
There are four assignments ("laborations") for all students.

You will need a partner to complete the assignments. To complete the assignments in any other form of a group (or alone) you will need a very good reason and a permission from the main course responsible.

Passing requirements and resubmissions

In order to get a passing grade, all assignments must be submitted by the first deadline. The deadline for the second submission is normally two weeks after the first, and the final deadline one week after the second.

We guarantee an assignment to be graded within 4 working days. If grading takes longer, you may receive a final deadline extension to compensate for the delay. But the 4 days count only from the initial deadline, so early submissions might wait longer for grading.

Assignment with Deadlines

Assignment 1 (Trainspotting)
  • first deadline 13 Sep 2013, 23:59
  • second deadline 27 Sep 2013, 23:59
  • final deadline 4 Oct 2013, 23:59
Assignment 2 (Trainspotting 2)
  • first deadline 20 Sep 2013, 23:59
  • second deadline 4 Oct 2013, 23:59
  • final deadline 11 Oct 2013, 23:59
Assignment 3 (Tea shop simulation)
  • first deadline 11 Oct 2013, 23:59
  • second deadline 18 Oct 2013, 23:59
  • final deadline 27 Oct 2013, 23:59
Assignment 4 (Linda in Erlang)
  • first deadline 18 Oct 2013, 23:59
  • second deadline 23 Oct 2013, 23:59
  • final deadline 27 Oct 2013, 23:59


When finished you should submit your assignment for correction in the on-line Fire system.

Previously passed labs

If you have passed all the laboratory assignments in a previous year, please get a note from the administration confirming this. You will receive 24 points towards your grade.

If you have passed some but not all lab assignments, the default position is that you must re-do all the labs. But you may submit text files for each passed assignment with the information on when you passed it and if you are a Chalmers or GU student (for example: "Passed in VT06, Chalmers student"). If we can check your files, you will receive 6 points towards your grade for each such previously passed assignment.

Last modified: Monday, 16-Sep-2013 08:30:26 CEST
COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University
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