import Test.QuickCheck --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1. The Maximum Function -- maxi x y returns the maximum of x and y maxi :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer maxi x y | x >= y = x | y > x = y -- alternatively: {- maxi :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer maxi x y | x >= y = x | otherwise = y -} prop_MaxiGreater x y = mx >= x && mx >= y where mx = maxi x y prop_MaxiEither x y = mx == x || mx == y where mx = maxi x y prop_MaxiX x y = x >= y ==> maxi x y == x prop_MaxiY x y = y >= x ==> maxi x y == y -- Q: Why is it better to say "x >= y" than "x > y" in the above? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2. Sum of Squares -- sumsq n returns 1*1 + 2*2 + ... + n*n sumsq :: Integer -> Integer sumsq 0 = 0 sumsq n | n > 0 = sumsq (n-1) + n*n prop_SumSq n = n >= 0 ==> sumsq n == n * (n+1) * (2*n+1) `div` 6 -- Q: What happens when you take away the "n>=0 ==>" part? Try it! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 3. The Towers of Hanoi {- The recursive strategy is as follows: Recipe to move one pile of stones from pillar "A" to pillar "B": 1. If there is no stone, there is nothing to move 2. Otherwise, call the third pillar "C" 3. Recursively move all but the biggest stone from "A" to "C" 4. Move the biggest stone to "B" 5. Recursively move all stones from "C" to "B" 6. Done! -} -- hanoi n computes the number of steps to move one pile with n stones hanoi :: Integer -> Integer hanoi 0 = 0 hanoi n | n > 0 = m + 1 + m where m = hanoi (n-1) {- Recipe to move one pile of stones from pillar "A" to pillar "B", using 4 pillars in total: 1. If there is no stone, there is nothing to move 2. Otherwise, call the third and fourth pillar "C" and "D" 3. Recursively move k stones from "A" to "C", for some 0 < k < n 4. Using the 3-pile recipe and pile "D", move the rest of the stones from "A" to "B" 5. Recursively move the k stones from "C" to "B" 6. Done! -} -- first try: {- hanoi4 :: Integer -> Integer hanoi4 0 = 0 hanoi4 n | n > 0 = m + hanoi (n-k) + m where m = hanoi4 k -- what should k be? -} -- hanoi4 n computes the number of steps to move n stones using 4 pillars, -- using strategy above where k=2 hanoi4 :: Integer -> Integer hanoi4 0 = 0 hanoi4 1 = 1 hanoi4 n | n > 0 = m + 3 + m where m = hanoi4 (n-2) -- överkurs: {- -- hanoi4 n computes the number of steps to move n stones using 4 pillars, -- using the best possible k hanoi4 :: Integer -> Integer hanoi4 0 = 0 hanoi4 1 = 1 hanoi4 n | n > 0 = bestk 1 n -- bestk k n computes the number of steps to move n stones using 4 pillars, -- trying all choices for k, and choosing the best one bestk :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer bestk k n | k == n-1 = steps | k < n-1 = min steps (bestk (k+1) n) where m = hanoi4 k steps = m + hanoi (n-k) + m -} prop_Hanoi n = n >= 0 ==> hanoi4 n <= hanoi n prop_HanoiBetter n = n >= 3 ==> hanoi4 n < hanoi n --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 4. Fibonacci Numbers -- fib n computes the nth Fibonacci number fib :: Integer -> Integer fib 0 = 1 fib 1 = 1 fib n = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2) -- fib2 n computes the nth Fibonacci number, but more efficiently fib2 :: Integer -> Integer fib2 n = fibAux n 1 1 -- fibAux i (fib n) (fib (n+1)) == fib (n+i) fibAux :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer fibAux 0 a b = a fibAux i a b | i > 0 = fibAux (i-1) b (a+b) prop_FibAux i n = i >= 0 && n >= 0 ==> fibAux i (fib2 n) (fib2 (n+1)) == fib2 (n+i) prop_Fib2 n = n >= 0 ==> fib n == fib2 n -- Q: Why don't we use fib in the definition of prop_FibAux? {- fibAux 4 1 1 = fibAux (4-1) 1 (1+1) = fibAux (3-1) 2 (1+2) = fibAux (2-1) 3 (2+3) = 5 -} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 5. Factors -- smallestFactor lies between 1 and n prop_SmallestFactor n = n > 0 ==> 1 <= fact && fact <= n where fact = smallestFactor n -- smallestFactor is a factor prop_SmallestFactorIsFactor n = n > 0 ==> divides fact n where fact = smallestFactor n -- smallestFactor is smallest prop_SmallestFactorIsSmallest n fact' = n > 0 ==> 2 <= fact' && fact' <= n ==> divides fact' n ==> fact <= fact' where fact = smallestFactor n -- divides a b checks whether a divides b divides :: Integer -> Integer -> Bool divides a b = b `mod` a == 0 -- nextFactor k n lies between k and n prop_NextFactor k n = 0 < k && k <= n ==> k <= fact && fact <= n where fact = nextFactor k n -- nextFactor k n is a factor prop_NextFactorIsFactor k n = 0 < k && k <= n ==> divides fact n where fact = nextFactor k n -- smallestFactor n returns the smallest factor of n larger than one smallestFactor :: Integer -> Integer smallestFactor n = nextFactor 2 n -- nextFactor k n returns the smallest factor of n larger than k nextFactor :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer nextFactor k n | k >= n = n | divides k n = k | otherwise = nextFactor (k+1) n -- numFactors computes the number of factors of n in the range 1..n numFactors :: Integer -> Integer numFactors n = nextFactors 1 n nextFactors :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer nextFactors k n | k >= n = 1 | otherwise = 1 + nextFactors (nextFactor (k+1) n) n prop_Prime n = n >= 2 && smallestFactor n == n ==> numFactors n == 2 -- namely 1 and n -- Q: What happens when we take away the n >= 2? -- Q: What happens when we change the n >= 2 to n >= 1 or n >= 0? