Receiving multiple messages/Waiting on multiple events

This exercise will serve as a small introduction to the problem of receiving multiple messages in JR and Java. JR seemingly has very good support for this via the input statement, while Java on the other hand provides no such support. The input statement in JR has some peculiarities you must be aware of for a correct solution.

The setting is as follows. We want to create a process that receives clock ticks from a clock (ticker) process at regular intervals, while waiting for another process to send an alarm. After the alarm has gone off, all processes should terminate.

This is of course only a skeleton of a program that would do something useful on each clock tick until the alarm goes off. Here you should just add some print outs to standard output to follow the progress of the program.

Receiving multiple messages in JR

  1. Let us temporarily forget that all processes should terminate upon receiving the alarm. Write a process that listens to a ticker/clock until it receives an alarm. After reception of the alarm the process should simply terminate, without bothering about the ticker/clock that will continue to tick. You can use a ticker and simple timer similar to those in assignment 2.
  2. Now discuss how to modify the ticker so that it can receive a message that tells it to terminate. Your solution may allow for one more tick to be sent before the ticking terminates.
  3. Use your new implementation to write a program in which all processes terminates nicely when the alarm has gone off. To test for proper termination call the Monitor.activate() method at the start of the main method.
  4. Modify the clock and timer with simulation time to terminate properly after some predefined time.

Java - Waiting on multiple events in Java

Java has no primitive support for message passing but must be implemented in the language. When doing such an implementation you stumble across the problem of having the need for waiting on several events.

The setting is identical to that described above. We want to create a ticker that repeatedly wakes a sleeping thread up and an alarm timer that sends a signal after a given time. In the final version of the exercise the program should terminate in an orderly manner when the alarm has gone off.

We provide an initial java program, consisting of six files:

  1. defining an enumeration type with three values NONE, TICK and TIMEOUT. (If you are unfamiliar with enumerations as introduced in Java 1.5, you may prefer to change this file to a class defining three static integer constants and then change occurrences of the type EventType in the other files to int. However, enumerations are not complicated and by seeing it used here you may learn to use them yourself.)
  2. An instance of this class is the main thread in the analogy with the JR program. The run method repeatedly waits for calls to its update method. This class uses a blocking implementation of queues that is provided with the standard library in Java 5. All the synchronization is hidden inside the BlockingQueue. Please, read the Java 5 API to understand how BlockingQueues can be used.
  3. This class is provided as a alternative to MainThread5 to show how to explicitly implement the synchronization. To use it you need to modify the Main class. Again, an instance of this class is the main thread in the analogy with the MPD program. The run method repeatedly waits for calls to its update method. All methods are synchronized; thus the object acts as a monitor.
  4. This should be recognizable as a Java version of the JR ticker. Note that run must be synchronized, since it uses a (timed) wait. Note also that the ticker cannot be terminated cleanly at the moment.
  5. A simple timer.
  6. Contains just the main routine, which created the three thread objects, sets up listening and starts the threads.

The communiation between the Ticker, and the Timer is implemented using the Observer pattern, which is provided in the Java standard library as a class Observable, and an interface Observer. Each class that extends Observable can then be used as a source of events, and all classes implementing Observer can receive updates from Observables. Observers have to register with an Observable to receive updates using method addObserver.

Unzip, compile and run the program. You will see that the main thread reports ticks indefinitely; obviously the timer does not work properly.

  1. Correct the timer, so that its alarm is signalled as intended.
  2. Finally, you should instead change the Ticker so that we can terminate it. One nice possibility is to make the Ticker an observer of the Timer. Do this and change the rest of the program so that it terminates cleanly without using daemon threads. Should your new method be synchronized?
Last modified: Saturday, 19-Jan-2013 18:30:24 CET
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