Introduction to Functional Programming – Lab 3: "Sudoku"TDA555 / DIT440, LP1, HT2013
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Some notes:

  • Remember that you have to work in pairs.

  • When you are done, please submit your solution using the Fire system.
  • Good luck!

    Lab Assignment 3 -- Sudoku

    In this Lab Assignment, you will design a Haskell program that will be able to solve Sudokus, a popular logical puzzle originating from Japan.

    Assignments and Deadlines

    There are 6 regular assignments as part of this Lab: A, B, C, D, E, and F. The lab consists (again) of two parts.

    Assignments A, B, and C form Part I of the lab, and need to be submitted before Monday September 30 at 9.00 in the morning.

    Assignments D, E and F form Part II of the Lab, and need to be submitted before Monday October 7 at 9.00 in the morning.

    There are also extra assignments X, Y, Z, P, and Q. You can choose freely whether to do one of these.

    The final deadline for this lab is Wednesday October 16 at 9.00 in the morning.


    Some assignments have hints. Often, these involve particular standard Haskell functions that you could use. Some of these functions are defined in modules that you have to import yourself explicitly. You can use the following resources to find more information about those functions:

  • Hoogle, the library function search engine

  • Haskell Library Structure, all standard libraries, for you to browse

  • A Tour of the Haskell Prelude shows all standard Haskell functions that you get without importing any module
  • We encourage you to actually go and find information about the functions that are mentioned in the hints!


    Sudoku is a logic puzzle, originally coming from Japan. In the Western world, it has caught on in popularity enormously over the last couple of years. Most newspapers now publish a Sudoku puzzle for the readers to solve every day.

    A Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9x9 grid. Some of the cells in the grid have digits (from 1 to 9), others are blank. The objective of the puzzle is to fill in the blank cells with digits from 1 to 9, in such a way that every row, every column and every 3x3 block has exactly one occurrence of each digit 1 to 9.

    Here is an example of a Sudoku puzzle:

    And here is the solution:

    In this lab assignment, you will write a Haskell program that can read in a Sudoku puzzle and solve it.

    More Information

    If you want to read more about Sudokus, here are a few links:

  • The Daily Sudoku has examples and explanations

  • Wikipedia on Sudoku

  • has sudoku puzzles that you can solve online

  • Modelling Sudokus

    To implement a Sudoku-solving program, we need to come up with a way of modelling Sudokus. A Sudoku is a matrix of digits or blanks. The natural way of modelling a matrix is as a list of lists. The outer list represents all the rows, and the elements of the list are the elements of each row. Digits or blanks can be represented by using the Haskell Maybe type. Digits are simply represented by Int.

    Summing up, a natural way to represent Sudokus is using the following Haskell datatype:

      data Sudoku = Sudoku [[Maybe Int]]
    Since it is convenient to have a function that extracts the actual rows from the Sudoku, we say:
      rows :: Sudoku -> [[Maybe Int]]
      rows (Sudoku rs) = rs
    For example, the above Sudoku puzzle has the following representation in Haskell:
      example :: Sudoku
      example =
          [ [Just 3, Just 6, Nothing,Nothing,Just 7, Just 1, Just 2, Nothing,Nothing]
          , [Nothing,Just 5, Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Just 1, Just 8, Nothing]
          , [Nothing,Nothing,Just 9, Just 2, Nothing,Just 4, Just 7, Nothing,Nothing]
          , [Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Just 1, Just 3, Nothing,Just 2, Just 8]
          , [Just 4, Nothing,Nothing,Just 5, Nothing,Just 2, Nothing,Nothing,Just 9]
          , [Just 2, Just 7, Nothing,Just 4, Just 6, Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing]
          , [Nothing,Nothing,Just 5, Just 3, Nothing,Just 8, Just 9, Nothing,Nothing]
          , [Nothing,Just 8, Just 3, Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Just 6, Nothing]
          , [Nothing,Nothing,Just 7, Just 6, Just 9, Nothing,Nothing,Just 4, Just 3]
    Now, a number of assignments follows, which will lead you step-by-step towards an implementation of a Sudoku-solver.

