, VT2013

Shrdlite installation instructions

First download and unpack These are the contents:

  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
      527  03-08-13 21:00   shrdlite/
     1538  03-08-13 21:00   shrdlite/
      392  03-08-13 21:00   shrdlite/
     1167  03-21-13 10:10   shrdlite/
     1199  03-21-13 09:23   shrdlite/
    92629  02-05-13 01:56   shrdlite/jquery-1.9.1.min.js
    10773  03-21-13 11:01   shrdlite/shrdlite.js
     1748  03-21-13 10:12   shrdlite/world.js
     2021  03-25-13 15:56   shrdlite/shrdlite.html
     2476  04-05-13 15:03   shrdlite/parser.cgi
     1448  04-22-13 08:55   shrdlite/planner-python/planner.cgi
      358  04-22-13 08:53   shrdlite/planner-java/planner.cgi
      844  04-22-13 08:56   shrdlite/planner-java/
     1587  04-22-13 08:56   shrdlite/planner-haskell/planner.hs
 --------                   -------
   118707                   14 files

Python for Windows

If you are on Windows you need to install Python. (Since the parser script is written in Python). Look here for alternatives:

You don't need to bother for Mac or Linux, since it's already there...

Note: You will need Python 2, not Python 3!

Grammatical Framework (GF)

Download GF from here:

Easiest is to use a binary package and follow the instructions.

  • For Linux and Mac OS X, the final binary will be in /usr/local/bin/gf, and you run by simply calling gf from the command line.
  • For Windows, the zip file is unpacked to an executable file gf.exe, and a directory lib. Put both of these directly inside the shrdlite directory.

To test, go to the shrdlite directory and run gf (or gf.exe). The interpreter should start and present you with the GF prompt. Now try to load some grammars:

> i
Languages: ShrdliteEng ShrdliteSem

Shrdlite> p -lang=ShrdliteEng "put all rectangles in a red box" | l -lang=ShrdliteSem
( move ( all ( block rectangle _ _ ) ) ( inside ( any ( block box _ red ) ) ) )

Shrdlite> p -lang=ShrdliteEng "take a tall block in the red box" | l -lang=ShrdliteSem
( take ( any ( thatis ( block _ tall _ ) ( inside ( the ( block box _ red ) ) ) ) ) )

Shrdlite> q

Local web server

You need to have a local web server. Here are some suggestions.

Mac OS X

First move the whole shrdlite directory to ~/Sites/.

Then activate the built-in webserver. In principle you just follow these instructions:

Just remember that when you edit the files in /etc/apache2 you probably need superuser privileges. This means that you should prepend each "nano" command with "sudo", like this:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/users/USERNAME.conf

(and then enter your password). Also remember that USERNAME must be replaced by you username!

Now you should be able to navigate to:


and see the awesome starting animation!

But you are not ready yet... You have to tell Apache that it can run CGI scripts anywhere in your web directory (not just the cgi-bin directory). Then you have to do two changes:

Uncomment the "AddHandler" line in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf. It should look like this, and you should of course only uncomment the last line:

# To use CGI scripts outside of ScriptAliased directories:
# (You will also need to add "ExecCGI" to the "Options" directive.)
# AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

And as it says in the comment, add "ExecCGI" to the list of Options in /etc/apache2/users/USERNAME.conf. I.e., like this:

Options Indexes Multiviews ExecCGI

To tell Apache about the changes, you have to restart the server:

sudo apachectl restart


First install lighttpd using your package manager (e.g. by typing sudo apt-get install lighttpd in a terminal in Ubuntu). Next download the config file from

and put it in your shrdlite directory. Now open the config file in your favorite text editor and modify the server.username and server.groupname to your username and groupname. (If you don't know what group your user belongs to open a terminal and type ls -al and see what text is next to your username in the directory listing, note that this might be the same as your username). You should also modify the server.document-root and server.errorlog fields to the full path of your shrdlite folder. Finally check that the path to your python (or python2) executable is correct in the cgi.assign field.

Now you should be able to start the server by typing sudo lighttpd -f lighttpd.conf in your shrdlite directory. Finally open a web browser and go to "localhost" and you should now see the shrdlite interface. To shut down the server open a terminal and type sudo pkill -9 lighttpd.

If you have any problems don't hesitate to send Anders an email.

Additional notes on lighttpd

In the recommended config file (lighttpd.conf above), it says that .cgi files should be opened by Python (since the parser is a Python script). But the Java planner wrapper planner.cgi is a Perl script, which can yield some problems. There are two solutions to this:

  • Either use the file planner-java/ (and rename to planner.cgi). This file is included in as of 13 May. So you have to download the zip file again.
  • Or you can rename the perl script to and add the following line to the variable cgi.assign in lighttpd.conf:
    • ".pl"  => "/usr/bin/perl",


I don't know much of Windows, but here are two simple solutions. Please contact me with better ones:

In at least some of these examples, apparently the CGI files have to be moved to a specific cgi-bin directory. That should be no problem, just remember to change the corresponding URLs in shrdlite.js.

Windows installation instructions from Tony Jaakkola

Note that these instructions are aimed for the Java planner, but they should be easy to modify if you want to use the Python planner too.

Also note that it requires the file planner-java/, which is included in as of 13 May. So download the zip file again.

  • Install Python 2.7, and Java JDK. Make sure the executables are in the PATH variable. E.g., append the following to your PATH: ;C:\python27\;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\bin
  • Unpack somewhere, e.g. C:\shrdlite
  • Unpack into the same directory
  • Create a directory cgi-bin in your shrdlite directory
  • Copy from directory planner-java to cgi-bin.
  • Copy from directory planner-java to shrdlite.
  • Copy parser.cgi from the shrdlite directory to cgi-bin. Rename parser.cgi to
  • Edit the variables in to:
    • GF_LIB_PATH = "./lib"
    • PARSER = ["gf", "--gf-lib-path", GF_LIB_PATH,
  • Edit the shrdlite.js variables to:
    • var ParserURL = '/cgi-bin/';
    • var PlannerURL = '/cgi-bin/';
  • Open the command prompt, navigate to shrdlite. Eg. cd c:\shrdlite
  • Compile, e.g. javac
  • Start python's internal webserver still in the same directory. E.g. python -m CGIHTTPServer
  • Start your webbrowser and navigate to:

If you can't connect to the webserver, check your firewall.

Final tweaks

(Maybe) fix the CGI URLs

If you have moved the CGI files to another directory (such as cgi-bin), you can change their URLs in the file shrdlite.js. Look for the constants ParserURL and PlannerURL at the top of the file.

(Maybe) fix the parser

You might need to change the paths to the GF binary and the GF library. Probably not if you installed a binary GF on Linux or Mac, but if you are on Windows or have another GF installation.

  • In parser.cgi the paths to GF and its library are hard-coded in the constants PARSER and GF_LIB_PATH.
  • If you are on Windows, the GF path should be just gf.exe, and you can set the GF_LIB_PATH to ".", or just comment out that part.
  • You can probably comment out the GF option "--gf-lib-path", in any way, especially if you have a standard GF distribution.

Select the planner

There are planner stubs in Python, Haskell and Java. Select the one you want to start with and move the files to the shrdlite directory.


Now you should hopefully be able to run the stupid planner from shrdlite.html.

  • First click the "debug" checkbox.
  • Then select any of the example sentences, and press enter.
  • In the debug box you should see the parse trees (from parser.cgi) and the dummy plan (from planner.cgi).

Lucky coding!