Feldspar: Functional Embedded Language for DSP and Parallelism

Emil Axelsson

AFP guest lecture, Feb 2012


Signal processing for mobile communication gets increasingly demanding

Old figures:


Industry needs to move to new, more parallel hardware architectures

Current signal processing code mostly written in C


A joint project with Ericsson, Chalmers and ELTE University (Budapest)

Aims to make digital signal processing (DSP) code more high-level

Method: Domain-specific language with associated compiler

Initial application: Radio base stations for mobile communication

Intension to be applicable for DSP in general

Hand-optimized loop (from AMR codec)

ANSI-C specification:

for (j = 0; j < L_frame; j++, p++, p1++)
t0 = L_mac (t0, *p, *p1);
corr[­i] = t0;

Equivalent loop optimized for specific processor:

#pragma MUST_ITERATE(80,160,80);
for (j = 0; j < L_frame; j++)
pj_pj = _pack2 (p[j], p[j]);
p0_p1 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+0]);
prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p0_p1);
t0 = _sadd (t0, _hi (prod0_prod1));
t1 = _sadd (t1, _lo (prod0_prod1));
p2_p3 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+2]);
prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p2_p3);
t2 = _sadd (t2, _hi (prod0_prod1));
t3 = _sadd (t3, _lo (prod0_prod1));
p4_p5 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+4]);
prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p4_p5);
t4 = _sadd (t4, _hi (prod0_prod1));
t5 = _sadd (t5, _lo (prod0_prod1));
p6_p7 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+6]);
prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p6_p7);
t6 = _sadd (t6, _hi (prod0_prod1));
t7 = _sadd (t7, _lo (prod0_prod1));
corr[­i] = t0; corr[­i+1] = t1;
corr[­i+2] = t2; corr[­i+3] = t3;
corr[­i+4] = t4; corr[­i+5] = t5;
corr[­i+6] = t6; corr[­i+7] = t7;
  • Pragmas
  • Intrinsic instructions
  • Loop unrolling
  • Etc.

Hand-optimized loop (from AMR codec)

Hand-optimized version probably not suited for a different processor; non-portable!

#pragma MUST_ITERATE(80,160,80);
for (j = 0; j < L_frame; j++)
pj_pj = _pack2 (p[j], p[j]);
p0_p1 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+0]);
prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p0_p1);
t0 = _sadd (t0, _hi (prod0_prod1));
t1 = _sadd (t1, _lo (prod0_prod1));
p2_p3 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+2]);
prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p2_p3);
t2 = _sadd (t2, _hi (prod0_prod1));
t3 = _sadd (t3, _lo (prod0_prod1));
p4_p5 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+4]);
prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p4_p5);
t4 = _sadd (t4, _hi (prod0_prod1));
t5 = _sadd (t5, _lo (prod0_prod1));
p6_p7 = _mem4_const(&p0[j+6]);
prod0_prod1 = _smpy2 (pj_pj, p6_p7);
t6 = _sadd (t6, _hi (prod0_prod1));
t7 = _sadd (t7, _lo (prod0_prod1));
corr[­i] = t0; corr[­i+1] = t1;
corr[­i+2] = t2; corr[­i+3] = t3;
corr[­i+4] = t4; corr[­i+5] = t5;
corr[­i+6] = t6; corr[­i+7] = t7;

Code generation

(Old) Idea: Automatically generate optimized code from high-level algoritm

Code generator:

Code generation

High-level language more readable and maintainable

Flexible code generator makes code portable

Platform-specific optimizations still needed, but should ideally be specified separately from algorithm

Implementation technique: Embedding

Implementing a domain-specific language (DSL) from scratch is costly

Embedded DSL (EDSL) [Hudak1998, Elliott2003]:

Feldspar — Functional Embedded Language for DSP and PARallelism

Language front-end:


  • C code generator
  • Ongoing: LLVM
  • Future: FPGA (?)
  • Etc.

