[Moved POSIX compatibility stuff to a separate package. bjorn@bringert.net**20070218181201] [Added header file. Added Extensions module for things not in the unix package. bjorn@bringert.net**20070218204942] [Implement portable getSymbolicLinkStatus: just call getFileStatus. bjorn@bringert.net**20070218211406] [Always import Foreign.C.Types in System.PosixCompat.Extensions. bjorn@bringert.net**20070218211438] [Added System.PosixCompat.User. The portable implementations are just stubs. bjorn@bringert.net**20070218213740] [Some simple portable null implementations of the user and group functions. bjorn@bringert.net**20070218215530] [Use __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ instead of HAVE_FD_TO_HANDLE. bjorn@bringert.net**20070218225405] [Use Cabal configurations to implement the OS-dependent dependency on the unix package. bjorn@bringert.net**20071013115618] [Bumped version number to 0.1.1. bjorn@bringert.net**20071014130751] [Build with ghc-6.4 which has unix package that lacks a couple functions Duncan Coutts **20071017180755 getAllGroupEntries and +getAllUserEntries. In both cases return an empty list like we do on windows. ] [We must install HsUnixCompat.h since dependent packages need it. Duncan Coutts **20071017180950 Since C functions can get inlined into client code. This actually happened for me when building the tar package. ] [We don't need to use GHC-Options: -O since cabal does that automatically Duncan Coutts **20071017181047] [Use layout rather than braces {} in .cabal file Duncan Coutts **20071017181114]