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 6. Muliplying list elements -- multiply xs multiplies all elements in the list xs multiply :: Num a => [a] -> a multiply [] = 1 multiply (x:xs) = x * multiply xs --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 7. Avoiding Duplicates -- duplicates xs checks if there are duplicates in the list xs duplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool duplicates [] = False duplicates (x:xs) = exists x xs || duplicates xs -- exists x xs checks whether x exists as an element in the list xs exists :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool exists x [] = False exists x (y:ys) = x == y || exists x ys -- Note: "exists" is the standard Haskell function "elem" -- removeDuplicates xs returns the list xs with all duplicate elements removed removeDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] removeDuplicates [] = [] removeDuplicates (x:xs) = x : removeDuplicates (remove x xs) -- remove x xs removes x from the list xs remove :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a] remove x [] = [] remove x (y:ys) | x == y = remove x ys | otherwise = y : remove x ys {- -- alternative solution: -- (returns elements in different order!) -- removeDuplicates xs returns the list xs with all duplicate elements removed removeDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] removeDuplicates [] = [] removeDuplicates (x:xs) | exists x xs = removeDuplicates xs | otherwise = x : removeDuplicates xs -} -- No, the property does not guarantee this. A function always returning the -- empty list would also satisfy the property! -- Missing is a property that checks that no elements disappear: prop_RemoveDuplicatesKeepsElements xs = allExist xs (removeDuplicates xs) -- allExist xs ys checks whether all x in xs exist as an element in ys allExist :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool allExist [] ys = True allExist (x:xs) ys = exists x ys && allExist xs ys --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 8. Testing -- datatype for rank of a card data Rank = Numeric Integer | Jack | Queen | King | Ace deriving (Eq, Show) instance Arbitrary Rank where arbitrary = oneof $ [ do return c | c <- [Jack,Queen,King,Ace] ] ++ [ do n <- choose (2,10) return (Numeric n) ] -- rankBeats rank1 rank2 checks if rank1 beats rank2 rankBeats :: Rank -> Rank -> Bool rankBeats _ Ace = False rankBeats Ace _ = True rankBeats _ King = False rankBeats King _ = True rankBeats _ Queen = True rankBeats Queen _ = True rankBeats _ Jack = False rankBeats Jack _ = True rankBeats (Numeric m) (Numeric n) = m > n -- rankBeats is strict ordering, i.e. a cannot beat b if b beats a, and -- a cannot not beat b if b does not beat a. In other words, for different -- a and b, the results should be different. prop_RankBeatsStrict a b = a /= b ==> rankBeats a b /= rankBeats b a -- Note: What is the relationship between this property and the one -- in the lecture? -- alternative properties: prop_RankBeats1 a b = rankBeats a b ==> not (rankBeats b a) prop_RankBeats2 a b = not (rankBeats a b) && a /= b ==> rankBeats b a -- Note: Why should we NOT have a/=b as a condition in the prop_rankBeat1? -- Here is one more interesting property: prop_RankBeatsSame a = not (rankBeats a a) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 9. Defining Types -- a datatype for months data Month = January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December deriving ( Eq, Show ) -- daysInMonth month year returns the days in the month in the year daysInMonth :: Month -> Integer -> Integer daysInMonth January year = 31 daysInMonth February year | leap year = 29 | otherwise = 28 daysInMonth March year = 31 daysInMonth April year = 30 daysInMonth May year = 31 daysInMonth June year = 30 daysInMonth July year = 31 daysInMonth August year = 31 daysInMonth September year = 30 daysInMonth October year = 31 daysInMonth November year = 30 daysInMonth December year = 31 -- leap year approximates whether year is a leap year leap :: Integer -> Bool leap year = year `mod` 4 == 0 -- a datatype for dates data Date = Date{ year :: Integer, month :: Month, day :: Integer } -- validDate date checks whether date is a valid date, regarding -- numbers of days in the month validDate :: Date -> Bool validDate date = 1 <= day date && day date <= daysInMonth (month date) (year date) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------