Example: “Sum of squares”

Sum of squares:    $\sum_{i=1}^{n} i^{2}$

File header:

import qualified Prelude as P
import Feldspar -- Core language
import Feldspar.Vector -- List-like data structure
import Feldspar.Compiler -- C code generator

Feldspar code:

square x = x*x

sumSq :: Data Index -> Data Index
sumSq n = sum $ map square (1...n)

Compare to standard Haskell:

sumSqHaskell :: Int -> Int
sumSqHaskell n = P.sum $ P.map square [1..n]

Example: “Sum of squares”

Generated C code:

*Main> icompile sumSq
void test(struct array * mem, uint32_t v0, uint32_t * out)
uint32_t v2;

(* out) = 0;
for(uint32_t v1 = 0; v1 < v0; v1 += 1)
uint32_t v3;

v3 = (v1 + 1);
v2 = ((* out) + (v3 * v3));
(* out) = v2;

Vector operations

Standard list operations:

length :: Vector a -> Data Length

sum :: Numeric a => Vector (Data a) -> Data a

map :: (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b

zipWith :: (Syntax b, Syntax a) =>
(a -> b -> c) -> Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c



(...) :: Data Index -> Data Index -> Vector (Data Index)

Construction from a projection function:

indexed :: Data Length -> (Data Index -> a) -> Vector a


Example: Scalar product

Scalar product:    $\sum_{i=0}^{N-1} a_i \cdot b_i$

scProd :: Numeric a => Vector1 a -> Vector1 a -> Data a
scProd a b = sum $ indexed n $ \i -> a!i * b!i
n = length a `min` length b

More “functional”:

scProd2 :: Numeric a => Vector1 a -> Vector1 a -> Data a
scProd2 a b = sum $ zipWith (*) a b

Identical C code (see demo)!

  • Vector operations such as sum, indexed and zipWith are meta-constructs implemented “on top of” Feldspar
  • Meta-constructs are completely reduced at compile-time
  • The Vector library provides a costless abstraction

Integration with Haskell infrastructure


prop_scProd :: Vector1 Float -> Vector1 Float -> Data Bool
prop_scProd a b = scProd a b == scProd2 a b
*Main> quickCheck prop_scProd
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

Part II: Implementation



  1. Abstract syntax tree data type
  2. User interface to the core AST
  3. High-level meta-libraries

Core expressions

Feldspar uses a special representation of the AST (see part III)

However, the representation is isomorphic to a recursive data type:

data Data a
Literal :: (...) => a -> Data a
Add :: (Num a, ...) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a
Sub :: (Num a, ...) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a
ForLoop :: (...)
=> Data Length
-> (Data Index -> Data st -> Data st)
-> Data st

Core language

A large number of primitive functions, e.g:

not  :: Data Bool -> Data Bool
(&&) :: Data Bool -> Data Bool -> Data Bool
(||) :: Data Bool -> Data Bool -> Data Bool

div :: (Size a ~ Range a, Integral a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a
mod :: (Size a ~ Range a, Integral a) => Data a -> Data a -> Data a

instance Numeric a => Num (Data a)

Core language

Complex constructs:

forLoop :: Type st
=> Data Length -- Number of steps
-> Data st -- Initial state
-> (Data Index -> Data st -> Data st) -- "Body" (single step)
-> Data st -- Final state

parallel :: Type a
=> Data Length -- Length of result
-> (Data Index -> Data a) -- Index projection
-> Data [a] -- Core language array

And much more…

Core language: Examples

Core language version of sumSq:

sumSq2 :: Data Index -> Data Index
sumSq2 n = forLoop (n+1) 0 $ \i s -> s + i*i
*Main> eval sumSq2 10
*Main> eval sumSq 10

The first n powers of 2:

powsOf2 :: Data Index -> Data [Index]
powsOf2 n = parallel n (2^)
*Main> eval powsOf2 10

High-level libraries

The Syntax class abstracts over Data:

class Syntax a
type Internal a
desugar :: a -> Data (Internal a)
sugar :: Data (Internal a) -> a

instance Type a => Syntax (Data a)
type Internal (Data a) = a
desugar = id
sugar = id

High-level libraries

Vectors are syntactic sugar:

instance Syntax a => Syntax (Vector a)
type Internal (Vector a) = [Internal a]

Tuples are also sugar, etc.