    Some Basic Sudoku Functions

    To warm up, we start with a number of basic functions on Sudukos.

    Assignment A

    A1. Implement a function
      allBlankSudoku :: Sudoku
    that represents a Sudoku that only contains blank cells (this means that no digits are present).

    Do not use copy-and-paste programming here! Your definition does not need to be longer than a few short lines.

    A2. The Sudoku type we have defined allows for more things than Sudokus. For example, there is nothing in the type definition that says that a Sudoku has 9 rows and 9 columns, or that digits need to lie between 1 and 9. Implement a function
      isSudoku :: Sudoku -> Bool
    that checks if all such extra conditions are met by the given Sudoku.


      Sudoku> isSudoku (Sudoku [])
      Sudoku> isSudoku allBlankSudoku
      Sudoku> isSudoku example
      Sudoku> isSudoku (Sudoku (tail (rows example)))

    A3. Our job is to solve Sudokus. So, it would be handy to know when a Sudoku is solved or not. We say that a Sudoku is solved if there are no blank cells left to be filled in anymore. Implement the following function:
      isSolved :: Sudoku -> Bool
    Note that we do not check here if the Sudoku is a valid solution; we will do this later. This means that any Sudoku without blanks (even Sudokus with the same digit appearing twice in a row) is considered solved by this function!


    To implement the above, use list comprehensions! Also, the following standard Haskell functions might come in handy:

    replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
    length    :: [a] -> Int
    and       :: [Bool] -> Bool
    To help you get started, ahere is a file that you can use:

  • Sudoku.hs, with some definitions that help you get going with Assignments A, B and C.

  • Reading and Printing Sudokus

    Next, we need to have a way of representing Sudokus in a file. In that way, our program can read Sudokus from a file, and it is easy for us to create and store several Sudoku puzzles.

    The following is an example text-representation that we will use in this assignment. It actually represents the example above.

    There are 9 lines of text in this representation, each corresponding to a row. Each line contains 9 characters. A digit 1 -- 9 represents a filled cell, and a period (.) represents a blank cell.

    Assignment B

    B1. Implement a function:
      printSudoku :: Sudoku -> IO ()
    that, given a Sudoku, creates instructions to print the Sudoku on the screen, using the format shown above.


      Sudoku> printSudoku allBlankSudoku
      Sudoku> printSudoku example

    B2. Implement a function:
      readSudoku :: FilePath -> IO Sudoku
    that, given a filename, creates instructions that read the Sudoku from the file, and deliver it as the result of the instructions. You may decide yourself what to do when the file does not contain a representation of a Sudoku.


      Sudoku> do sud <- readSudoku "example.sud"; printSudoku sud
      Sudoku> readSudoku "Sudoku.hs"
      Program error: Not a Sudoku!


    To implement the above, you will need to be able to convert between characters (type Char) and digits/integers (type Int). The standard functions chr and ord (import the module Data.Char) will come in handy here. Think about the following problems:

  • Given a character representing a digit, for example '3' :: Char. How do you compute the integer value 3?
  • Given a digit represented as an integer, for example 3 :: Int. How do you compute the character '3'?
  • The constant value ord '0' will play a central role in all this. You can also use the function digitToInt.

    Here are some functions that might come in handy:

    chr        :: Int -> Char
    ord        :: Char -> Int
    digitToInt :: Char -> Int
    putStr     :: String -> IO ()
    putStrLn   :: String -> IO ()
    sequence_  :: [IO a] -> IO ()
    readFile   :: FilePath -> IO String
    lines      :: String -> [String]
    Here are some example Sudoku-files that you can download and use:

  • example.sud, containing the above example.

  •, a ZIPped collection of sudokus, both easy and hard ones. The easy ones should all be solvable by your final program within minutes; the hard ones will probably take a very long time (unless you do extra Assignment X and/or Y)!.

