{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} module GFCC.Print where -- pretty-printer generated by the BNF converter import GFCC.Abs import Data.Char import Data.List (intersperse) -- the top-level printing method printTree :: Print a => a -> String printTree = render . prt 0 type Doc = [ShowS] -> [ShowS] doc :: ShowS -> Doc doc = (:) render :: Doc -> String render d = rend 0 (map ($ "") $ d []) "" where rend i ss = case ss of "[" :ts -> showChar '[' . rend i ts "(" :ts -> showChar '(' . rend i ts "{" :ts -> showChar '{' . new (i+1) . rend (i+1) ts "}" : ";":ts -> new (i-1) . space "}" . showChar ';' . new (i-1) . rend (i-1) ts "}" :ts -> new (i-1) . showChar '}' . new (i-1) . rend (i-1) ts ";" :ts -> showChar ';' . new i . rend i ts t : "," :ts -> showString t . space "," . rend i ts t : ")" :ts -> showString t . showChar ')' . rend i ts t : "]" :ts -> showString t . showChar ']' . rend i ts t :ts -> space t . rend i ts _ -> id new i = showChar '\n' . replicateS (2*i) (showChar ' ') . dropWhile isSpace space t = showString t . (\s -> if null s then "" else (' ':s)) parenth :: Doc -> Doc parenth ss = doc (showChar '(') . ss . doc (showChar ')') concatS :: [ShowS] -> ShowS concatS = foldr (.) id concatD :: [Doc] -> Doc concatD = foldr (.) id unwordsD :: [Doc] -> Doc unwordsD = concatD . intersperse (doc (showChar ' ')) replicateS :: Int -> ShowS -> ShowS replicateS n f = concatS (replicate n f) -- the printer class does the job class Print a where prt :: Int -> a -> Doc instance Print Char where prt _ s = doc (showChar '\'' . mkEsc '\'' s . showChar '\'') instance Print String where prt _ s = doc (showChar '"' . concatS (map (mkEsc '"') s) . showChar '"') mkEsc :: Char -> Char -> ShowS mkEsc q s = case s of _ | s == q -> showChar '\\' . showChar s '\\'-> showString "\\\\" '\n' -> showString "\\n" '\t' -> showString "\\t" _ -> showChar s prPrec :: Int -> Int -> Doc -> Doc prPrec i j = if j prPrec _i 0 (concatD [prt 0 header , doc (showString ";") , prt 0 abstract , doc (showString ";") , prt 0 concretes]) Hdr cid cids -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "grammar") , prt 0 cid , doc (showString "(") , prt 0 cids , doc (showString ")")]) Abs absdefs -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "abstract") , doc (showString "{") , prt 0 absdefs , doc (showString "}")]) Cnc cid cncdefs -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "concrete") , prt 0 cid , doc (showString "{") , prt 0 cncdefs , doc (showString "}")]) Fun cid type' exp -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [prt 0 cid , doc (showString ":") , prt 0 type' , doc (showString "=") , prt 0 exp]) Lin cid term -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [prt 0 cid , doc (showString "=") , prt 0 term]) Typ cids cid -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [prt 0 cids , doc (showString "->") , prt 0 cid]) Tr atom exps -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "(") , prt 0 atom , prt 0 exps , doc (showString ")")]) AC cid -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [prt 0 cid]) AS str -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [prt 0 str]) AI n -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [prt 0 n]) AF d -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [prt 0 d]) AM -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "?")]) R terms -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "[") , prt 0 terms , doc (showString "]")]) P term0 term1 -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "(") , prt 0 term0 , doc (showString "!") , prt 0 term1 , doc (showString ")")]) S terms -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "(") , prt 0 terms , doc (showString ")")]) K tokn -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [prt 0 tokn]) V n -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "$") , prt 0 n]) C n -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [prt 0 n]) F cid -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [prt 0 cid]) FV terms -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "[|") , prt 0 terms , doc (showString "|]")]) W str term -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "(") , prt 0 str , doc (showString "+") , prt 0 term , doc (showString ")")]) RP term0 term1 -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "(") , prt 0 term0 , doc (showString "@") , prt 0 term1 , doc (showString ")")]) TM -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "?")]) KS str -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [prt 0 str]) KP strs variants -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [doc (showString "[") , doc (showString "pre") , prt 0 strs , doc (showString "[") , prt 0 variants , doc (showString "]") , doc (showString "]")]) Var strs0 strs1 -> prPrec _i 0 (concatD [prt 0 strs0 , doc (showString "/") , prt 0 strs1]) CId str -> prPrec _i 0 (doc (showString str)) instance Print [Concrete] where prt _ es = case es of [] -> (concatD []) x:xs -> (concatD [prt 0 x , doc (showString ";") , prt 0 xs]) instance Print [AbsDef] where prt _ es = case es of [] -> (concatD []) x:xs -> (concatD [prt 0 x , doc (showString ";") , prt 0 xs]) instance Print [CncDef] where prt _ es = case es of [] -> (concatD []) x:xs -> (concatD [prt 0 x , doc (showString ";") , prt 0 xs]) instance Print [CId] where prt _ es = case es of [] -> (concatD []) [x] -> (concatD [prt 0 x]) x:xs -> (concatD [prt 0 x , doc (showString ",") , prt 0 xs]) instance Print [Term] where prt _ es = case es of [] -> (concatD []) [x] -> (concatD [prt 0 x]) x:xs -> (concatD [prt 0 x , doc (showString ",") , prt 0 xs]) instance Print [Exp] where prt _ es = case es of [] -> (concatD []) x:xs -> (concatD [prt 0 x , prt 0 xs]) instance Print [String] where prt _ es = case es of [] -> (concatD []) x:xs -> (concatD [prt 0 x , prt 0 xs]) instance Print [Variant] where prt _ es = case es of [] -> (concatD []) [x] -> (concatD [prt 0 x]) x:xs -> (concatD [prt 0 x , doc (showString ",") , prt 0 xs])