Vector library

Type of vectors:

data Vector a
Indexed :: Data Length -> (Data Index -> a) -> Vector a

indexed :: Data Length -> (Data Index -> a) -> Vector a
indexed = Indexed

type Vector1 a = Vector (Data a)
type Vector2 a = Vector (Vector (Data a))

(The Vector type provided by Feldspar is slightly more complicated.)

  • Implemented using the core language API
  • Not part of the core expression data type
  • Guaranteed to be reduced at compile-time

Vector library

A vector is not a core expression, but it can be turned into one:

length :: Vector a -> Data Length
length (Indexed l _) = l

index :: Vector a -> Data Index -> a
index (Indexed _ ixf) i = ixf i

freeze :: Type a => Vector (Data a) -> Data [a]
freeze (Indexed len ixf) = parallel len ixf

fold :: Syntax a => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Vector b -> a
fold f init b = forLoop (length b) init $
\i st -> f st (index b i)

Vector fusion

See demo

Part III: Syntactic library



  • A generic abstract syntax tree customizable for different domains
  • Generic implementations of common syntactic constructs (e.g. conditionals, tuples, variable binding)
  • Generic semantic interpretations and transformations
  • Available as a Haskell package:

Generic abstract syntax

data AST dom a
Symbol :: ConsType a => dom a -> AST dom a
(:$:) :: Typeable a => AST dom (a :-> b)
-> AST dom (Full a)
-> AST dom b

type ASTF dom a = AST dom (Full a)

Helper definitions:

newtype Full a  = Full { result :: a }
newtype a :-> b = Partial (a -> b)

infixr :->

class ConsType a
instance ConsType (Full a)
instance ConsType b => ConsType (a :-> b)

infixl 1 :$:

Example: Numeric expressions

Standard expression GADT:

data Expr1 a
Lit1 :: Num a => a -> Expr1 a
Add1 :: Num a => Expr1 a -> Expr1 a -> Expr1 a

lit1 :: Int -> Expr1 Int
lit1 x = Lit1 x

add1 :: Expr1 Int -> Expr1 Int -> Expr1 Int
add1 x y = Add1 x y

eval1 :: Expr1 Int -> Int
eval1 (Lit1 x) = x
eval1 (Add1 x y) = eval1 x + eval1 y
*Main> eval1 (lit1 4 `add1` lit1 5)

Example: Numeric expressions

Same expression type represented using AST:

data NumDomain2 a
Lit2 :: Num a => a -> NumDomain2 (Full a)
Add2 :: Num a => NumDomain2 (a :-> a :-> Full a)

type Expr2 a = ASTF NumDomain2 a

lit2 :: Int -> Expr2 Int
lit2 a = Symbol (Lit2 a)

add2 :: Expr2 Int -> Expr2 Int -> Expr2 Int
add2 x y = Symbol Add2 :$: x :$: y

eval2 :: Expr2 a -> a
eval2 (Symbol (Lit2 a)) = a
eval2 (Symbol Add2 :$: a :$: b) = eval2 a + eval2 b

Example: Numeric expressions

The underlying representation does not affect the user interface:

*Main> eval1 (lit1 4 `add1` lit1 5)

*Main> eval2 (lit2 4 `add2` lit2 5)

Why use the generic AST?

Reason 1: Generic traversals

countSyms :: AST dom a -> Int
countSyms (Symbol _) = 1
countSyms (f :$: a) = countSyms f + countSyms a
*Main> countSyms (lit2 4 `add2` lit2 5)

Why use the generic AST

Reason 1: Generic traversals

Use type classes to make generic traversals aware of certain symbols:

class HasAddition dom
isAdd :: dom a -> Bool

instance HasAddition NumDomain2
isAdd Add2 = True
isAdd _ = False

countAdd :: HasAddition dom => AST dom a -> Int
countAdd (Symbol a) | isAdd a = 1
countAdd (Symbol _) = 0
countAdd (f :$: a) = countAdd f + countAdd a

Why use the generic AST

Reason 2: Extensible symbol domains

Higher-kinded version of the Either type constructor:

data dom1 :+: dom2 :: * -> *
InjectL :: dom1 a -> (dom1 :+: dom2) a
InjectR :: dom2 a -> (dom1 :+: dom2) a

infixr :+:

Why use the generic AST

Reason 2: Extensible symbol domains

Splitting the domain:

data Lit3 a where Lit3 :: Int -> Lit3 (Full Int)
data Add3 a where Add3 :: Add3 (Int :-> Int :-> Full Int)

type NumDomain3 = Lit3 :+: Add3

type Expr3 a = ASTF NumDomain3 a

lit3 :: Int -> ASTF NumDomain3 Int
lit3 a = Symbol (InjectL (Lit3 a))

add3 :: ASTF NumDomain3 Int
-> ASTF NumDomain3 Int
-> ASTF NumDomain3 Int
add3 x y = Symbol (InjectR Add3) :$: x :$: y

Why use the generic AST

Reason 2: Extensible symbol domains

Use type classes to make the domain abstract:

lit3 :: (Lit3 :<: dom) => Int -> ASTF dom Int

add3 :: (Add3 :<: dom) =>
ASTF dom Int -> ASTF dom Int -> ASTF dom Int

countAdd :: (Add3 :<: dom) => AST dom a -> Int

eval :: Eval dom => AST dom a -> a

Back to Feldspar:
Implementation of parallel

Implementation of parallel

Abstract syntax symbol:

data Array a
Parallel :: Type a => Array
( Length -- Number of elements
:-> (Index -> a) -- Index projection
:-> Full [a] -- Result

-- Other array constructs omitted

Implementation of parallel

Abstract syntax symbol:

data Array a
Parallel :: Type a => Array
( Length -- Number of elements
:-> (Index -> a) -- Index projection
:-> Full [a] -- Result

-- Other array constructs omitted

User interface (using type-class magic from Syntactic):

parallel :: Type a =>
Data Length -> (Data Index -> Data a) -> Data [a]
parallel = sugarSym Parallel

Implementation of parallel


instance IsSymbol Array where
toSym Parallel = Sym
(\len ixf -> genericTake len $ map ixf [0..])

Implementation of parallel


instance IsSymbol Array where
toSym Parallel = Sym
(\len ixf -> genericTake len $ map ixf [0..])


Implementation of parallel

Summary: declarative implementation of parallel in ≈ 40 LOC

Implementation of parallel

Summary: declarative implementation of parallel in ≈ 40 LOC

What do we get?

Implementation of parallel

Summary: declarative implementation of parallel in ≈ 40 LOC

What do we get?

Assembling the DSL

Feldspar expression type:

newtype Data a = Data { unData :: AST FeldDomainAll (Full a) }

Assembling the DSL

Feldspar expression type:

newtype Data a = Data { unData :: AST FeldDomainAll (Full a) }

The symbol domain:

type FeldDomainAll = HODomain TypeCtx FeldDomain

type FeldDomain
-- Generic constructs (from Syntactic):
Decor SourceInfo1 (Identity TypeCtx)
:+: Condition TypeCtx
:+: Let TypeCtx TypeCtx
:+: Literal TypeCtx
:+: Select TypeCtx
:+: Tuple TypeCtx

-- Feldspar-specific constructs:
:+: Array
:+: BITS
:+: Conversion
:+: EQ
:+: Error
:+: Logic
:+: Loop
:+: LoopM Mut
:+: MONAD Mut
:+: Mutable
:+: MutableArray
:+: MutableReference
:+: NUM
:+: ORD
:+: PropSize
:+: Trace
:+: MutableToPure
:+: ConditionM Mut

Assembling the DSL

type FeldDomain
:+: Array
:+: BITS
:+: Conversion
:+: EQ

The different “features” (e.g. Array) are developed independently and assembled “in the last minute”

For those interested…

Feldspar (upcoming version 0.5 is based on Syntactic):




> cabal unpack syntactic
Downloading syntactic-0.7...
Unpacking to syntactic-0.7/
> cd syntactic-0.7/Examples/NanoFeldspar/

For those interested…

The Resource-AWare Functional Programming project (RAWFP) invites to a Feldspar hacking session

Feldspar-related masters theses


Hudak. Modular Domain Specific Languages and Tools.
In ICSR ’98: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software Reuse. 1998. IEEE Computer Society.

Elliott, Finne, de Moor. Compiling Embedded Languages.
Journal of Functional Programming. 2003. Cambridge University Press.