  • Generating Sudokus as Test Data

    Finally, we need to be able to test properties about the functions related to our Sudokus. In order to do so, QuickCheck needs to be able to generate arbitrary Sudokus.

    Let us split this problem into a number of smaller problems. First, we need to know how to generate arbitrary cell values (of type Maybe Int). Then, we need to know how to generate 81 such cells, and compose them all into a Sudoku.

    Assignment C

    C1. Implement a function:
      cell :: Gen (Maybe Int)
    that, contains instructions for generating a Sudoku cell. You have to think about the following:
  • Cells either contain a digit between 1 and 9 (for example Just 3) or are empty (Nothing),
  • We would like our generated Sudokus to resemble realistic Sudoku puzzles. Therefore, the distribution should be around 10% probability non-empty cells vs. 90% probability for empty cells. (This is not something strict; you can play around with this if you like.)
  • Example:

      Sudoku> sample cell
      Just 3
      Just 7

    C2. Make Sudokus an instance of the class Arbitrary.
      instance Arbitrary Sudoku where
    We have already done this for you in the file Sudoku.hs.

    C3. Define a property
      prop_Sudoku :: Sudoku -> Bool
    that expresses that each generated Sudoku actually is a Sudoku according to Assignment A2. Also use QuickCheck to check that the property actually holds for all Sudokus that are generated.


    Here are some functions that might come in handy:

    sample    :: Gen a -> IO ()
    choose    :: Random a => (a,a) -> Gen a
    frequency :: [(Int,Gen a)] -> Gen a
    sequence  :: [Gen a] -> Gen [a]
    You might want to take a look at the lecture notes and example code on test data generation.

    Rows, Columns, Blocks

    Now, we are going to think about what actually constitutes a valid solution of a Sudoku. There are three constraints that a valid solution has to forfill:

  • No row can contain the same digit twice;

  • No column can contain the same digit twice;

  • No 3x3 block can contain the same digit twice.
  • This leads us to the definition of a block; a block is either a row or a column or a 3x3 block. A block therefore contains 9 cells:
      type Block = [Maybe Int]
    We are going to define a function that checks if a Sudoku is not violating any of the above constraints, by checking that none of the blocks violate those constraints.

    Assignment D

    D1. Implement a function:
      isOkayBlock :: Block -> Bool
    that, given a block, checks if that block does not contain the same digit twice.


      Sudoku> isOkayBlock [Just 1, Just 7, Nothing, Nothing, Just 3, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Just 2]
      Sudoku> isOkayBlock [Just 1, Just 7, Nothing, Just 7, Just 3, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Just 2]

    D2. Implement a function:
      blocks :: Sudoku -> [Block]
    that, given a Sudoku, creates a list of all blocks of that Sudoku. This means:
  • 9 rows,
  • 9 columns,
  • 9 3x3 blocks.
  • Also add a property that states that, for each Sudoku, there are 3*9 blocks, and each block has exactly 9 cells.

    D3. Now, implement a function:
      isOkay :: Sudoku -> Bool
    that, given a Soduko, checks that all rows, colums and 3x3 blocks do not contain the same digit twice.


      Sudoku> isOkay allBlankSudoku
      Sudoku> do sud <- readSudoku "example.sud"; print (isOkay sud)


    Here are some functions that might come in handy:

    nub       :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
    transpose :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
    take      :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
    drop      :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
    Note that some of the above functions only appear when you import Data.List.

    You might want to take a look at the exercises and answers on lists and list comprehensions.

    Positions and Finding Blanks

    We are getting closer to the final solving function. Let us start thinking about how such a function would work.

    Given a Sudoku, if there are no blanks left in the Sudoku, we are done. Otherwise, there is at least one blank cell that needs to be filled in somehow. We are going to write functions to find and manipulate such a blank cell.

