Introduction to Functional Programming -- Exercises Week 5: "Higher-Order Functions and Recursive Datatypes"TDA555 / DIT440, LP1, HT2012
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Here are some exercises designed to help you practice programming with recursive datatypes.

Please prepare yourself for these exercises by printing them out, and also printing out the code samples and documentation that is referred to by links.

If you do not have time to do all these exercises, don't worry. The exercises are intended to provide enough work to keep the most experienced students busy. If you do all exercises marked with an (*) you have probably understood this week's material.

Some of the exercises below involve writing QuickCheck properties. The parts of those exercie that require you to run QuickCheck are obviously not so suited for doing in the group exercises. These parts you can do yourself at home, either before the exercise session (as preparation), or after.

Good luck!

0 (*). Exercises from the Book

From the book, read Chapter 9.

Now, do the following exercises: 9.2(*), 9.3, 9.4(*), 9.9, 9.11(*), 9.14, 9.19, 9.20, 9.21(*).

From the book, look at Sections 10.1 and 10.2.

Now, do the following exercises: 10.2(*), 10.3, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7(*).

Do not forget to write suitable QuickCheck properties checking that your definitions behave as expected.

(To QuickCheck properties for all functions, import Text.Show.Functions!)

1 (*). List Comprehensions and Higher-Order Functions

Can you rewrite the following list comprehensions using the higher-order functions map and filter? You might need the function concat too.

  1. [ x+1 | x <- xs ]
  2. [ x+y | x <- xs, y <-ys ]
  3. [ x+2 | x <- xs, x > 3 ]
  4. [ x+3 | (x,_) <- xys ]
  5. [ x+4 | (x,y) <- xys, x+y < 5 ]
  6. [ x+5 | Just x <- mxs ]
Can you it the other way around? I.e. rewrite the following expressions as list comprehensions.

  1. map (+3) xs
  2. filter (>7) xs
  3. concat (map (\x -> map (\y -> (x,y)) ys) xs)
  4. filter (>3) (map (\(x,y) -> x+y) xys)
Do not forget to check your answers using QuickCheck!

2 (*). Exercises on type Expr from the Lecture

(This exercise consists of writing QuickCheck properties, and checking them using QuickCheck. Define the properties in the groups exercises, but you can leave the QuickChecking of them until a later time, if you do not have access to a computer in your group room.)

Take a look at the datatype Expr for expressions with variables from the lecture: ExprVar.hs.

In the lecture, I showed a function for differentiating expressions, called diff (Swedish: "derivat").

  diff :: Expr -> Name -> Expr
  diff (Num n)   x = Num 0
  diff (Add a b) x = Add (diff a x) (diff b x)
  diff (Mul a b) x = Add (Mul a (diff b x)) (Mul b (diff a x))
  diff (Var y)   x
    | x == y       = Num 1
    | otherwise    = Num 0

A. Define a property that checks that, for each expression e, the derivative of e to x does not contain more variables than e.

Does the opposite hold also?

The result of the diff function often contains expressions that can be enormously simplified.

B.(*) Define a function simplify that, given an expression e, creates an expression that is equivalent to e, but simplified. Examples of simplifications you could do are:

  • 2+3 --> 5

  • 2*x+6+5*x+6 --> 7*x+12

  • 0*x+-2+5*y+3 --> 5*y+1
  • You can decide yourself how ambitious you want to be!

    We have made a small start for you in the file ExprVar.hs

    Hint: This exercise is more open-ended.

    You can try to define simplify recursively. You will however notice that it is difficult to accomplish many simplifications. Take a look at the function assoc in chapter 14 in the book.

    (A different, but more ambitious, approach is to design a new type, that represents a normal form for expressions, for example polynomials. Your simplify function could simply transform an expression into a polynomial, and back into expressions again. How would you model polynomials over multiple variables as a type in Haskell?)

    Make sure that the following property holds for your simplify function: For each expression e, evaluating it in an environment generates the same result before and after simplifying:

      prop_SimplifyCorrect e (Env env) =
        eval env e == eval env (simplify e)

    C. Define a property:

      prop_SimplifyNoJunk :: Expr -> Bool
    that checks that the result of simplification does not "leave any junk". In other words, the result of simplification should for example not have subexpressions of the form:

  • Add (Num n) (Num m)

  • Mul (Num 0) b

  • Add a a
  • And so forth. What is allowed as "junk" and what is not of course depends on your simplification function, and what you expect from it.

    This property boils down to defining a function noJunk:: Expr -> Bool. We have already made a small start for you in ExprVar.hs.

    D. Define a property:

      prop_SimplifyDiff :: Expr -> Bool
    that checks that differentiating an expression and then simplifying it should have the same result as simplifying it first, then deriving, and then simplifying.

    Do you expect it to hold? Does it actually hold for your simplification function?

    3. Exercises on Propositional Logic

    A proposition is a boolean formula of one of the following forms:

    • a variable name (a string)
    • p & q      (and)
    • p | q      (or)
    • ~p      (not)

    where p and q are propositions. For example, p | ~p is a proposition.

    A. Design a data type Proposition to represent propositions.

    B. Define a function

    vars :: Proposition -> [String]

    which returns a list of the variables in a proposition. Make sure each variable appears only once in the list you return.

    Suppose you are given a list of variable names and their values, of type Bool, for example, [("p",True),("q",False)]. Define a function

    truthValue :: Proposition -> [(String,Bool)] -> Bool

    which determines whether the proposition is true when the variables have the values given.

    C. Define a function

    tautology :: Proposition -> Bool

    which returns true if the proposition holds for all values of the variables appearing in it.

    Congratulations! You have implemented a simple theorem prover.

    4. Approximating 0-solutions of functions

    Define a function:

    solve0 :: (Double -> Double) -> (Double,Double) -> Double

    The idea is that solve f (x0,x1) finds a value x in between x0 and x1 such that f x == 0.0.


      Main> solve0 (+1) (-3,3)
      Main> solve0 cos (2,5)
      Main> solve0 (\x -> x ^ 2 - 10) (1,10)
      Main> solve0 (\x -> x ^ 3) (1,1)
      Program error: no solution!
    If needed, you may assume the following reasonable assumptions:
  • f is continuous
  • f x0 <= 0 <= f x1
  • So, you may produce an error when this does not hold:
      Main> solve0 (\x -> x ^ 2) (1,10)
      Program error: bad interval!
    Your program has to approximate this value. For example, the answer to the first example above might be -0.999999999941792 instead of -1.0, and that is OK.

    One way to do this is to use the "halving" method: Calculate x that lies somewhere in between x0 and x1. Investigate f x. Then recursively solve f on either the interval (x0,x) or (x,x1).

    There are other methods too!