* Improve front-end language - Tuple syntax in expressions, types and patterns. Implemented with records. - List syntax in expressions, types and patterns. Implemented with List. - operators for primitive string operations: - list operators: ++, : - overloaded operators? - implicit arguments? - layout syntax? - composOp generation - show generation - eq generation - better module system - Disjunctive patterns - Negated patterns? - Fix BNFC layout resolver to not insert double ; (instead of removing them) * Improve interpreter - More efficient handling of constructor application * Improve interpreter API - Allow passing terms as some structured type. * Improve the core language * Improve compilation - Eta-expand constructor applications and use the core feature for them. * Add primitive operations to core - primitive operations on strings: - add floating-point numbers with primitive oeprations? * Implement module system in interpreter * Add type checker for core * Add friendly type checker for front-end language * Add termination checker