.. This document is written in reStructuredText, http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html .. title:: Artificial Intelligence, DIT410/TIN171 .. include:: menu.txt Example AI demo videos -------------------------- Here are some videos that demonstrate the current state of the art for different AI areas. IBM Watson ------------ IBM Watson was the follow-up project to their successful chess-computer Deep Blue. This time the goal was to create a computer that could win the quiz game Jeopardy. The project started in 2006, and in February 2011 Watson won against two Jeopady grandmasters. Currently, IBM is using the Watson technology to develop desicion making systems, primarily for healthcare and financial institutions. .. raw:: html (interval 0:20–1:55) More information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watson_(computer) Companions, "How was your day?" ------------------------------------- Companions was a joint European project between 2007–2010, with the aim to develop a personalised conversational interface. The main result of the project was a… "…virtual friend, who speaks English, is able to understand human emotions and lends a sympathetic ear, offering advice and comfort. The virtual interface can recognise some 40 events in the context of a 'How was your day?' discussion. Throughout the dialogue, it evaluates levels of anger or happiness by analysing the person’s voice and the content of his/her dialogue. The virtual friend assesses the situation and can offer appropriate advice." .. raw:: html (interval 1:10–2:20) More information: http://www.companions-project.org/ Self-driving cars ---------------------------- In October 2005, five cars completed the 240 km DARPA Grand Challenge through the Mojave Desert. In November 2007, six cars completed the 100 km DARPA Urban Challenge, where they had to obey traffic laws and interact with other vehicles. Driverless cars are permitted in at least Nevada, Florida, Texas and California. .. raw:: html (interval 0:37–2:24) More information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autonomous_car