    It is quite natural to start to talk about positions. A position is a coordinate that identifies a cell in the Sudoku. Here is a way of modelling coordinates:

      type Pos = (Int,Int)
    We use positions as indicating first the row and then the column. For example, the position (3,5) denotes the 5th cell in the 3rd row.

    Note: It is common in programming languages to start counting at 0! Therefore, the position that indicates the upper left corner is (0,0), and the position indicating the lower right corner is (8,8).

    Assignment E

    E1. Implement a function:
      blank :: Sudoku -> Pos
    that, given a Sudoku that has not yet been solved, returns a position in the Sudoku that is still blank. You may decide yourself which position!


      Sudoku> blank allBlankSudoku
      Sudoku> blank example
    Also write a property that states that the cell at the blank position is actually blank.

    E2. Implement a function:
      (!!=) :: [a] -> (Int,a) -> [a]
    that, given a list, and a tuple containing an index in the list and a new value, updates the given list with the new value at the given index.


      Sudoku> ["a","b","c","d"] !!= (1,"apa")
      Sudoku> ["p","qq","rrr"] !!= (0,"bepa")
    Also write (a) propert(y/ies) that state(s) the expected properties of this function. Think about what can go wrong!

    E3. Implement a function:
      update :: Sudoku -> Pos -> Maybe Int -> Sudoku
    that, given a Sudoku, a position, and a new cell value, updates the given Sudoku at the given position with the new value.


      Sudoku> printSudoku (update allBlankSudoku (1,3) (Just 5))
    Also write a property that checks that the updated position really has gotten the new value.


    There is a standard function (!!) in Haskell for getting a specific element from a list. It starts indexing at 0, so for example to get the first element from a list xs, you can use xs !! 0.

    We usually use the standard function zip to pair up elements in a list with their corresponding index. Example:

      *Main> ["apa","bepa","cepa"] `zip` [1..3]
    This, in combination with list comprehensions, should be very useful for this assignment!

    When testing a property that is polymorphic (meaning that it has type variables in its type), you need to add a type signature that picks an arbitrary type. For example, when testing properties for the function (!!=), which works for lists of any type, you have to fix the type when testing, for example lists of Integers. Do this by adding a type signature to your properties.

    Here are some more useful functions:

    head :: [a] -> a
    (!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a
    zip  :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
    You might want to take a look at the exercises and answers on lists and list comprehensions.

    Solving Sudokus

    Finally, we have all the bits in place to attack our main problem: Solving a given Sudoku.

    Our objective is to define a Haskell function

      solve :: Sudoku -> Maybe Sudoku
    The idea is as follows. If we have a Sudoku sud that we would like to solve, we give it to the function solve. This will produce one of two results:

  • Nothing, in which case it was impossible to solve the Sudoku. There is no solution!

  • Just sud', in which case sud' is a Sudoku that represents a solution. In other words, sud' (1) contains no blanks, (2) has no blocks (rows, columns, 3x3 blocks) that contain the same digit twice, and (3) is an extension of the original Sudoku (meaning that none of the original digits have changed).
  • How should solve be implemented. Here is one idea. When we try to solve a given Sudoku sud, there exist three cases:

    1. sud violates some of the constraints (in other words: some of its blocks contain the same digit twice). In this case, the answer of solve must be Nothing.

    2. sud does not contain any blanks (in other words: sud is a solution!). In this case, the answer of solve must be Just sud.

    3. Otherwise, sud must contain at least one blank cell. In this case, we try to recursively solve sud 9 times; each time we update the blank cell with a concrete digit from 1 to 9. The first recursive attempt that succeeds is our answer. If none of the recursive attempts succeed, we return Nothing.
    This method of problem solving is called backtracking.

    Assignment F

    F1. Implement a function:
      solve :: Sudoku -> Maybe Sudoku
    using the above idea.


      Sudoku> printSudoku (fromJust (solve allBlankSudoku))
      Sudoku> do sud <- readSudoku "example.sud"; printSudoku (fromJust (solve sud))
      Sudoku> do sud <- readSudoku "impossible.sud"; print (solve sud)
    (In the above examples, we use the standard function fromJust from the library Data.Maybe.)

