public class CheckType { /** * Check that the type of an expression is a type and that the * expression has that type. * @param m The expression to typecheck * @param a The type of the expression */ public boolean typecheck(Context c, Exp m, Exp a) { return checkTypeType(c, a) && checkExpType(c, m, eval(c.rho, a)); } /** * Check that the type of an expression is Type. */ public boolean checkTypeType(Context c, Exp e) { return checkType(new TCContext(c), e); } /** * Check that the type of an expression is the given type * @param e The expression to typecheck * @param v The type of the expression */ public boolean checkExpType(Context c, Exp e, Val v) { return checkExp(new TCContext(c), e, v); } private boolean checkType(TCContext c, Exp e) { return checkExp(c, e, new VType()); } private boolean checkExp(TCContext c, Exp e, final Val v) { return new ExpVisitor() { public Boolean visit(Abs e, TCContext c) { if (v instanceof VPi) { VPi p = (VPi)v; Val vk = new VGen(c.k); TCContext c_ = new TCContext(c.k+1, c.rho.update(, vk), c.gamma.update(, p.t)); return checkExp(c_, e.e, fapp(p.f, vk)); } throw new TypeException("Expected Pi"); } public Boolean visit(Pi e, TCContext c) { if (v instanceof VType) { TCContext c_ = new TCContext(c.k+1, c.rho.update(, new VGen(c.k)), c.gamma.update(, eval(c.rho, e.t))); return checkType(c, e.t) && checkType(c_, e.e); } throw new TypeException("Expected Type"); } public Boolean visit(Let e, TCContext c) { TCContext c_ = new TCContext(c.k, c.rho.update(, eval(c.rho, e.e1)), c.gamma.update(, eval(c.rho, e.t))); return checkType(c, e.t) && checkExp(c_, e.e2, v); } public Boolean baseVisit(Exp e, TCContext c) { return eqVal(c.k, inferExp(c, e), v); } }.visit(e, c); } private Val inferExp(TCContext c, Exp e) { return inferVisitor.visit(e, c); } private ExpVisitor inferVisitor = new ExpVisitor() { public Val visit(Var e, TCContext c) { return c.gamma.lookup(; } public Val visit(App e, TCContext c) { Val v = inferExp(c, e.e1); if (v instanceof VPi) { VPi p = (VPi)v; if (checkExp(c, e.e2, p.t)) return fapp(p.f, eval(c.rho, e.e2)); throw new TypeException("In application " + e + ": Argument " + e.e2 + " does not have type " + p.t); } throw new TypeException("Applied term should be Pi, got " + v); } public Val visit(Type e, TCContext c) { return new VType(); } public Val baseVisit(Exp e, TCContext c) { throw new TypeException("Cannot infer type of " + e); } }; private static class TCContext extends Context { public final int k; public TCContext(Context c) { super(c); this.k = 0; } public TCContext(int k, Env rho, Env gamma) { super(rho, gamma); this.k = k; } } public Val fapp(FVal f, Val v) { return eval(f.env.update(, v), f.e); } // conversion algorithm public boolean eqVal(Val v1, Val v2) { return eqVal(0, v1, v2); } private boolean eqVal(int k, Val v1, Val v2) { if (v1 instanceof VType && v2 instanceof VType) { return true; } else if (v1 instanceof VApp && v2 instanceof VApp) { VApp a1 = (VApp)v1, a2 = (VApp)v2; return eqVal(k, a1.v1, a2.v1) && eqVal(k, a1.v2, a2.v2); } else if (v1 instanceof VGen && v2 instanceof VGen) { return ((VGen)v1).k == ((VGen)v2).k; } else if (v1 instanceof VAbs && v2 instanceof VAbs) { VAbs va1 = (VAbs)v1, va2 = (VAbs)v2; Val vk = new VGen(k); return eqVal(k+1, fapp(va1.f, vk), fapp(va2.f, vk)); } else if (v1 instanceof VPi && v2 instanceof VPi) { VPi vp1 = (VPi)v1, vp2 = (VPi)v2; Val vk = new VGen(k); return eqVal(k, vp1.t, vp2.t) && eqVal(k+1, fapp(vp1.f, vk), fapp(vp2.f, vk)); } else if (v1 instanceof VConst && v2 instanceof VConst) { VConst vc1 = (VConst)v1, vc2 = (VConst)v2; return; } return false; } // Weak head normal form stuff private Val app(Val v1, Val v2) { return appVisitor.visit(v1, v2); } private ValVisitor appVisitor = new ValVisitor() { public Val visit(VAbs a, Val v) { return fapp(a.f, v); } public Val baseVisit(Val u, Val v) { return new VApp(u, v); } }; public Val eval(Env env, Exp e) { return evalVisitor.visit(e, env); } private ExpVisitor evalVisitor = new ExpVisitor() { public Val visit(Var e, Env env) { return env.lookup(; } public Val visit(App e, Env env) { return app(eval(env, e.e1), eval(env, e.e2)); } public Val visit(Let e, Env env) { return eval(env.update(, eval(env, e.e1)), e.e2); } public Val visit(Type e, Env env) { return new VType(); } public Val visit(Abs e, Env env) { return new VAbs(new FVal(, e.e, env)); } public Val visit(Pi e, Env env) { return new VPi(eval(env,e.t), new FVal(, e.e, env)); } }; }