import; import java.util.*; import Dep.Absyn.*; public class Interactive { /* private static void checkTypeJudgement(Type j) { try { Exp e = ToExp.toExp(j.eexp_1); Exp t = ToExp.toExp(j.eexp_2); if (!new CheckType().typecheck(e, t)) throw new TypeException(e + " does not have the type " + t); System.out.println(e + " : " + t + " => OK"); } catch (TypeException ex) { System.out.println("Error: " + ex.getMessage()); } } */ private static Map> findDeps(Map ms) { Map> deps = new HashMap>(); for (Map.Entry e : ms.entrySet()) { Set s = new HashSet(); deps.put(e.getKey(), s); for (Import i : e.getValue().listimport_) s.add(i.ident_); } return deps; } private static List topologicalSort(Map> deps) { List sorted = new LinkedList(); while (!deps.isEmpty()) { // FIXME: use priority queue to get lower complexity String key = null; for (Map.Entry> e : deps.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue().isEmpty()) { key = e.getKey(); break; } } if (key == null) throw new TypeException("Circular module dependency"); sorted.add(key); Set ds = deps.remove(key); for (Set s : deps.values()) s.remove(key); } return sorted; } private static Map getTypeDecls(List decls) { Map r = new HashMap(); for (Decl d : decls) { if (d instanceof TypeDecl) { TypeDecl td = (TypeDecl)d; r.put(td.ident_, ToExp.toExp(td.eexp_)); } } return r; } private static Context checkTypeDecls(Context c, Map decls) { CheckType tc = new CheckType(); // build value enviroment where constants are mapped to VConsts Env rho = c.rho; for (String n : decls.keySet()) { if (rho.contains(n)) throw new TypeException("Duplicate constant type declaration: " + n); rho = rho.update(n, new VConst(n)); } // build type enviroment where constants are mapped to the // values of their type expressions Env gamma = c.gamma; for (Map.Entry d : decls.entrySet()) { assert !gamma.contains(d.getKey()); gamma = gamma.update(d.getKey(), tc.eval(rho, d.getValue())); } c = new Context(rho, gamma); for (Map.Entry d : decls.entrySet()) { if (!tc.checkTypeType(c, d.getValue())) throw new TypeException("When checking " + d.getKey() + ": " + d.getValue() + " is not a type."); } return c; } private static Map> getPattDecls(List decls) { Map> ps = new HashMap>(); for (Decl d : decls) { if (d instanceof PattDecl) { PattDecl pd = (PattDecl)d; List cs = ps.get(pd.ident_); if (cs == null) { cs = new LinkedList(); ps.put(pd.ident_, cs); } cs.add(new FunCase(pd.ident_, pd.listpattern_, ToExp.toExp(pd.eexp_))); } } return ps; } private static void checkPattDecls(Context c, Map> ps) { for (Map.Entry> e : ps.entrySet()) { Val funType = c.gamma.lookup(e.getKey()); for (FunCase fc : e.getValue()) checkFunCase(c, fc, funType); } } private static void checkFunCase(Context c, FunCase fc, Val type) { // FIXME: we only check declarations without patterns if (fc.patterns.isEmpty()) { new CheckType().checkExpType(c, fc.rhs, type); } // Map bs = new HashMap(); // Val rhsType = checkPatterns(c, fc.patterns, type, bs); // Context c_ = c.extend(bs); // if (!new CheckType().checkExpType(c_, fc.rhs, rhsType)) // throw new TypeException("Checking " + + ": rhs does not have type " // + rhsType); } // /** // * Check a list of patterns against a function type. // * @param c The external context // * @param ps The patterns // * @param type The function type to check the pattern list against // * @param bs A map of bindings to which all bindings created // * by the patterns will be added. // * @return The type left over // */ // private static Val checkPatterns(Context c, List ps, // Val type, Map bs) { // int k = 0; // Val rt = type; // for (Pattern p : ps) { // if (!(rt instanceof VPi)) // throw new TypeException("Trying to match pattern list " + ps // + " against type " + type + ":" // + rt + " is not a product."); // VPi tp = (VPi)rt; // rt = new CheckType().fapp(tp.f, new VGen(k++)); // checkPattern(c, p, tp.t, bs); // } // return rt; // } // /** // * Check the type of a pattern. // * @param p The pattern // * @param type The expected type of the pattern // * @param bs Map to which the bindings created by the pattern will be added. // * @return The type of the pattern // */ // private static Val checkPattern(final Context c, Pattern p, // Val type, final Map bs) { // return p.accept(new Pattern.Visitor() { // public Val visit(PCons p, Val t) { // Val consType = c.gamma.lookup(p.ident_); // Val rt = checkPatterns(c, p.listpattern_, consType, bs); // if (!new CheckType().eqVal(rt, t)) // throw new TypeException("Constructor expression " + p // + " has type " + rt + ", wanted " + t); // return t; // } // public Val visit(PVar p, Val t) { // if (bs.containsKey(p.ident_)) // throw new TypeException("Variable " + p.ident_ // + " already bound in the pattern"); // bs.put(p.ident_, t); // return t; // } // public Val visit(PType p, Val t) { // if (!(t instanceof VType)) // throw new TypeException("Pattern " + p + " does not have type " + t); // return t; // } // public Val visit(PWild p, Val t) { // return t; // } // }, type); // } public static void main(String[] args) { try { Map modules = Modules.loadModules(args); Map> deps = findDeps(modules); List sorted = topologicalSort(deps); Context c = new Context(); Map> funs = new HashMap>(); for (String s : sorted) { Module m = modules.get(s); System.err.println("Checking type declarations in module " + s); Map types = getTypeDecls(m.listdecl_); c = checkTypeDecls(c, types); System.err.println("Checking function declarations in module " + s); Map> patts = getPattDecls(m.listdecl_); checkPattDecls(c, patts); funs.putAll(patts); } List mains = funs.get("main"); if (mains == null) System.err.println("No main"); if (mains.size() > 1) System.err.println("Multiple main cases"); Exp main = mains.get(0).rhs; Val v = new CheckType().eval(c.rho, main); System.out.println("main => " + v); } catch (TypeException ex) { System.err.println(ex.toString()); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println(ex.toString()); } // BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; // String line; // while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { // Judge j = ParseJudge.parseJudge(line); // checkJudgement(j); // } } }