@phdthesis{ljunglof04:phd, author = {Peter Ljunglöf}, title = {Expressivity and Complexity of the Grammatical Framework}, school = {Göteborg University}, address = {Gothenburg, Sweden}, month = {November}, year = {2004}, } @article{ranta04:GF, author = {Aarne Ranta}, title = {Grammatical {F}ramework, a Type-Theoretical Grammar Formalism}, journal = {The Journal of Functional Programming}, year = {2004}, volume = {14}, number = {2}, pages = {145--189}, } @article{ljunglof04:jfp, author = {Peter Ljunglöf}, title = {Functional chart parsing of context-free grammars}, journal = {The Journal of Functional Programming}, year = {2004}, volume = {14}, number = {6}, pages = {669--680}, } @article{OAA99, AUTHOR={Martin, David L. and Cheyer, Adam J. and Moran, Douglas B.}, TITLE={The {O}pen {A}gent {A}rchitecture: A Framework for Building Distributed Software Systems}, JOURNAL={Applied Artificial Intelligence}, PAGES={91--128}, MONTH={January--March}, NUMBER={1--2}, VOLUME={13}, YEAR={1999}, } @manual{dotguide, author = {Eleftherios Koutsofios and Stephen C. 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Pereira and David H. D. Warren}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence}, year = {1980}, volume = {13}, pages = {231--278}, } @InProceedings{dymetman:xml, author = {M.\ Dymetman and V.\ Lux and A.\ Ranta}, title = {{XML} and Multilingual Document Authoring: Convergent Trends}, booktitle = {{COLING}, {Saarbr\"ucken}, {Germany}}, pages = {243--249}, year = {2000} } @InProceedings{GF-Alfa, author = {T.\ Hallgren and A.\ Ranta}, title = {An Extensible Proof Text Editor}, editor = {M. Parigot and A. Voronkov}, booktitle = {{LPAR-2000}}, year = {2000}, series = {{LNCS/LNAI}}, volume = {1955}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {70--84} } @inproceedings{burke:translating, title = {Translating Formal Software Specifications to Natural Language --- A Grammar-Based Approach}, author = {David A. Burke and Kristofer Johannisson}, note = {To be published in proceedings of LACL'05}, }