module Text.RSS where {- Copyright 2004, Jeremy Shaw. Copyright 2004, Bjorn Bringert ( This code is released to the public domain and comes with no warranty. Changes by Bjorn Bringert: * showXml just converts the RSS to a String, does not print it. -} -- arch-tag: d8d11fd3-71e9-412c-987e-a11341acb54c import Data.List import Maybe import Network.URI import System.IO.Unsafe import System.Time import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (render) import Text.XML.HaXml.Combinators import Text.XML.HaXml.Escape import Text.XML.HaXml.Pretty (element) import Text.XML.HaXml.Types (Document(..),Content(..)) data RSS = RSS Title Link Description [ChannelElem] [Item] deriving Show type Item = [ItemElem] type Title = String type Link = URI type Description = String type Width = Int type Height = Int data ChannelElem = Image URI Title Link (Maybe Width) (Maybe Height) | LastBuildDate CalendarTime deriving Show type Email = String type MIME_Type = String data ItemElem = Title Title | Link Link | Description Description | Author Email | Category String | Enclosure URI Int MIME_Type | Guid String | PubDate CalendarTime | Source URI Title | ContentEncoded String deriving Show -- | rssToXML converts things of type RSS to XML but doesn't show the -- | output. mkElem makes a tag with the string - , , -- | etc. mkTitle, mkLink, mkDescription, mkItem, mkItemElem are all -- | versions of mkElem. rssToXML (RSS title link description celems items) = mkElem "rss" [ mkElem "channel" ([ (mkTitle title) , (mkLink link) , (mkDescription description) ] ++ (map mkItem items)) ] ppContent [CElem e] = element e ppContent [] = error "produced no output" ppContent _ = error "produced more than one output" showXML f = (render . ppContent) (f (CString False "")) mkTitle str = mkElem "title" [ literal str ] mkLink uri = mkElem "link" [ cdata (show uri) ] mkDescription str = mkElem "description" [ cdata str ] mkItem itemElems = mkElem "item" (map mkItemElem itemElems) mkItemElem (Title t) = mkTitle t mkItemElem (Link l) = mkLink l mkItemElem (Description d) = mkDescription d mkItemElem (Author e) = mkElem "author" [ literal e ] mkItemElem (Category s) = mkElem "category" [ literal s ] mkItemElem (Enclosure uri length mtype) = mkElemAttr "enclosure" [ ("url", literal (show uri)) , ("length", literal (show length)) , ("type", literal (mtype)) ] [] mkItemElem (Guid s) = mkElem "guid" [ literal s ] mkItemElem (PubDate ct) = mkElem "pubdate" [ literal (calendarTimeToString ct) ] mkItemElem (Source uri t) = mkElemAttr "source" [("url", literal (show uri))] [ literal t ] mkItemElem (ContentEncoded str) = mkElem "content:encoded" [ cdata str ] {- To test, (1) create Main.hs ---> Main.hs <-- module Main where import RSS main = rssTest <--------------> (2) compile with: ghc --make -package HaXml Main.hs -o test.cgi (3) Copy test.cgi into someplace like cgi-bin (4) point your RSS aggregator at the test.cgi file and enjoy -} -- A simple static test feed rssTest = showXML $ rssToXML (RSS "my whiskers" (fromJust (parseURI "")) "they are very pointy and luxurious" [] [[ Title "yea-haw" , Link (fromJust (parseURI "")) , Description "the best site ever!!!" , Author " (Jeremy Shaw)" , Category "meow" , Enclosure (fromJust (parseURI "")) 7333 "image/jpeg" , Guid "whee babayyyy!" , PubDate (unsafePerformIO (getClockTime >>= toCalendarTime)) , Source (fromJust (parseURI "")) "The best search engine eva!" ]])