package net.bringert.niowww; import java.util.*; import java.nio.*; import java.nio.channels.*; import java.nio.charset.*; import*; import java.text.*; import*; /** * Contains utilities for reading and writing byte buffers, * encoding and decoding ISO-8859-1 data, and encoding * dates using the RFC 1123 date format. * * This class is not thread safe. Each thread must use * its own instance of it. */ public class HttpCodings { /** * The size of the buffers used to read, write, encode and decode data. */ private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; /** * RFC 1123 date format string representation. */ private static final String RFC_1123_DATE_FORMAT = "E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z"; /** * RFC 1123 timezone (GMT) name. */ private static final String RFC_1123_TIMEZONE = "GMT"; /** * Charater set for encoding headers etc. (ISO-8859-1). */ private static final Charset TEXT_CHARSET = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"); /** * The character set used for URL decoding (UTF-8). */ private static final String URL_CHARSET = "UTF-8"; private ByteBuffer byteBuffer; private CharBuffer charBuffer; private CharsetDecoder decoder; private CharsetEncoder encoder; /** * RFC 1123 date format. */ private DateFormat dateFormat; /** * Used when formatting dates to avoid creating unneccesary objects. */ private Date date; public HttpCodings () { byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(BUFFER_SIZE); charBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(BUFFER_SIZE); decoder = TEXT_CHARSET.newDecoder(); encoder = TEXT_CHARSET.newEncoder(); dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(RFC_1123_DATE_FORMAT); dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(RFC_1123_TIMEZONE)); date = new Date(); } public ByteBuffer encode (CharBuffer from) throws CharacterCodingException { return encoder.encode(from); } public CharBuffer decode (ByteBuffer from) throws CharacterCodingException { return decoder.decode(from); } public CharsetEncoder getEncoder () { return encoder; } /** * Decodes all data from a ByteBuffer to a CharBuffer using * the ISO-8859-1 character set. * * @throws CharacterCodingException If all the data in the source * buffer does not fit in the destination buffer. */ public void decode (ByteBuffer from, CharBuffer to) throws CharacterCodingException { CoderResult cr = decoder.decode(from, to, true); if (cr.isUnderflow()) { return; } else { throw new CharacterCodingException(); } } /** * Reads as much data as is available (or fits in the input buffer), * and decodes it using ISO-8859-1. * * @return A CharBuffer that is shared between invocations, so * don't keep using it after calling the method again. */ public CharBuffer readAndDecode (ReadableByteChannel channel) throws IOException {; byteBuffer.flip(); charBuffer.clear(); decode(byteBuffer, charBuffer); byteBuffer.clear(); charBuffer.flip(); return charBuffer; } /** * Decodes a application/x-www-form-urlencoded string * using UTF-8. */ public String urlDecode (String s) throws IOException { return URLDecoder.decode(s, URL_CHARSET); } /** * Formats a date according to the RFC 1123 date format. * @param time The number of milliseconds after * January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT. */ public String formatDate (long time) { date.setTime(time); return dateFormat.format(date); } /** * Formats a date according to the RFC 1123 date format. */ public String formatDate (Date date) { return dateFormat.format(date); } }