    F2. For your own convenience, define a function:
      readAndSolve :: FilePath -> IO ()
    that produces instructions for reading the Sudoku from the given file, solving it, and printing the answer.


      Sudoku> readAndSolve "example.sud"
      Sudoku> readAndSolve "impossible.sud"
      (no solution)

    F3. Implement a function:
      isSolutionOf :: Sudoku -> Sudoku -> Bool
    that checks, given two Sudokus, whether the first one is a solution (i.e. all blocks are okay, there are no blanks), and also whether the first one is a solution of the second one (i.e. all digits in the second sudoku are maintained in the first one).


      Sudoku> fromJust (solve allBlankSudoku) `isSolutionOf` allBlankSudoku
      Sudoku> allBlankSudoku `isSolutionOf` allBlankSudoku
      Sudoku> fromJust (solve allBlankSudoku) `isSolutionOf` example

    F4. Define a property:
      prop_SolveSound :: Sudoku -> Property
    that says that the function solve is sound. Soundness means that every supposed solution produced by solve actually is a valid solution of the original problem.


    All the work we did in the assignments A -- E should be used in order to implement the function solve.

    To implement the third, recursive, case of solve, you can use a list comprehension that enumerates all possible values for the blank cell. You can then use the standard function listToMaybe to turn the result into something of type Maybe.

    QuickChecking the property prop_SolveSound will probably take a long time. Be patient! Alternatively, there are a number of things you can do about this.

  • You can test on fewer examples (using the QuickCheck function quickCheckWith). You can for example define:
      fewerCheck prop = quickCheckWith stdArgs{ maxSuccess = 30 } prop
    And then write fewerCheck prop_SolveSound when you want to QuickCheck the property.

  • You can also generate Sudokus with a different probability distribution. Try increasing the amount of digits in an arbitrary Sudoku by fiddling with the frequencies in the cell function from Assignment C1 and see what happens.

  • You can use a compiler, such as GHC.

  • You can make your function solve go faster (see extra Assignment X and Y).
  • It is okay if you do not find a completely satisfactory solution to this.

    Here are some useful functions:

    fromJust    :: Maybe a -> a
    listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
    You might want to take a look at the function majorities defined in the lecture and exercises.

    Here is an example of an impossible Sudoku:

  • impossible.sud

  • Extra Assignments

    You can choose freely whether to do 0, 1 or more of these.

    There are no perfect, pre-defined answers here, but try to show your thoughts and understanding in your answers.

    Extra Assignments

    These are not obligatory, but you will learn more if you do them!

    X. The solving method we have used in this lab assignment is very basic, and in some sense naive. One way to boost performance is to look closer at the function blank. Perhaps if we picked the blank in a smarter way, the solve function would go faster?

    One idea is to always pick the blank spot where there are as few possibilities left. For example, if we have a row with one or two blank spots, it is probably a good idea to pick one of those blank spots, since it will limit the consecutive search most, and it will lead to search to a state with more digits filled in. (Such a way of changing a solving method is called a heuristic -- there is no absoluate guarantee that the search will go faster, but often it actually will.)

    Change the implementation of the blank function, so that it always picks the blank spot that is in a row, column, or 3x3 block where there are as few blank spots left.

    For example, in the Sudoku below:

    we have marked one blank spot with an x. The row in which this x is has 5 blank spots (including the x itself); the column in which this x is has 4 blank spots, and the 3x3 block in which this x is has 3 blank spots. It turns out that this is the best we can do; it is good to pick x as the next blank spot, since there will only be 2 blank spots left in the middle 3x3 block.

    Does your solve function work faster now? Experiment with different heuristics (for example: only look at rows and columns, and not at 3x3 blocks), and see which one performs best. Can you solve some of the hard Sudokus now?

    Do not forget to add appropriate properties that test your functions.

