Exercises on Functional Programming Languages

Programming Language Technology 2012
Exercise 5

1. Show the derivation tree for obtaining the value of the expression

    (\x -> (\x -> x)) 1 2

with both call-by-value and call-by-name strategies.

2. Let expressions, also known as local definitions, are expressions of form

    let x = d in e

where x is a variable and d and e are expressions. For example,

    let x = 5 in x + 6 * x

computes to 35. Write the typing and operational semantic rules for let expressions.

3. Consider the polymorphic functions

    id   : a -> a
    flip : (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c

Show the most general types of

    id id
    id id id
    flip flip
    flip id

4. Recall the Church booleans:

    True  = \x -> \y -> x
    False = \x -> \y -> y
    and = \x -> \y -> x y x
    or  = \x -> \y -> x x y

Show that the representation is equivalent to the ordinary booleans by computing the truth tables of and and or.

5. The SKI combinator system consists of three functions:

    S = \x -> \y -> \z -> x z (y z)
    K = \x -> \y -> x
    I = \x -> x

This system is equivalent to lambda calculus, in the sense that any closed lambda expression without constants can be written by using only applications of these 3 functions - without any abstractions or variables. Show how to do this for the Church numerals 0, 1 and 2, that is, for

    0 = \f -> \n -> n
    1 = \f -> \n -> f n
    2 = \f -> \n -> f (f n)