%if style == newcode > module Inter (Cont, eval, eval', shift, reset, reset', reset'') where > import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..)) > import Control.Monad > import Data.List %endif This is a representation of a non-deterministic continuation monad, with an added constructor (|Pure|) for computations which do not look at the continuation. > data Cont o a = Pure [a] | Cont [(a -> o) -> o] Getting a function that looks at the continuation from a |Cont| is easy: > runCont :: Cont o a -> [(a -> o) -> o] > runCont (Pure xs) = [\c -> c x | x <- xs] > runCont (Cont r) = r We define the applicative functor operators for our new functor. > instance Applicative (Cont o) where The |pure| function of course uses the |Pure| constructor. > pure a = Pure [a] We have a special case for |Pure f <*> Pure x| that keeps the result pure, so that further uses of |<*>| knows that it doesn't need both evaluation orders. If both of the sub-computations are pure, the result is too. > Pure fs <*> Pure xs = Pure [f x | f <- fs, x <- xs] If neither sub-computations is pure, the result is the cartesian product of the results of the sub-computations, with either left-to-right or right-to-left evaluation. > Cont xs <*> Cont ys = Cont $ concat > [[\c -> x (\f -> y (\a -> c (f a))), > \c -> y (\a -> x (\f -> c (f a)))] > | x <- xs, y <- ys] If exacly one sub-computation is pure, then we only need one of the evaluation orders, since the result is the same regardless of the order. > xs <*> ys = Cont [\c -> x (\f -> y (\a -> c (f a))) | x <- runCont xs, y <- runCont ys] %if style == newcode Standard |Functor| instance for applicative functors: > instance Functor (Cont o) where > fmap f x = pure f <*> x %endif The |eval| operator is very similar to the naive version: > eval :: Cont o o -> [o] > eval x = [y (\f -> f) | y <- runCont x] > eval' :: Cont o (a -> o) -> [a -> o] > eval' x = [\e -> y (\f -> f e) | y <- runCont x] > eval'' :: Cont o (a -> b -> o) -> [a -> b -> o] > eval'' x = [\e d -> y (\f -> f e d) | y <- runCont x] % %{ %if style == newcode %format shift = "shift" %else %format shift = "\xi" %endif % The |shift| operator is straightforward: > shift :: ((a -> o) -> o) -> Cont o a > shift f = Cont [f] %} And so is the |reset| function for creating delimited continuation computations: > reset :: Cont o o -> Cont p o > reset x = Pure (eval x) > reset' :: Cont o (a -> o) -> Cont p (a -> o) > reset' x = Pure (eval' x) > reset'' :: Cont o (a -> b -> o) -> Cont p (a -> b -> o) > reset'' x = Pure (eval'' x)