    Y. The solving method we have used in this lab assignment is very basic, and in some sense naive. The best known methods to solve problems like Sudoku is to also include the notion of propagation. This is the way most humans actually solve a Sudoku.

    A simple variant of propagation is the following. Suppose we have Sudoku with a row with precisely one blank, such as the 3rd row in the example below:

    Our current solution would go and pick blanks, and start searching recursively, without making use of the fact that we already know the value of that blank (namely 7 in this case); all the other values have been used by the other cells in the row.

    Implement a function

      propagate :: Sudoku -> Sudoku
    that, given a Sudoku, finds out which rows, columns, and 3x3 blocks only have one blank in them, and then fills those blanks with the only possibly remaining value. It repeats doing this until all rows, columns and 3x3 blocks are either completely filled up, or contain two holes or more.

    Now, add this function at the appropriate place in your solve function. Does it work faster now?

    For other, more powerful propagation, you can for example read the following webpage:

  •, and click on "how to solve".
  • Or come up with your own propagation rules!

    Do not forget to add appropriate properties that test your functions.

    Z. Write a function that produces interesting Sudoku puzzles. For example, one could have a function
      createSudoku :: IO ()
    that every time we run it, would print a new, interesting Sudoku puzzle on the screen.

    One can discuss what an interesting Sudoku puzzle is. Here are three properties that an interesting Sudoku puzzle must have:

  • There must be a solution

  • There must not be two different solutions

  • There must not be too many digits already visible
  • Can you think of a way to define a function for generating an infinite supply of new Sudokus satisfying the above two properties? You should of course make use of the functions you already have.

    Do not forget to add appropriate properties that test your functions.

    P. Generalize the Sudokus that are dealt with in this assignment to other dimensions, for example 4x4 Sudokus, or 4x3 Sudokus. Do all dimensions make sense? Make sure your solution works in general, for all possible dimensions that make sense.

    For inspiration, look here: Monster Sudokus. Or here: xkcd comics :-)

    Do not forget to add appropriate properties that test your functions.

    Q. We have stated the soundness of the solve function as a property; every produced solution should be a real solution. The dual of soundness is completeness. Completeness says that whenever there is a solution, the solve function should also produce a solution. (Equivalently, if the solve function says that there is no solution, then there really is no solution.)

    If we define the following helper datatype:

      data SolvableSudoku = Solvable Sudoku
    Then, implement a property
      prop_SolveComplete :: SolvableSudoku -> Bool
      prop_SolveComplete (Solvable sud) = ...
    that states that, for any solvale Sudoku, solve produces an answer.

    Now, make the type SolvableSudoku an instance of Arbitrary:

      instance Arbitrary SolvableSudoku where
        arbitrary = ...
    Here, you need to think about how to generate arbitrary Sudokus that are guaranteed to be solvable!

    One idea is to start with an arbitrary solved Sudoku, and randomly blank out some of the digits. Implement this!


    Submit your solutions using the Fire system.

    Your submission should consist of the following files:

  • Sudoku.hs, containing your basic solution, possibly with extensions. It should contain enough comments to understand what is going on.

  • report.txt (optional), a text-file containing explanations and discussion, if you deem this neccessary. Note: You have to submit report.txt if your solution is incomplete! In this file, you describe how far you have come, what you have tried on the assignments you did not succeed on, and what you are stuck on. Also clearly describe what extra assignment you did.
  • Before you submit your code, Clean It Up! Remember, submitting clean code is Really Important, and simply the polite thing to do. After you feel you are done, spend some time on cleaning your code; make it simpler, remove unneccessary things, etc. We will reject your solution if it is not clean. Clean code:

  • Does not have long lines (< 78 characters) or tab characters

  • Has a consistent layout

  • Has type signatures for all top-level functions

  • Has good comments

  • Has no junk (junk is unused code, commented code, unneccessary comments)

  • Has no overly complicated function definitions

  • Does not contain any repetitive code (copy-and-paste programming)
  • To the Fire System

    Good Luck!