MBT: Model-Based Testing

Study period 4, 2012
Tue 13 March - Wed 16 May, 2012
Course codes: DIT848/GU and TDA260/Chalmers, 7.5 hp

Given by Computer Science and Engineering at
Chalmers Technical University and The University of Gothenburg

Assessment is based on the final written exam. In order to pass the course the final exam must contain at least a certain percentage of correct answers on each one of the questions asked. (See the Assessment Criteria section below for more details on the "percentage of correct answers" and criteria for achieving 4-5/VG.)

GU students are graded following the scale: passed with honour (VG), passed (G) or failed (U).

Chalmers students are graded following the scale: passed with honour (5), passed (3-4) or failed (1-2).

Examination dates:

Assessment Criteria

The assessment of the MBT course is based on a final written exam.

In order to pass the course (achieve a 3-4/G) the student should correctly answer a certain number of questions of the final written exam, covering those topics considered to be the minimal knowledge expected from the students according to the Intended Learning Outcomes. The written exam will thus consist of a given number of questions/situations each of one containing a certain number of sub-questions presented in increasing level of complexity. Answering correctly a certain number of the less complex sub-questions of each one of the questions will correspond to a G (3 or 4 for Chalmers students) while answering with a given level of accuracy most of the remaining sub-questions will entitle the student to a 5/VG.

Note that there is no mentioning of concrete numbers in the description above as this may vary from exam to exam. In particular, how many sub-questions of each question you should answer correctly in order to get a G (3-4), and how "accurate" the answers for 5/VG will vary depending on how complex the questions are. However, for the sake of presentation I give below an example with more concrete numbers. Let us assume that the exam consists of 5 questions (numbered from 1. till 5.) consisting of 10 sub-questions each. In order to achieve a 3 the student should score at least 50 points, and to get a 4 the score should be at least 65 (for GU students both would correspond to a G). In addition to that, the student should have at least 8 points per task (it is not specified from which sub-questions those points should be). A VG (5) will be achieved if most of the remaining sub-questions are answered with certain level of accuracy showing a clear understanding of the topics, getting for instance 80 points of the total and at least 12 points per task.

The concrete criteria for G (3-4) and VG (5) will be given as part of the description of each exam and given to the students in advance. For the first 2 exams, please refer to the document 00-presentation_DIT848_2012.pdf.

Final remark: The rationale behind the above is being able to increase the confidence that a student passing the course achieve the Intended Learning Outcomes.

This page was updated Mar 11 2012, 13:20 .