-- | Naive deep embedding of the parsing library.
module Parser1
  ( P           -- :: * -> * -> *
  , symbol      -- :: P s s
  , pfail       -- :: P s a
  , (+++)       -- :: P s a -> P s a -> P s a
  , ParseResult -- ParseResult s a = [(a, [s])]
  , parse       -- :: P s a -> [s] -> ParseResult s a
  ) where

type ParseResult s a = [(a, [s])]
type PSem s a  =  [s] -> ParseResult s a

-- | Each operation is turned into a constructor.
data P s a where
  Symbol :: P s s
  Fail   :: P s a
  (:+++) :: P s a -> P s a -> P s a
  Return :: a -> P s a
  (:>>=) :: P s a -> (a -> P s b) -> P s b

symbol :: P s s
symbol = Symbol

pfail :: P s a
pfail  = Fail

(+++) :: P s a -> P s a -> P s a
(+++)  = (:+++)

instance Monad (P s) where
  return = Return
  (>>=)  = (:>>=)

-- | The parse function corresponds exactly to the semantics, except
-- that we use lists instead of multisets.
parse :: P s a -> PSem s a
parse Symbol      (c : s)  =  [(c, s)]
parse Symbol      []       =  []
parse Fail        _        =  []
parse (p :+++ q)  s        =  parse p s ++ parse q s
parse (Return x)  s        =  [ (x, s) ]
parse (p :>>= f)  s        =  [ (y, s'') | (x, s')  <- parse p s
                                         , (y, s'') <- parse (f x) s']

{- There are three sources of inefficiency that we can identify:

   1. The list comprehension builds a lot of intermediate lists which
      might be costly.

   2. List append (++) is linear in its first argument which means
      that left nested applications of (+++) get a quadratic

   3. (+++) is treated in a depth first way, first computing the
      results of the left parser, then computing the results of the
      second parser. This leads to a space leak since we have to hang
      on to the input string to feed to the second parser, while
      traversing the string with the first parser.

  To fix these problems we'll use the laws stated in Parser0 to
  simplify our implementation.
