TDA251/DIT280, Period 2, 2011: Algorithms Advanced Course




Course Description

This course is part of the master's programme CS-ALL (Computer Science - Algorithms, Languages and Logic) but is also of interest for various other programmes. The goal is to develop advanced techniques in the design and analysis of algorithms. It will continue in the spirit of the first Algorithms course and maintain a rigorous analytical style. It is assumed that you are taking this course because you like the subject and you want to gain a deeper understanding of more specialized topics in algorithms, not for a guide on how to implement them. At some points in the course we may even touch on frontiers of current research.

;-) Students who took this course also took:

Learning Outcomes

After the course you should


You MUST have passed a basic course in Algorithms (our local course or equivalent) and have a good background in Discrete Mathematics (sets, graphs, relations, combinatorics, logic, etc.) and Probability (random variables, expected values, conditional probability, etc.). You should be comfortable with rigorous mathematical analysis and proofs, and be familiar with:


Grading is based on compulsory hand-in exercises and a take-home exam. (Details on how the exam works will be announced.) We do not use a point system but we record the exercise comments and apply the following grading criteria: 5/VG means that your solutions are on the whole correct and well explained, perhaps with minor difficulties; 3/G means that you show a basic understanding and have an idea how to approach the exercises, but with substantial difficulties; and 4/G is between these two. You may ask at any time during the course what your expected grade would be, based on your performance shown so far. There is no formal re-exam, but it is possible to improve your grade later by follow-up assignments. (But, of course, this is not only a formality, you must really achieve an improvement that justifies the higher grade.) You can express your interest before January, and the assignment should be finished before the end of study period 3.

General Rules and Policies

Read them carefully and take them very seriously.

Times and Places

Tuesday 10:00-11:45, room HB3: lecture
Wednesday 8:00-10:00 and 10:00-12:00, room ML13: exercises
Thursday 13:15-15:00, room EB: lecture

Consultation times: by appointment. You can book a time by email.

Scheduled exercise sessions: They are aimed to practise problem solving in small groups with supervision. The problems, normally more advanced exercises chosen from the course book, are announced in the week before, and we expect all students that want to participate in the exercise session to have read and understood the problems, and ideally, to have already written down sketches of solutions. There is no point in coming unprepared! If problems are too hard, formulate at least some good questions that help you overcome the difficulties. Groups can be built informally, they may change from week to week, and supervisors will circulate between the groups to help you step by step towards a full solution of each problem. The sessions are not compulsory (and independent from the homework exercises), but they should be a very good preparation for solving more algorithmic problems, not only in the course but also in your future professional life.
Choose only one time (8-10 or 10-12) and, please, consider also the early time slot.


The course material is parts of the textbook

Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos: Algorithm Design. Pearson/Addison-Wesley 2006, ISBN 0-321-29535-8.

It should be available at Cremona at a price of ca 650 SEK, but it may be cheaper at other places. We are using this book also in the basic Algorithms course which covers much of the material in chapters 1-6 and 8.
Lectures do not necessarily correspond to single topics. Numbers in parentheses refer to relevant sections in the textbook. Minor changes of the contents are always possible.

Lecture Notes
